Obama's abreaction.
Obama will be tarred and feathered for being a bleeding heart liberal.
It feels bad? What kind of a commander in chief says: It feels bad?
To quote Governor The-Quitter Palin: "Man up."
Here's what I would suggest to the White House strategists:
We are all in-born with a sense of justice. Even poor people.
BushCo, Wall Street, Haliburton, BP, and any and all types of "renditions", and on and etc....
All need to come to justice. Watergate was necessary, this is far more necessary.
Until we resolve a whole lot of injustice, the American people won't want to participate much.
Yet, our enemies will be ever more motivated.
Justice Haiku:
I say: "Bring it on"!
Justice: It's the real thing!
By Rule Of Law