Sunday, July 3, 2011

Re: [atheists-614] God Globalization

The authors must be barking mad.

How does America's "unique religious style" deserve to be replicated anywhere?

Give me Finland, Sweden, Norway type of faith before the US!

Did they miss the part about food riots causing Middle East governments to melt down?

People's stomachs motivate, faith keeps them comfortable as they face the enemy.

Religious Fervor and Political Action may both be happening, but it is a real stretch to think that's going to "reduce violence".

Let's put it another way.  Americans may be really really faithful.  However, we have SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
Now, if we're going to export something useful, let's export RULE OF LAW AND SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.

Then everyone can emulate American of faith to their hearts delight.

Since when does a theocratic government ever allow for freedom, which is what is missing in this scenario, and therefore violence will continue, as it has since humans were created in Eden (Oops, sorry, wrong list...)...


On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Gary H <> wrote:

some secularists may find this book of interest.

God Is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith Is Changing the World
by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
Penguin Press HC (April 2, 2009)
available on

from a review:
"The global rise of faith will have a dramatic and far- reaching impact on our century. Indeed, its destabilizing effects can already be seen far from Iraq or the World Trade Center. Religion plays a role in civil wars from Sri Lanka to Sudan. Along the tenth parallel, from West Africa to the Philippines, religious fervor and political unrest are reinforcing each other. God Is Back concludes by showing how the same American ideas that created our unique religious style can be applied around the globe to channel the rising tide of faith away from volatility and violence."

- Gary