Tuesday, April 1, 2008

To Dr. Huffard: Hi, I have a comment, a statement a question and a thank you.

Christine: Hope you have a moment for this...


They attribute this to you:
"It's not the sex that leads to death," said Christine Huffard, the
study's lead author. "It's just that octopuses produce offspring once
during a very short lifespan of a year."

While their procreation by itself doesn't kill them, in the really big
picture when sex evolved it led to death! Before sex there was no
death from "old age", old cells simply split!...With the evolution of
sex, death has to occur, or there would be nothing but octopi the
world over.

On the average, every octopus has two offspring, the rest get eaten or die!

That stupidly is why I'm writing, your statement got my attention on
that tangential point, but, as long as I'm here...

(I am of the undereducated opinion that) life itself is simply an
extention of geology.

Biology is really GEOlogy (and with a CAPITAL GEO, since OUR kind of
life could ONLY occur on this planet EARTH (hence GEOlogy).

The chemistry to support life existed when the solar system was right
for it to occur, and it started.

We know this happened because we're here discussing it!

Evolution happens, the feedback mechanisms (water cycle, carbon cycle,
oxygen creation, etc.) flux away, we're here....

What I'm asking is...does anyone in the bio world talk about life
being the natural outcome of the chemistry of the Earth at the time
self replicating molecules began replicating?

My philosophy goes on to consider how human culture evolved alongside
human beings to OVERCOME natural boundaries (clothes, fire, language,
education of children to overcome normal hazards, technology, weapons,
medicine, agriculture, etc.), and our culture and the technology we
now totally depend upon is killing the planet...but that's something
else entirely...

If anyone is keeping score, shortly (150 - 250 years or less) it will be:

Humans: 0

Thanks for considering my question!