Monday, May 21, 2007

What do we know.

There are loads of things that are unknown. Concentrate for a few minutes on what we do know!
For example, we KNOW that the apparent movement of the Sun resulting in daytime, twilight, night, dawn, daytime is not what it appears.

We know that driving too fast is dangerous and potentially expensive, especially if we don't have insurance.

There is an NPR show called "What do you know?". At the beginning of the radio program the announcer says: "What do you know?" to which the audience responds, "Not much, you?"

How do we get to know?


Observation - happened like that last time, I figure it will do it again the same way next time

Learning - Momma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this my momma said.

Gossip is a form of learning!

Intuition or Good Guessing (or Bad Guessing for which we put on the rose-colored rear-view 20/20 hindsight lenses): I knew that heart was coming so I make my flush (even though it was a bad bet!).

How do we know what we know?

Second guessing ourselves is fairly common place. Fascinating that within one mind so many different options still present, and, until an action is actually performed (a behavior), all bets are off as to what of the myriad potential actions will prevail.

We remember (not very well, men worse than women for sure) things we've learned. And therefore we think we know those things. We may have made them up, or made up the memory of learning them.

Reality is slippery.

Here's a little Haiku:

Shimmering mind's eye
Slippery Reality
Electrical thoughts