Thursday, October 11, 2012

happiness without children;_ylt=AknKCFAUaWLiqzRBeZ51s8kPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNzdmlmbWVmBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBTY2llbmNlU0YEcGtnA2ZmM2NmNzcyLTVmYjctMzI5Mi05YTFkLTUxOGI2ZWJlMTViNwRwb3MDOARzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgNiZDhmNDhkMS0xM2EyLTExZTItOTZjZi0wNzg0N2MwYzgxZjg-;_ylg=X3oDMTFsMmxkdGs2BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANzY2llbmNlBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

To fix OUR America, we must get money out of politics.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Spider attack at OSU!!

To the nieces that are local to the news!

"This was a male wasp that suddenly found itself trapped in a spider web. This was the wasp's worst nightmare, and it never ended. The wasp was watching the spider just as it was about to be attacked, when tree resin flowed over and captured both of them."

Monday, October 1, 2012

An answer to Chinese sex ratio imbalance

War is a time honored means to direct a country's attention, therefore I have maintained the Chinese will start a war to obtain women, as the sex ratio there is so out of whack.  (In 2005 there were 119 males born per 100 females!)
Turns out, in another grand Chinese tradition, foreign markets are being engaged economically first!

So, while my contention may be premature, at this point it appears some Chinese men are finding "compliant" female companionship via economic means... 

This is not sustainable, but it is a fascinating/disturbing aspect of unintended consequences of the One-Child-Policy.