Monday, June 30, 2008

Y'know, I'm kinda sorry I commented on your site now since...

I've gotten all the ridiculous comments subsequent.  (BTW, found you via google alert "atheist" just so you know...)
Hoped to have my little comment commented on, so I subscribed and have yet to see if anyone even read what I wrote, which happens to be irrefutable truth, and I'm trying hard to do even more to substantiate.
Belief in a "higher power" is genetically installed, just like morals, and therefore immune from logical argument.

I can't even keep track of whom is arguing with whom actually.  And, I'm too disgusted to figure it out, and...I may have posted some of this already, but am compelled to share, enjoy!
Someone appears to need every line in the old/new testament parsed and disproved.  How nice.

The entity referred to as Jesus Christ never lived on Earth, start with that.  He's a version of Mithras, and a few other legends, and given just what he needed to "fulfill" OT prophesy (although it remains unclear if he is from Bethlehem or Nazarath...but I digress!) done and done.

Does the NT hold some truth?  Sure, so does People magazine.
FOR YOU AND/OR THE BELIEVER!  Here's some parsing and interpretation of the very first commandment in the OT...the basis for all of it and weep believers!

God said:  Have no other gods before me.

RE-stated for COMPREHENSION...The one true god of MONOTHEISM said:  
"There ARE OTHER gods.  Don't have any of them before having me."

I go with the literal interpretation of scripture, and have no other gods before having any, continuously and forever.
Once there were loads of gods, every rock and tree.  Then, there were families of gods, like zeus and odin.  Finally there is the "one true god" of farmers and Abraham (god of the seasons...they were farmers damn it, so the daily reading of the book was a calendar too!)
We're approaching the truth, zero the age of human caused climate chaos.
They like to say "you can't prove god isn't real"
...yeah, first who needs to?  
There simply isn't one, look around...and why can't they "prove" there is one"?
Anyway god can't exist thanks to the SCIENCE OF CYBERNETICS.  Really Really simple, too bad they can't understand this...
- no information exists in a vacuum.  Information must have a substrate to exist.  

What particles store and share and allow for "real world activities" by the thoughts of god?


Even gravity which is thought to work between every particle in the universe continuously, propagates at the speed of light, no faster!
The "faithful" who argue so vehemently are simply showing my contention is correct, their faith is built in and no amount of logic can sway that belief...the "true believers" relish the attempt as they claim it helps them strengthen their belief.

Here's a clue for you, whom I suspect is the atheist, but I'm not keeping track and don't really care either way, you both could benefit!

Here's the Kumbaya moment:  


What the rest of us must come to grips with is whether their "bent" will preclude the rational decisions needed for further existence of our species on earth.  I am not hopeful, they seem to welcome "the end times" and are doing everything they can to speed their coming.
I like the title of your blog, since atheists are just as ethical as anyone else, but it is kinda "defensive" and "passive" and does it mean you are the Only one?  LOL

Google :  "Fearless Leader LA Brights"  (Tis I!)


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Prioritizing Climate

Thought you'd all "enjoy" this from Mr. Glick...cheers, Frish

Future Hope column, June 29, 2008


Prioritizing Climate


By Ted Glick


"We have used up all slack in the schedule for actions needed to defuse the global warming time bomb. The next President and Congress must define a course next year in which the United States exerts leadership commensurate with our responsibility for the present dangerous situation. Otherwise it will become impractical to constrain atmospheric climate dioxide to a level that prevents the climate system from passing tipping points that lead to disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity's control."     

                                    -James Hansen, Congressional testimony, June 23, 2008


Dr. James Hansen is a, if not the, leading climate scientist in the USA and probably the world. When he says, as he did a week ago before a Congressional hearing in Washington, that avoiding catastrophic climate change "requires a transformative change of direction in Washington in the next year," people really need to take notice.


Note that he didn't say "the next administration," or "the next two years." He was very specific: "the next year," 2009.


The hard truth is that humankind is in grave danger of blowing it. Serious action to shift from oil, coal and natural gas to renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation is a good 10 years late, particularly in the USA. And we need to be clear why this is the case. Primarily, it is due to the dominance over energy policy of the coal, oil, automobile and utilities corporations.


James Hansen understands this and has the courage to say so: "The ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as ExxonMobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children."


In his testimony a week ago he said, "CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of the long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature."


But there is more to it. The additional truth is that many people who understand the urgency of this issue have been unwilling to prioritize it, to take it seriously in their lives, to talk about it and act upon it consistently, day after day after day.


This includes those who call themselves progressives. For reasons that are hard to understand, far too many are essentially missing in action when it comes to this overarching, profoundly essential survival issue.


There are reasons that people give for this. For some it's that the environmental movement is too white and middle-class. Or it's that the Iraq war is so destructive and dangerous. Or it's that police brutality or poverty or housing or jobs are more pressing and immediate. And for some it's that they can't see how individual life-style changes—the dominant solution pushed by far too many prominent climate leaders—will ever add up to an action program that works.


All of these things are true. But, ultimately, they are all excuses.


Every single person reading this column, every progressive, every person who is trying to make a useful contribution with their life—we all have an obligation to internalize the seriousness and the priority of the climate crisis and to speak and act accordingly.


What would this mean, concretely?


-The most important task right now is do everything we can to bring this issue into the 2008 elections for President and Congress. Every person running for office, from whatever party, must hear again and again, at forums, events, via email and letters, in every possible way, a cascading demand that the voting public wants strong action NEXT YEAR, in the first 100 days of the new administration, on climate. Those candidates who get it on this issue have an obligation to speak out clearly and consistently.


What should we be demanding that those running for office support? The demands of the 1Sky campaign ( are the essentials: no new coal plants, invest in renewables, cap and rapidly reduce carbon pollution, and 5 million green jobs in a sweeping national mobilization for change.


-In localities where efforts are underway to build new coal plants, people should join with efforts already underway—or help start new ones--to prevent coal plants from being built. Coal is the dirtiest of the fossil fuels; it is essential that we get off it as soon as possible, and the place to begin is to keep any new ones from being built. Already, the no-new-coal movement has played a key role in eliminating 1/3 of the 150 plants that were in the planning stages less than two years ago.


-If you are already active on a particular issue or within a union or in a community, make the connections to this issue. It touches just about everything. Health care will erode massively as the ecosystem deteriorates. Wars for oil will continue for decades unless we break our fossil fuel addiction. Money spent on fossil fuel subsidies and oil wars is money not spent on housing, jobs and schools. A clean energy revolution will create millions of jobs and stimulate economic development on a transformative scale. It will decrease the power of corporations and strengthen local, grassroots democracy.


But as James Hansen said in concluding last week's testimony, "Time is short. The 2008 election is critical for the planet. If Americans turn out to pasture the most brontosaurian congressmen, if Washington adapts to address climate change, our children and grandchildren can still hold great expectations."


The climate crisis is not a gloom-and-doom issue. The solutions to it hold tremendous potential to bring about truly fundamental, positive change, on a worldwide basis. But time is literally running out. It's all hand on deck time.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

To "The Religious" who "follow the leader" thanks to evolution!

Many are easily absorbed into a religious frame of mind, which is not surprising since they are simply following the evolutionary trend to "follow the leader"...(not a "god gene" exactly, read on!)


Social animals have social hierarchies, and structures to allow for dominance and submissiveness within the group. We can't all be CHIEFS or WORKERS, we need "management systems" to be a healthy, viable community.

Leaders of the group held in their heads (until writing happened) ALL THE RULES NECESSARY TO HAVE THE GROUP CARRY ON...they were super important to survival, singing the history of the group, reminding the young what is good to eat and what to avoid, knowing what to expect as seasons change, knowing how to make a rope/bowl/arrow/fire etc. etc. etc.

Over hundreds of generations of humans, those who didn't "follow the leader" wandered off and got eaten by wolves. B'bye!

Those who survived long enough to procreate, (having followed the leader and the "rules"), contributed more than their fair share of genes that provided for acquiescence to leaders, as that was already "in their nature".

What we see TODAY: substantial, yet no way to substantiate, "belief" in a "higher power". That "higher power" is the 'shadow' of the ancient leaders your ancestors followed, and therefore procreated so you can be here to read this! It is the current manifestation of the "follow the leader" inclination!

The religious are uncomfortable to even consider their life without "a leader"...and so imbibe whatever religious balderdash they are served, to regain or establish a feeling of comfort...some call them SHEEPLE, perhaps not far from the truth, but I don't is a spectrum of compulsion that has them "believe" some are more strongly affected, some less!

The rest of the mess is just dressing on the keep them in the tent!
explanations of origins 
explanations of the future...
expectations of how to live "morally" (In actuality, religions are NOT the SOURCE of morality, they simply reflect our moral human nature! (religions just claim to deliver it...))
afterlife (quite useful to usher them into the tent...)
vision of hearing/seeing dead grandma giving advice
praying something good will happen
praying something bad will happen
(SOMETHING is going to happen, so, if one Prayed Right, and/or Prayed ENOUGH your prayers are "answered"!)
near death experiences - white tunnels of love (as oxygen fails the brain)!
etc. etc. etc.

In reality, not the fantasy in one's head, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE THERE IS ANYTHING ELSE "OUT THERE" in terms of "higher powers"!

Perhaps that thought by itself is so disturbing to someone whose being is looking for "leadership" that it is simply unacceptable!

THERE IS NO "HIGHER POWER", YOU ARE IN CHARGE, regardless of what you believe, your chemistry dictates your actions and you can "blame" or "credit" your belief systems as you see fit!

"God made me do it" isn't a defense that works in a court of law, for a REASON! 

YOU "make you do it". That requires individual responsibility, perhaps that's another reason to believe, so you don't have to have so much on your own shoulders, "It's god's plan" not a mistake I made!!!

I am sensitive to your "beliefs" as you are compelled to follow (something), or be dependent on the thought that there is a "higher power" looking after you. 

I can't help but pity you just a bit, sorry, I'm human too.

Since I'm human: Why don't I have this aspect as part of my being?

I definitely "follow the rules" - since I got to be this old!

I speculate we "nay-sayers", "devil's advocates" and "questioners of authority" keep things fresh. We are around so that COLLECTIVELY we don't fall into a trap that precludes curiousity, creativity, thinking out of the box, as that's how new things are discovered...BLIND FAITH is dangerous - google Jonestown and kool-aid!

The world is changing (and always has been) therefore no one "idealized" view of reality can survive forever...some of us are here to point out the new "changed" reality in which we live.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hi Hal, hope this post isn't so long as to put all to sleep...delete at will!!

(I'm posting to both Why and Voluntary, please forgive me in advance...)
Hal, very nice post, I'm going to comment in line, it will be a long post!!!


Hi, Frish. It's good talking to you, too.  I find your opinions interesting and I'm glad to see that you don't want humanity to go extinct.  Can't say that for sure about the rest of the VHEMT'ers, though, so some of what follows is addressed to them as well.


Hal, First, I knew you had more to say than your sarcastic pokes.  Thanks for taking the challenge!


The motivations of each VOLUNTEER are a NON-ISSUE (from my perspective) as it is an individual's free and voluntary choice to not procreate.  PERIOD.  If some WANT humanity to not exist, or if some simply don't want kids, or if some HATE kids, the outcome is the same, VOLUNTEERS don't have kids…the behavior is what we're about,  Motivations? Not so much!  Thanks again for being childfree by the way.


 First, a couple of points:


1. So what if technology of any sort is disruptive?

***Well, first, technologies are all "disruptive" to one degree or another, that is their purpose, to take the place of alternative ways (or to create a way) to get something (whatever it is) done…My concern is that any technology strong enough or ubiquitous enough or "disruptive to our current trends" enough may be successful on a certain level, and will also result in unintended consequences, that will also be ubiquitous and strong, and,  in ways unforeseen and uncontrolled.


Who says that nature must be preserved exactly as it is? Nature is constantly disrupting itself with comet strikes, increases and decreases in solar radiation etc. Change is built into the very nature of creation. Change will always occur and it will always have consequences.

***Very true, can't argue with this in the slightest…except perhaps for the rate of changes we're asking Nature to cope with as climate chaos continues…the changes we'll see will occur 1000's of times more rapidly than what is Usual for change in Nature…Nature will survive our extinction too, if it happens 100 years or 1,000,000 years from now, that's the nature of Nature…

***In reality, Nature CANNOT "be maintained as it is" I both agree, and point out that we don't even know what NATURE is "supposed" to be, if we hadn't been doing all the stuff we've been doing…so getting "back" to some condition is IMPOSSIBLE.  At this point, going forward, we'll HAVE TO CONTROL NATURE, in order to keep all aspects of Nature within the range of human viability…


It is irrational and unrealistic in the extreme to be opposed to change in itself.

***Glad to hear we're both realistic and rational!


If technology causes unintended consequences, so be it. That's like saying that because taking a medicine may have side effects then it's better to suffer and die from a disease.

***Bad analogy, sorry, the cure may well be WORSE than the disease in this case…that's my fear (and anticipation, based on our history with technologies!)


One needs to balance the costs and benefits and if one cannot possibly know all the costs, so what?

***Hmmm, you must be a gambler…but you are rolling dice with the continued existence of humankind…at least you agree with me that we don't know enough to CONTROL Nature (yet).


The alternative is to do nothing, which may, depending on the situation result in certain suffering or destruction.
***I tried to point out "somethings" we COULD do…some don't require any technology at all (going vegan for example requires no new tech, neither does changing the way we account for the costs of petroleum, etc. etc. etc.)


Better dealing with some uncertainty than an untenable certainty.

*** My software firm had a motto:  "A bad plan is better than no plan, you can manage a bad plan"…(, we tried to save the planet but the planet doesn't want saving!)  (more on Cliffside below, you may enjoy the first customer "testimonial" something I ghost wrote for my very first client "Honey, I blew up the Data Center!"…)  I believe we agree Hal, currently we have NO PLAN and are continuing our traditional and more modern ways to disrupt things…


In reality, I believe you oppose what I would call conscious change, that is, change entered into deliberately to benefit a species.

***A little unclear as to your meaning…every technology we've ever created was a conscious (or unconscious) mechanism of change…you suggest I would not support changes that specifically benefit humans?  Okay, you can believe that about me, but it would be untrue!


I have yet to see anyone in VHEMT provide a solid philosophical or logical basis for this position.

***Which position?  Here's where my clarity ended.  First of all, VHEMT is a VOLUNTARY decision of individuals.  The Movement needs no philosophy, we're not following or leading anyone…or preaching anything either.  Anyone For Any Reason (or no reason at all) can be a VOLUNTEER, it is a behavior, not a way of life…VHEMT need take no stand on anything "that specifically benefits the human species" or otherwise.

You were right to say to your Fundie friend that VHEMT is not a religion, but it's far more than a simple choice as you would have it, as if you were choosing between Coke and Pepsi.

***I drink water exclusively, but, why do you say that?  Perfect BINARY choice, I will have kids, I won't have kids…I decided (as did you!) NOT.  Very very simple (for me anyway!)


VHEMT is suffused with moral and ethical positions.

***I'll say again, and appreciate your confusion, IT IS A VOLUNTARY DECISION AND IS IDENTIFIED BY BEHAVIOR NOT BELIEF…


On what are they based? You and most other VHEMT'ers are atheists, so you can't base VHEMT on some sort of "nature is sacred" principle or that humans are creatures beholden to a Higher Power with no right to do as they please with the planet. So what is it?

***Whatever an individual cares for it to be Hal…I'm a VOLUNTEER and enjoy suggesting that others VOLUNTEER too, that's just me.  I'll bet you that most VOLUNTEERS (those that know about VHEMT, Les and I have discussed this, it is highly doubtful anyone decided to not have kids based on a visit to the website, we all had the idea of VOLUNTEERING well before finding VHEMT…) are happy lurking on the forum, and couldn't care in the least if anyone else VOLUNTEERS, they are happy (or really really pissed off, it matters not!) just knowing that others made the same decision, for their own VOLUNTARY reasons…


The best I can tell is that VHEMT seems to be based on the idea that all species are equal, no quality of a species such as intelligence makes that species worth more than any other, all have a right to be here and that what benefits most species is ethically correct, so if one species such as humanity acts in such a way as to disrupt the lives of other species or even causes species' extinction, then those acts are immoral.

***You are putting way too much "structure" on VHEMT, it's just an individual's decision, doesn't need anything rational to support it!  I disagree, personally, that human's killing off other creatures is the main MORAL question…the moral question for me is having the fewest possible number of humans around at the end…I'm a Specieist too Hal…I want to minimize HUMAN suffering, the plants have to fend for themselves…I happen to be a BRIGHT but have no qualms about hugging a BELIEVER VOLUNTEER and I'm sure that there are plenty!


On what principle or philosophy is this based? Why are all species equal? If they are, how far do you take that? Is the smallpox virus, as a species, equal to humanity, so that humanity's destruction of smallpox is immoral? If not, why not?

***Great questions,  But not VHEMT related actually.  VOLUNTARY…unconstrained by any particular thought!


My opinion about the value of humanity is based somewhat on an acceptance of certain principles of Eastern philosophy which I know you do not accept, so, since that discussion would be beyond VHEMT, I'd rather not go into that now.

***Not sure what I wouldn't accept about them but anything they have to say about VHEMT is immaterial, it is an individual's choice, end of story!


Suffice it to say that I believe VHEMT's position that intelligence or no other particular quality that a species has makes it worthy of survival at other species' expense has no more solid basis of logical or philosophical support than my position does).

***As I said, I take no stand on other species, I'm morally motivated/obligated to not have humans suffer, but that's just one VOLUNTEER…other's will certainly have different motivations…Personally, I think PETA is all wet, but would rather not go into that now!


2. My own point of view is that humanity is here through a process of natural evolution which has given it, as it has all other species, the ability to survive. In our case, that ability is based on our developed brains, which provides compensation for humans' deficiencies in bodily strength, speed, and acuity of senses. Those brains enabled humans to develop technologies which changed their environment to better suit them in the struggle for existence. If these changes disrupted the lives of other species, so what?

*** OH HO, here's where you just might learn something Hal…For example, we need trace amounts of "selenium" or other heavy metals to live.  They serve some chemical purpose or other.  What if the biological entity (perhaps a bacterium) that fixes Selenium into whatever is digestible is made extinct by our activities…Don't think LARGE like elephants and whales, think about what we're doing to protozoa and microbiology without any knowledge on our parts…the web of life is all about INTERCONNECTED NESS, just because you don't eat squirrels (people do after all) doesn't mean you don't need squirrels!)


Who says any species has a "right" to exist forever in an unchanged environment?

***No one I know said that, who did?  Oh, a rhetorical question, sorry…(LOL)


Should we condemn humanity for killing off mastodons or destroying trees to create grazing lands for buffaloes? Why? What "rights" do mastodons and trees have? And who gave them out? Was humanity wrong to use their brains to develop weapons to protect themselves against predators who now had to go hungry and possible die off because they didn't have such easy access to food? Every species has been given the ability to survive and I cannot see any logical basis for condemning a species because it was especially good at using what nature gave them.

***Okay, consider the following…200,000 years ago proto-humans lived in groups and already had control of fire, had stone tools, etc. etc. etc.  Hunting Gathering groups in modern times approximate their way of life…Basically, they arrive (perhaps seasonally, following migrating animals, etc.) at a location, camp out, kill and eat whatever they can get in a three day walk from that area…when they no longer find the locale has sufficient resources, they simply moved along…Hal, there are 6+Billion of us now…but our way of life hasn't changed…we're still spoiling the nest but now there is no where else to roam…since we've become invader species in every single viable environment in the entire WORLD…therefore some futurists like to remind me that we'll have to move off planet eventually…LOL Let's spread out and pollute the universe eh?


I don't have a problem with humanity being an "invasive" species. Invasive to whom? That word "invasive" is morally loaded, like we're talking about Hitler invading Poland. That invasion was against international law, an artificial, human-created structure set up to protect humans from themselves. What are you basing your condemnation of "invasion" upon? It's one thing to question the wisdom of how far one can "invade" an environment to change it. Indeed, one can go too far and destroy the environment and oneself as well. It's a question of degree and application of intelligence. It's quite another thing to condemn the principle of changing and "invading" any sort of environment to any degree whatsoever as if each species has some sort of lawful, guaranteed right to be in one and only one place in all perpetuity, safe from all disruption but also forbidden to move anywhere else. Who says so? Who provided these rights? By what authority?

***Right, NO ONE IS IN CHARGE, couldn't agree more…Yes, "invader species" is a lightning rod term, and that's perfectly correct for our situation…How long would you last without HUMAN CULTURE?  NO FIRE, NO CLOTHES, NO SOCIAL STRUCTURE, NO LANGUAGE? NO TOOLS? We are not capable of surviving ON OUR OWN, we're insulated from NATURE to a huge degree.


3.You ask if I think there is a problem. Of course I do. I agree with VHEMT that there are too many of us. I agree that heedless technological development, human shortsightedness and greed and the imperatives of certain economic systems have caused grievous damage to this planet's environment and have caused the unnecessary extinctions of species (yes, some species' extinctions ARE necessary, such as certain viruses). I agree that our planet is in peril and behavioral changes are necessary if we are to avert disaster.

***good, you have your head pulled out of that dark place so many choose to dwell…


4. You ask if there are any trends upon which I can base my optimism.

***Excellent, the suspense is killing me!


Well, this conversation is an example of why I'm optimistic. Fifty years ago, anyone talking about human-caused environmental damage leading to possible ecological disasters and the need to change human behavior to avert them would have been regarded, at best, as a idealistic head-in-the-clouds crank or, at worst, a dangerous Communist subversive.

***Yes indeed.  Probably more a kook than Communist for sure!

***I have just one example of someone who did foresee the mess we were heading in, and actually did A LOT to attempt to head it off…My own father was an early info-systems technology evangelist (and wrote the IBM S/360 announcement letter, (1963) that made HUGE and UNPLANNED commitments for IBM's first real computer, probably the most disruptive technology EVER introduced…that leads directly to the PC for example (which used the 360 instruction set as the basis for DOS…).  His vision literally changed the world in which we live, AND HE DID IT FOR PRECISELY THE REASONS YOU SUGGEST WERE CONSIDERED SUBVERSIVE, AND WITH INTENT…He felt (I am sorry to refer to him in the past tense, he is alive, but his mind is gone…) technology, spread as far and fast as possible was the ONLY WAY HUMANS WOULD SURVIVE what he foresaw as the disaster we face today…he also was a huge science fiction fan, and had every Astounding Science Fiction and Analog ever published…and that probably helped him get perspective, as his view was rather a lonely one…


Now the shoe is on the other foot, Now it is those who deny global warming and the dangers of uninhibited population growth and technological development who are regarded as the cranks or at, worst, the bought and paid for shills of vested interests or the spokespersons for obscurantist religious cults. I think it means a great deal that Al Gore received the Nobel Prize for "An Inconvenient Truth." That is symbolic of change occurring in human consciousness. Is it too little, too late? I don't know for sure, but I do have faith that humanity will change.

***I loved that paragraph, agree that winds of change are blowing and that's truly a sign of hope.  I bristle (for perhaps obvious reasons) at the word FAITH – a belief without reason…The REASONS you suggest are a hopeful sign…


Most humans are not suicidal.  Most humans do have sympathy for others.

***Morality is built into our genetics Hal, you are quite correct.


Even if one has a dim view of humanity, then consider that increasingly expensive fossil fuels will give economic incentive to people to develop cheaper, renewable environmentally safer energy sources.

***Yes, economics can definitely spur creativity…and currently known technologies get more affordable…I believe the expression has to do with Necessities, and Mothers of Invention (kudo's to the Late Frank Zappa, one of my heros!)


Frankly, it may require a severe disaster to really wake people up (the Stop Sign Syndrome, you don't put up a traffic signal at an intersection until an accident happens)

but I believe they will and I believe it won't be too late. To quote the Beatle: You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

***Again, I applaud your optimism.  See, my software firm, it was created to help disaster managers to cope (by having them create, train, test, improve, all plans for disaster!)


***Hal, as a synopsis, your impression or assumption is incorrect, that there is (or somehow needs to be) a philosophic basis to VHEMT.  No need for that, it's just each of us deciding…nothing more.  You'll need to argue with each of us if you dislike our decision!


Secondly, I believe you will agree that the INTERCONNECTEDNESS of the WEB OF LIFE is an important part of our continued future (or I hope you agree) so that profligate destruction of other species may well cause our demise (think bacteria, not polar bears)…


Our only true disagreement -- The stop sign has already been totally blown through, the photo ticket has been issued, the tires are flat and we're steaming at the side of the road…until the wrecker comes to pick up the pieces (your solution…whatever it turns out to be).


One other item you may need to consider, the future of the weather will be NOTHING LIKE WE'VE EVER EXPERIENCED in our entire evolutionary history!  Think about what a couple of days of 300 mph winds would do to your neighborhood…I haven't heard anyone suggest this is going to happen soon, but I'll wager no one who knows a lot about the chaos we'll experience would write that off as impossible…


While I'll always promote VHEMT as an option, I'll also stick with a Beatles' tune…"Love Me Do!" as I…Live long and Die off!


From Hal who hopes this advances the conversation.

***Thanks Hal, you did great, how about me?  LOL
From Frish...who hopes Hal now has fewer assumptions and will therefore be less frustrated with VHEMT!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Referring to resetting Earth's Thermostat

"Hal Friedman" Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:34 pm (PDT) said:
You don't actually have a problem with Eskimo "technology", do you? Fur coats and igloos equivalent to greenhouse gases and nuclear waste?
From Hal who says give humans a break!
1.  Hal, you don't have a problem with reading for comprehension do you?  (Tried to sound just as Droll and Sarcastic as you did...sorry, I know you are smart, can't figure out why you've chosen the role of "defender of MANKIND" here though...and this note is trying to get to the bottom of that...It's a "Talmudic" discourse, as I'm certain you'll understand...I like you, don't be mad!)
2.  Igloos and Fur Coats are technologies that were quite Disruptive at that time and place...
You accusing me of some transgression for using Innuit as an example is immaterial and rather a feeble attempt to discredit my argument...which is a valid and time honored debating technique but doesn't move the conversation forward much... 
Pick ANY culture, (pre-industrial Revolution) and the answer is the same...their technology allowed them to invade the ecology they consumed...disrupted...destroyed...  the very definition of alien invader specie...
Did you know that the American Midwest was more forest than grassland, and those "noble savages" who lived "at one with nature" (not) burned it down so that they could create a Buffalo Hunting Ground?
Did you know that the Sahara Desert became much more so due to deforestation by people?  (Greek and then Roman shipbuilders cut every tree they found...)
I have no problem with ANY technology, only point out again that technology is what placed us here...unclear why or how it can dig anything but a bigger hole. 
My contention: any technology that could deal with the problem will be disruptive enough to have loads of UNINTENDED we don't know enough about all the systems of the planet to manage them.  We're just recognizing that we'll have to "control" the climate chaos we're causing...and I find that daunting to say the least...
3.  Humans will be "given a break" shortly, and all I can do is remain childfree...
Hal, nice arm waving once again, glad you love our species (so do I...on another site yesterday someone claimed I WANT HUMANS TO GO EXTINCT, which couldn't be further from the truth...simply pointing out what I see as the inevitable...and pointing out my moral reduce the numbers of people suffering at the end...)
Lately, we've "discussed"
universal veganism (you)
changing the way corporations are treated under the law (no longer PERSONS, so no first amendment rights for example, no giving to political causes, etc.)(me),
changing the way the cost of oil is accounted for (me),
and VHEMT (me).
Do you see ANY trends about which we ought be optimistic?
Do you think there is no problem altogether?
Phrased a little less confrontationally...(I do have a diplomatic side, believe it or not (otherwise I wouldn't KICK IT as a salesman!))...
What SHOULD humanity do to save the planet from ourselves and ourselves for the planet?
I eagerly await your thoughtful response...or another jab, I've thick skin and love a good debate...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Why Obama Will WIN! (The great unwashed think they know him!)

Tiger Woods - 2006 Target World Challenge

Further to: Resetting Earth's thermostat...ho, boy...

To Veronique, Press Relations AEI:  See below for what I sent to the LA Times today, it probably won't be published, but thought you'd enjoy!  Oh, I copied my blog and several internet groups on the note above the letter to the times...happy to expound, but somehow I doubt you'll be in touch...PLEASE DO SHARE WITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR AT LEAST Mr. DeMuth (perhaps I figured his out?), THEY MIGHT FIND THIS ENLIGHTENING...
Hi Sam.  Your article fired me up (doesn't take much I suppose).  I have an Archaeology degree and have studied paleo weather and climate, amongst a great many other things.  I also worked for IBM for 15 years introducing NEW TECHNOLOGY to the marketplace, I know about disruptive tech (spears to PCs)!
1.  No longer have corporations be persons before the law.  That COULD give us a fighting chance to have rationality actually drive activities that could help.
Doubt the AEI would give that much time on the agenda, since you are apologists for the staus quo, but one can hope.
2.  Change cost accounting to represent the TRUE COST of doing business.  Petroleum, for example, is priced based on extraction, refining, distribution and profit at each stage, but no where is the cost of the damage burning petroleum does to the environment.  Oil ought to be at least $100 per gallon (yeah, OIL not gasoline which would be much higher!) if the true cost of it's use were accounted for...seriously doubt the AEI would support such a relatively "minor" and easy to implement change however...
(Another suggestion is to have the definition of terrorism revert to the Pre-911 "Terrorism - criminal acts committed for political gain"...let police be responsible for terrorists, so we can gut the military budget and use that money to save ourselves...that's not going to happen either...!  Instead, based on what I know about Anthropology and our market economy:  Military budgets will increase to fight the threat of starving and water needy wars are inevitable, as the Pentagon's own study indicated back in 2004...the staus quo doesn't accept change easily...)
In reality:  humanity is dead man walking and no one wants to admit you mention in your article, the effects have yet to be seen in any significant way (thanks to the natural buffering of several systems), and climate chaos will occur, even if we stop emitting CO2 yesterday, which didn't, people will continue their profligate waste and energy consumption, cajoled by corporate advertising and whatever else supports our current climatic chaotic economy!)
The COSTS to the economy to actually do things that would help are IMMATERIAL compared to the outcome if there are no people left...however, as you also mention, inertia will prevail and nothing will stop the inevitable grisly end.  (See 1 and 2 above to find ways to 'force' change...)
Having no children as a Personal Voluntary Decision is the only MORAL choice.
Bringing more people onto the planet means more will be around at the end.
To reduce the inevitable suffering of those around at the end, it is best that there are as few people as possible.
The only moral way to do that is if everyone stops having kids, voluntarily.
Sounds radical?  Perhaps. We live in radical times...70,000 years ago +/- there was ONE EXTENDED FAMILY OF HUMANS FROM WHOSE GENES WE ALL DESCEND.  Simply reducing our population will not work, since our entire human culture is based on overcoming nature.  I don't consider us a "cancer" on the planet, although some do...we're more like KUDZU or ballast mussels, an "alien invader specie" in almost all ecosystems...
If you can, please do show me ONE thing that gives you hope for the (long term, say 250 years) future of humanity on the planet...I'll be surprised and shocked...China is now relaxing the one child rules for those affected by the earthquake...and that was the ONLY policy on the planet (not good, since not voluntary) that even attempted to slow population growth...
As we Volunteers in the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement like to say:  "Live Long and Die Off!"
Here's an attempt to justify BIG BUCKS to "Study...While Rome Burns"!
I'll just scratch the surface on the effect of a reduction in Solar albedo, like, how will plankton react to not having as much sunlight at some depth...I copied the author of the article on this note, he really ought to check out  And, he really ought to know better than to hawk hogwash...but, as I point out, he's human, and wants MONEY to study stuff...Let's hope he's childfree!

My letter to the LA Times editors:
Samuel Thernstrom wrote:
"There are two concerns about geo-engineering".  How about 1000 concerns?  "Global Warming" is one symptom of Human Caused Climate Chaos.  Treating "warming" alone ignores the chemistry of the systems that we continue to disrupt.
He proposes another "disruptive technology", a very human response.  Technology evolved alongside our biological selves to overwhelm nature since there have been humans on the planet.  For example, Innuit people didn't evolve in the Arctic, they used their culture and technology to thrive there!
As he suggests, technology is ruining nature, but Mr. Thernstrom seems to believe that we can RUN nature, if we just use a little more technology...The "elephant in the room" is too many people.  I have none, neither should you.


Resetting Earth's thermostat

Samuel Thernstrom wrote:
"There are two concerns about geo-engineering".  How about 1000 concerns?  "Global Warming" is one symptom of Human Caused Climate Chaos.  Treating "warming" alone ignores the chemistry of the systems that we continue to disrupt.
He proposes another "disruptive technology", a very human response.  Technology evolved alongside our biological selves to overwhelm nature since there have been humans on the planet.  For example, Innuit people didn't evolve in the Arctic, they used their culture and technology to thrive there!
As he suggests, technology is ruining nature, but Mr. Thernstrom seems to believe that we can RUN nature, if we just use a little more technology...The "elephant in the room" is too many people.  I have none, neither should you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Regards the flooding in the American Midwest...

Why is it flooding?
It is raining more than the historical average, a result of global warming (according to a report from the WHITE HOUSE, not a souce you'd expect to be using that explanation!).  Water is the slave of gravity, the river is the lowest point to flow to, and it filled up!
One reason it filled UP is that it is confined by levees and can't simply flow WIDER when there is flood, it flows HIGHER...therefore, the flood is causing extensive economic damage because LEVEES are FAILING (partly due to the higher pressure they experience when the water is seeps in more easily!)
Here's HUMAN technology at it's finest and a great example of the "Law of Unintended Consequences"...
We decided that the river needed to be "controlled" (so property owners nearby would not be flooded every year, and their plot wouldn't be under the river itself over the course of time and farmers could predict when to plant and not worry about flooding, and the river would have a "channel" for freight traffic that is predictable and dredgeable, etc. etc. etc. etc.)
We kept it from meandering with levees, which did control the flow...for a time.
We built cities nearby, below the level of the river, since we were protected by the levees.
We increased CO2 levels, and that caused more rain.
Water, the slave of gravity, seeped through the levees, they failed, and all those nice cities went down the toilet, so to speak. 
(and more rain is falling, and more cities are at risk, and summer hasn't even started!)
It would be compelling, as a "B" movie, if it wasn't so sad, as Reality...
The reports on TV include the title "Fighting the Flood"...a fascinating perspective - HUMANS MUST FIGHT NATURE, even though we caused the flooding in the first place.
That is exactly what Humans have done since there have been humans, we use our culture to FIGHT nature!
Just another reason not to have kids...since it is fairly obvious that one cannot trust decisions humans make regarding "controlling nature" with technological "fixes" to problems that maybe weren't problems to begin with.
Greed, and laws greedy people created to protect their "private property" at public cost, appears to be the rule instead of the exception. 
By the way, Sacramento California and environs have levees too. 
The amount of food grown there (in the "shadow of the river") is between 5 and 10% of the ENTIRE agricultural output of the USA!  If you think higher energy prices have caused high food prices, just wait until those levees won't matter where in the world you live, your food bill will be SIGNIFICANTLY higher...
LET THE FARMERS and other economic interests SORT IT OUT EVERY YEAR...
Ain't gonna happen, they are already throwing billions at the perceived problem ("We need better levees!") which simply demonstrates our COLLECTIVE INSANITY - Let's do what we did before, "control the river", since that's what we did before...and we know how to do that.  No need to inconvenience any VOTERS with a mandatory move 10 miles away...we must rebuild where we were, It's Our Heritage! (and we're PROPERTY OWNERS (as though a human can own part of the planet, what a concept our entire economy is based upon!))
I don't think it a good idea to rebuild New Orleans either, but, not many listen to me.
Happy Solstice All!

Hi Hal and All

First of all, Frish, I don't have any kids.   (THAT'S THE BEST ANYONE CAN DO TO SAVE THE PLANET, WELL DONE HAL.)

Secondly, I prefer "rosy" optimism to the do-nothing, wring your hands, we're all doomed pessimism you seem to advocate.
(Okay, not sure I adovocate do nothing, besides don't have kids...I had a rather dramatic suggestion re: TRUE COST ACCOUNTING that has yet to be discussed for example...I just would caution that the unintended consequences of our technology, has, so far, been the engine of our distress...what safeguards COULD be in place to avoid that in the future?  NONE!  That's because we've never been able to predict what results from a new disruptive technology (anything planet saving will definitely be disruptive!))
If we follow the logic of your position, then why not have kids? What difference can it make? There's nothing we can do to improve things, right, except maybe junking every bit of progress made since the Pleistocene and pretending to be cavemen instead, so we can once again have the joy of struggling for every scrap of food, struggling not to be someone else's food and dying at the ripe old age of 40.
(First, if one knows the future consequences are as I believe they will be, having children is immoral.  And, even way back then (I have an Archaeology degree, by the way, I am a Scientist!) we were doing detrimental things to the environment, we've been a stressor for a long long time, we're just lucky enough to be here near the end.  Our disruptions today, thanks to technology and 6+billion individuals conspire to be PLANET CHANGING, not like 6000 years ago.)
The technology that you deride gave us the information we needed to see how we are damaging the environment. Yes, I agree, technology alone won't save us, but without it we don't have a chance. We could develop a green technology that won't come from magic but from science( You're a Bright. Don't you accept the scientific method?) There's little scientific basis for your pessimism, just a philosophy, just like it's obsolete philosophies of politics, religion and economics that holds us back from changing our ways for the better, along with an obsolete understanding of what "self-interest" means. Science, and the clear thinking that comes from it, and technology can help us, not hurt.
(Okay, science and clearly thought technologies got us here Hal.  Excuse me...I'm being realistic not pessimistic at all.  We DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT HOW THINGS WORK TO ARRANGE OURSELVES TO GET BACK TO WHERE WE SHOULD BE.  (that's my scientific opinion).  Humans have no RIGHT to be forever on the planet, we'll go extinct eventually, but, in my opinion we DON'T have the interest in saving ourselves, it is too damn uncomfortable to do what needs to be done...and people continue to go along without a care, since it wasn't so bad yesterday, perhaps tomorrow will be just as fun!  Even with the wonders of science, what will get the individual human (worldwide) to act properly, since HUMAN BEHAVIORS need to change too.  Our social structures do not "evolve" as fast as our technologies, and human nature being what it is, won't easily be changed to support the goal.  But, perhaps the idea of totally totalitarian means to "save us" aren't something you'd find adverse, if only humans can survive.  That's what it will take, and that's my prediction for what will happen, eventually, when the debate society surrounding the science actually settles down to fix the problem...and the evidence of our abuse becomes more visible.)
A great deal of the problem (from a motivation of change of human behavior point of view) is that what we've ALREADY DONE in terms of CO2 emissions hasn't been noticed much yet, since natural buffering systems have soaked up much of our excesses.  Much more dramatic effects, OF OUR ALREADY EMITTED GASSES, will become evident, over time, which will do much to get people's attention.  But, in my opinion, you are correct, we are ALREADY DEAD MAN WALKING, therefore, don't have kids so fewer people suffer at the end.  That's why no one should pro-create, to reduce human suffering at the end, it's the only moral choice.
From Hal who wonders what your Bright friends think of VHEMT.
(I wonder that too!  Some get it, some don't!)
Hal, the interesting thing is that you agree that the world is MESSED up, since you pine for a technological Eureka Moment! 
You HOPE that technology and science will somehow pull a rabbit out of a hat, and, given human ingenuity and our talent for technology you may well be correct...I'll HOPE so too, but I seriously doubt we can be successful...we don't know enough about ALL the planet's systems and therefore "fixing" something will have unintended consequence, almost by definition.  (The really great thing is that we don't have enough TIME to even study what needs to be done, since we're continuing to disrupt things, at an increasing rate (how many coal fired energy generation plants are being built in China?  Something like 20 a month or some ridiculous rate...)).
Here's a thought:  gunpowder originated as a means to entertain via fireworks...unintended consequences followed...
I see our views as a matter of degree, not type, so thanks for agreeing with me on the base case, glad to continue our debate on possible "solutions".


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To my "optimistic" Friend, Hal

Hal:  You said:

"You just assume that the future is going to be like the past. That is not a good methodology, not just for investing but for social policy."

***I agree, for investing.  However, the future will be far worse than the past.


Could there be, for instance, a new, renewable energy source that could replace carbon-based fuels and thus ameliorate the single greatest threat to life on earth, global warming? Right now, the answer is no, but what about 10 years or more from now?

***Sure.  Why not?  Why not Magic?  You can put your eggs in a basket that has yet to be woven, be my guest, have all the kids you can handle and then some...


It seems to me that the most effective way to change human behavior in the short run would be to do everything possible to encourgae technological change, since that is where solutions to our problems could come from.

*** So, your solution is to do what we've always done, use technology to try to overcome the problems we face since that is what "worked for us" in the past, why not the future? 
Technological "solutions" are what cause climate chaos, deforestation, pollution from mines, over fishing, etc. etc. etc.
Hmmm, seems you advocate doing what we've always done. 
Isn't that what you accused me of?
I'll suggest a little something that may actually help:
Given the damage it causes, what is the true cost of OIL, since we don't and haven't paid for much more than the extraction, refining and distribution?  No where is the damage caused by oil paid for...except in the degradation of the environment.
So, if we changed the accounting systems to account for environmental degradation, we'd immediately discover we couldn't afford to put oil into has much higher and better use in other less polluting ways...see any capitalists clamouring for TRUE COST ACCOUNTING?  Me Neither!

From Hal who believes the reports of the demise of the human race have been somewhat exaggerated.

***Of course Hal.  That we know.  Keep up the optimism and don't discard the rosey glasses!
Hal, If "You just assume that the future is going to be like the past. That is not a good methodology".
***I agree.  That's just what you are doing.  Technology is the curse that brought us here, you advocate for MORE of it.  Please let your kids know.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thanks, you got my attention!

I have been contemplating taking my blog down, or simply posting there and copying no one.  I appreciate those of you who took the time and energy to write to me re: my christian lover.  My apologies for once again knowing no boundaries, as the shrink once said, being "socially inappropriate"".
(*my surprise is that I copied oh so few of you on this set of notes, guess it struck a chord...I don't have a mass email list I just pick names I think may be interested.  This time I only copied 13 individuals...and got more feedback than almost ever on any topic...5 notes so far and counting!  WOW!)
I find it entertaining to argue with knuckleheads.
And, entertaining myself (onanism!) no one can argue with. 
Sharing, but being irritating, is not acceptable...TO ME.
Well beyond entertainment, I use exchanges such as that, usually confined to some hidden corner of the internet, to hone my arguments.  (Like I need a reason?  LOL)
Hence some of your visceral reactions, as I'm getting GOOD at it.
google schmuckfresser to discover one of my major crime scenes. 
The thread there concerned "favorite Swear words" and I found that one was yet to be on the I'll always be the first internet reference to SCHMUCKFRESSER. 
Almost makes me sad I won't have grandchildren for that legacy...that site holds over 4000 posts by me, mostly responding to or baiting knuckleheads.
You can't teach a pig to whistle, believe it.
My sister reminds me that she's the concubine, and her boyfriend is the fornicator.  Glad to clear that up.
If you want to know what schmuckfresser means...well...
Happy trails...I'm contemplating my next move.

My christian (small case "c") love responds...again...(LAST FROM ME ANYWAY)

Dear Laura:  So glad you are showing your face to the world, I tried to protect you from this, but hey...your choice.
P.S. Theosodic is not a word.  If you meant Theosophism, I can't be that, since it includes mysticism. 
Your confusion astounds.  Thanks for BRIGHT friends wonder why I bother, but I figure our next step is to create a Theosodic Church, thanks for the word, I'm running for "Pope of Theosodicism"!
(Got to get onto Cafe Press quick and buy the T-Shirt!)
Well, if He doesn't exist as you say, you can't go to heaven since you are not holy enough for the God who created you.  But see, I know Him, and have accepted Him and His sacrifice so I, because of His  sacrifice have the right to.  I am not worthy either.
   ***He doesn't exist and there is no heaven and we'll both be quietly dead far too soon.  Live long and die off.

Wisdom begins with the Word of God, not with what you think, so you may think yourself wise, but you have been made a fool.  You might think, but you have no wisdom according to the Word of God.
What I am served is the Word of God, thank you for affirming that.
   ***No, thank you for letting me know how limited your horizons are.

I only hate Satan and the people who evangelize his teachings. 
   ***As you like (or hate). 
You hate God's creation, I don't. 
    *** Interesting claim, can you substantiate it?  God didn't create anything, so it is hard to hate it firstly.
He created PEOPLE to take care of His creation, but you hate that idea. 
   ***We're certainly doing a stellar job.
That is great to call VHEMT a choice.  All religions are choices, God doesn't force Himself on anyone.  It is always a decision to follow Him or not.  You start with a Theosodic belief, and decide what you want to belief.  I start with the WISDOM of GOD, and let it end there.  What is better, the Wisdom of God, or his created being who wants to decide what to believe.  That is no choice to the rest of us
   ***FREEDOM of belief doesn't mean freedom from making mistakes, and you are a prime example. 

You can go on to hell, that is your choice, but your evangelizing to others is a different matter. 
   ***How is it different than you evangelizing?
If you would just keep your theosodic beliefs to yourself, no problem. The problem is when you cause others to be affirmed in their ways.
    ***Others must defend themselves from my onslaughts as they so choose.   You don't give people much credit for having minds of their own or an ability to pick wheat from chaff.

That's a great joke, the $200, will you joke about it forever, I hope I get to look down to you once you die, because you are the root of a lot of evil since you are evangelizing theosodic beliefs. 
   ***theosodic...wonder what you mean?  Your self righteousness will certainly give god plenty to think about...glad you got the joke anyway, I'm still laughing.
Just remember, there are different levels of hell, and I am sure that a special level will be for those that helped take others with them.  Satan will be laughing at you all the way.
    ***We will all wake up dead someday.  Live long and die off.

It is simple.  My objection is that you are espousing beliefs that affirm people's theosodism.  If all you did is not have kids that is one thing.  But I am sure you fornicate, maybe I am wrong and you are married, but I doubt it.
   *** I fornicate at every opportunity, are you looking to hook up?  By the way, my sister is a concubine and fornicator too, according to her boyfriend's daughter...Runs in the family!

The definition of religion has nothing to do with money or spiritual guidance.  It has to do with who you look to for morality, it can be you, as it is in this case.  It doesn't need a place of worship.  You do seek to define morality by saying the Bible is wrong about children.  Most religions do not have a hierarchy or bureaucracy.  You don't need a book, it can just be a set of beliefs.  So it covers EVERY CRITERIA for a religion.
   ***Sorry, vhemt covers NO CRITERIA of religion, and nothing you said here refutes that.
   ***Morality is built into our very beings.  You obviously missed that part of the lecture.  That's how people who have never heard of jesus or bibles have morals too!  It is part of being human, we're ANIMALS that are SOCIAL.  Morality is what governs our social behaviors, and is BUILT IN.  You didn't become a moral actor by reading a book.
Lastly, I only speak to have you not go to hell, not for any reason of my own.
   ***Oh, now you tell me!
OK, apologies to those who cringe at the thought of another round of this, I'll desist.
THEOSODIC PARABLE # 1 - from the Pope of Theosodicism...

My christian (small case "c") love responds...

Dear Lover you responded:
"Well you sure have the arrogance to go with it.  You are not religious, and hate Jesus, but quote him.  That sure is great.  Can't you think at all.  I guess not, to be a VHEMTer. "
So, I wrote:
I have arrogance and you told me to shut up?
Can you think at all, or do you believe everything that you are served up?
Ho boy.
To which you responded:
No, I believe that which comes from the Word of God.  You are arrogant because you say, in effect all religions are equal, and that VHEMT is not a religion.  It has a set of beliefs just like all religions do, and it has a goal to evangelize people in those beliefs all around the world.  How could that not be religion?  I only asked you to stop spouting your "beliefs" because you are directing people towards the theosodic way.
0.  I quoted the word of god, and follow His proscription to have no gods before having him. I recommend it.  You admit, WITH PRIDE, that you do believe what you are served.  Very good example of critical thinking, but, oh, I forgot, I was the one that isn't thinking....(Transference Anyone?)
Jesus never existed.  I suppose I could hate Jesus, and probably the Easter Bunny, Santa and other figments... but I don't have the energy or desire to HATE anyone.  You might learn something from that...
1.  All religions are equal.  Equally bad at explaining the truth about the reality we see around us...HENCE prevelent mental disease, armies and nations motivated by false assumptions, etc. etc. etc.  FAITH IS DANGEROUS ON IT'S FACE!  That's why I'm a BRIGHT, to protect ALL of our rights to freedom of thought and to ensure a continued and every stronger separation of religion and government.
2.  VHEMT is not a religion nor a "set of beliefs" as you say!  No diety, no holy book, no places of worship, no hierarchy of bureaucracy, no philosophy of life, no attempt to define morality and ethics, no commands of how to live day to day, no money changing hands, no "spiritual" guidance, no attempt to explain ANYTHING about the world around us...sorry, fails EVERY criteria for being a religion...
VHEMT is simply an individual choice, and I hope you choose correctly.
3.  Yes, one goal is to share our INDIVIDUAL DECISION (BASED ON INDIVIDUAL REASONS, NOT DICTATED BY OUR GROUP), but mostly we preach to the choir.
4.  You asked me to stop spouting my beliefs, I find that quite fascinating.  I never suggested you do the same.  Once again, Mighty "christian" of you ma'am.
5.  You have also told me I'll be going to hell.  If I pass GO, do I collect the $200?
6.  Most Importantly:  What exactly is your objection to VHEMT?  Why do you troll our group if you are so bothered by this decision we've made?

Monday, June 16, 2008

I received this in my personal email, she says she LOVES ME!

Being worried about the sender, I respond with the goal of tipping her obviously fragile mental health over the edge altogether.  So she can get the help she is crying out for...that's true LOVE of fellow man, Ma'am...(those copied can laugh or cry as you so wish!)
The sender was prompted to write as a result of my volunteer status in the VHEMT, (see and a recent post no doubt, but as I am also Fearless Leader of the LA Brights, (an organization public opinion holds in slightly higher esteem than VHEMT, but not by much, I do know how to pick 'em eh? (, I repeat the email, in it's unedited breathlessness,  and comment on each phrase below.
From someone who claims to love me!
"Since you want to talk about love, please remember what Jesus told the religious men, who did not want him, he did not speak kindly to them.  Vhemt is also a religion, and you are just as religious as those people were.  Remember the Romans who went into the Coliseum and were eaten by the lions.  It is not that they would not worship the emperor that was the problem, according to Roman law, it was okay to both worship the emperor and Jesus.  They just refused to worship anyone in addition to Jesus.  You want to say all religions are the same, and to you it is loving people.  Well, Jesus said HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT, AND NOONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY HIM.  You are either calling Him a liar by your stances or He is not who He says He is.  So please don't call yourself a Christian.  I love you, but God will just vie with you for a while, after that He gives you over to what you want.  And you say I don't exhibit love by speaking the Truth.  This doesn't work, under any circumstances.  The result of your religion is death, not life, and I just pray that your voice is silenced ASAP  AMEN and AMEN. May God's word be true and every man be a liar forever and ever."
My comments have a *** in front.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Since you want to talk about love,
    ***I really prefer to make love.  I don't talk about it much.
please remember what Jesus told the religious men, who did not want him, he did not speak kindly to them. 
    ***Born Jewish, I wouldn't remember anything attributed to the man-god story book character named Jesus...(or did you say Mithras, Krishna, Horus, Zoraster, or a dozen other man-gods who were born of virgins, were ressurected, etc. etc. etc.). 
Vhemt is also a religion
    ***VHEMT is nothing like a religion.  It isn't even a philosophy or a way of life.  It is only a decision by individuals not to procreate. 
    ***I hear similar arguments by the religious that Atheism is a religion.  Weird, however, being a BRIGHT: I have no belief in fantasy, mysticism, superstition, supernatural, magic or other speculations that are beyond the nature that we see around us, and am in no way religious.  I do have well justified opinions however, so I kinda get what you meant.
and you are just as religious as those people were. 
    ***okay.  Since I'm not, I suppose they weren't either.
Remember the Romans who went into the Coliseum and were eaten by the lions. 
    ***Yes, I'm certain they put up a good fight.  Thumbs UP!
It is not that they would not worship the emperor that was the problem, according to Roman law, it was okay to both worship the emperor and Jesus.  They just refused to worship anyone in addition to Jesus. 
   ***Break the law, go to jail. 
You want to say all religions are the same, and to you it is loving people. 
   ***I do?  I did?  I can't even understand what you are saying.  Religions have one thing in common, THEY ALL SUGGEST:  "Love each other as you would be loved."  I found that curious, then discovered that this is actually the DEFINITION OF SOCIAL PRIMATE BEHAVIOR.  If humans didn't have this BUILT INTO OUR GENES, we'd eat our own children, and those of our neighbors and the neighbors, all world religions recognize this TRUTH, and espouse it, but they didn't create it, they only REFLECT this truth, and attempt to claim it as their own.  However, it is the very  DEFINITION OF HUMAN NATURE, to be sure.  Of course I love people, they are my species.  Just "pray with me" that they don't have any more kids...thanks.
   ***However, FIRST The Father said:  "Have No Other Gods Before Me!" 
       I continue to have NO gods (before I have him).  You ought obey the Father as I do.
You are either calling Him a liar by your stances or He is not who He says He is. 
   ***"He" never existed except in a set of books that you seem to ascribe magical powers.  And, yes, anyone saying otherwise is lying or confused beyond my comprehension.
So please don't call yourself a Christian. 
   ***Never have NEVER WILL!  I'll take that loving advice.
I love you,
   ***Sounds tempting, but I may be interpreting that differently than you mean.
but God will just vie with you for a while, after that He gives you over to what you want. 
    ***There can't be anything like god, and I can prove it.  I'm not waiting, I have what I want right now, thanks.
and you say I don't exhibit love by speaking the Truth. 
   *** I said nothing of the sort.  However, if you think you are speaking truth, you might as well be speaking in tongues...never was a Jesus, the bible was written by men and selected to be as you see it by men, and nothing in the world shows any evidence othewise.
This doesn't work, under any circumstances. 
   *** HUH?  Right.  HUH?
The result of your religion is death,
   ***(Actually, though history, the result of YOUR religion is death, probably another discussion altogether see Crusades, Morality Play, Pogrom and Catholic and Protestant complicity in Hitler's rise and the Holocaust...) 
    ***DEATH is a result of SEX.  Before sexual reproduction things grew and split, if they didn't get eaten or drown in their own waste, they COULDN'T DIE from old age.  After sexual reproduction began, the parents have to die to make room for the offspring.
not life, and I just pray that your voice is silenced ASAP 
   ***Mighty Christian of you. Don't know if you are from the USA or not (I suspect so, there aren't a lot of folk in the rest of the world who hold the views you claim above) but here in the USA freedom of THOUGHT is still practiced.  
   ***Nice example of the love you claim for me.  Thanks a heap. 
   ***With a lover like you I've just had a religious conversion: Onanism - it's the coming thing!
   ***Sounds sexist somehow.  Here in West Hollywood, marriage is now legal for EVERYONE, as of 5:01pm today, which is really funny because June 16th is the 29th anniversary of my own marriage, which ended in 2003!   Hope amen and amen live happily and CHILDFREE, ever after...etc.
May God's word be true
and every man be a liar forever and ever.
   ***What a shockingly dismal worldview.  Are you one of those lying "men" too dear?

Thanks for sharing...and hope you feel better now that you've cast the devil from our midst...
Wasn't there something in there about judging not?  Hmmm