I have been contemplating taking my blog down, or simply posting there and copying no one. I appreciate those of you who took the time and energy to write to me re: my christian lover. My apologies for once again knowing no boundaries, as the shrink once said, being "socially inappropriate"".
(*my surprise is that I copied oh so few of you on this set of notes, guess it struck a chord...I don't have a mass email list I just pick names I think may be interested. This time I only copied 13 individuals...and got more feedback than almost ever on any topic...5 notes so far and counting! WOW!)
I find it entertaining to argue with knuckleheads.
And, entertaining myself (onanism!) no one can argue with. Sharing, but being irritating, is not acceptable...TO ME.
Well beyond entertainment, I use exchanges such as that, usually confined to some hidden corner of the internet, to hone my arguments. (Like I need a reason? LOL)
Hence some of your visceral reactions, as I'm getting GOOD at it.
google schmuckfresser to discover one of my major crime scenes.
The thread there concerned "favorite Swear words" and I found that one was yet to be on the net...so I'll always be the first internet reference to SCHMUCKFRESSER.
Almost makes me sad I won't have grandchildren for that legacy...that site holds over 4000 posts by me, mostly responding to or baiting knuckleheads.
You can't teach a pig to whistle, believe it.
My sister reminds me that she's the concubine, and her boyfriend is the fornicator. Glad to clear that up.
If you want to know what schmuckfresser means...well...
Happy trails...I'm contemplating my next move.
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