Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Holocaust Deniers

Got a pretty horrendous email today from a friend who felt the need to share pics of the holocaust with me "so we shouldn't forget".

Just another reason I didn't have children...

1. Partly because I had to see those pictures in religious school on Saturdays for 10 years.

2. Partly because if people could do those things to other people I didn't want to put my kids at the risk of it happening to them.

Those who deny the Holocaust are beyond reach of reason.
...much like those who believe in god...

To be Polanski-ed!

I've shared the latest of my short stories here, with the working title of "Pranks by Boys".

Enjoy and let me know if you think they might try to Polanski me...

Hey, did I just coin a term?  or is "to be Polanski-ed" already twittered around the world?