Saturday, June 14, 2008

Recent "odd news" listings

Most Viewed: Odd News  *yahoo as of this time stamp basically...

Girl survives lightning strike, then wins $20 AP               
(Wow, they've really increased the payout, I'm going to Oklahoma...!)
(Who cares what shoes they wear?)
(But he's having problems, since people pronounce it as:"WHAT-A-JERK")
(Seems kinda small to squeeze through, even for a spider monkey!)
Armpit sniffer gets jail and cane Reuters                         
(I'm continuing my 12 step program and am getting better, but, if you are nearby...!)

BEST HEADLINE YET, AS THE WORLD DISSOLVES AROUND US! "Companies get OK to annoy polar bears ";_ylt=AuJCqhU1fw4keZ0o4H0nv10PLBIF

LABrights FLASH: Intelligence and belief in GOD(s) - reaction to "God makes you stupid..."

Dear LA Brights and others copied:
(*FLASH stands for "Fearless Leader Addresses Special Humans" (I'm Fearless Leader (LABrights) and you are Special Humans!  Thanks for being so!))
> God makes you stupid, researchers claim
> By Chris Williams
> The UK Register, London, UK
> Published Thursday 12th June 2008 11:06 GMT
The study is bullcrap on its face since intelligence by itself won't make you faith free.  AND I know plenty of quite intelligent faithful too...
As my yoga guru (Behram Yogi-Raj - a rather serious proponent of yoga for sure) maintained: "Stupid People Don't Need Yoga".
What he was drivng at was those with lesser IQ DON'T EVEN BOTHER considering the potentialities of a unknown future.  
They don't don't need yoga!
wholely holey holy explanation (copyright FRISH) works just fine, even keeps the questions from coming up!
Faith is belief without reason, hence atheists and diests agree:
"There's No Reason For God" (Copyright FRISH) 
Consider: how stupid will we look after we die and find they were right after all?!?!?
So, here's a question:
I'm wondering how my ex-spouse and my prior (coincident (sorry, again, dear)) and subsequent sex partners will get along with me in heaven...and how old will we be there?
See what I mean...there's something one can ONLY worry about, and do yoga to cure!
The actual takeaway of the article: "Brains are a curse!"