Sunday, October 26, 2008

A secular Religion - some thoughts

Can we build a self replicating intelligence so that at least learning can continue, even if not in a biological being.

Our challenge, as the World shuts down, is to create an intelligence within an electronic cloud, so that management structures could be implemented and whatever "success" was asked for it can be achieved.

Humans need a "universe solving problem".
USP - Can "intellingence" as we call it, outlive humanity, as humanities end is near.

The two haiku here; reflection - introspection; seem to work for me!**

Movies are Boring

Best Friends For LIFE (and, just fwos!)

You sure catch my drift


Satisfied my itch!

"Absence makes hearts grow fonder"

Can't wait for bowling!

In relaxation, Frish

With his tongue firmly in cheek

just not anywhen

**These 'ku make me proud. 

I am only the author...

So, you be the judge!

The part I like best

Is reading the first - last lines

1st 2 ku above!

You stand on your mark

Let gravity take control

ball goes for the pins