Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Ahimsa ThanXgiving - Fast 2009

Congrats on your decision Augie.

The raising of meat, as destructive to the environment as it is, and the harm it causes to those of us who imbibe, is not disputable.

I have absolutely no problem with those who choose not to eat meat, and there are loads of reasons besides being upset with factory farming, chemicals, and colo-rectal cancer, to be vegan.

However, Humans are Omnivores by nature.  And,  "Human Nature" is precisely the reason we're collectively doomed in a very short time frame...(geologically speaking).

For me, morality is all about the way humans treat each other...far more so than how we treat traditional foodstuff...and our record of how we treat each other is far more deplorable than the fact that we raise chickens in cages so small that they cannot move out of the way of their own defecation.

I don't attribute any "moral superiority" to veganism.

If it feels right to you, do it.

I hold that our trajectory is extinction, and, while one can make less or more impact on the environment personally, I dispute it will make one day's difference in when the last of us walks the planet...

I'm more inclined, daily, to party hearty and die out and, for me, that includes meat in my diet.

There are as many reasons to be a Volunteer as there are Volunteers, and, I'll wager the same holds for vegans.  Regardless, I'll probably see more flames on this note than under the bird come Thanksgiving.


An Ahimsa ThanXgiving - Fast  2009

Posted by: "augie1015"   augie1015

Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:44 am (PST)

An Ahimsa ThanXgiving - Fast 2009


Oh, no! Here it comes again!
Those dreaded holidays where Vegans "waffle" (snip)