Friday, September 17, 2010

Here's a notable quote from a Korean business leader...(and demo of bait/switch)

Dr. Il SaKong is Chairman & CEO of the Institute for Global Economics, a private non- profit research institute based in Seoul. "It's like inviting community leaders to our family party. We have to give an impression that Korea is a fundamentally good and solid nation."
...not an impression that we eat your pets.  

(Frish's Bait and Switch:  That was the "icebreaker" (tawdry and rank joke with enough truth*** to be funny to some, and attention getting to most) here comes the message.)

Please note, during the next very few weeks, how much campaign money is spent by various Chambers Of Commerce.

Don't let them buy it, get out and vote, and tell a friend. (Call to action)

Thanks, Frish (MBA Marketing, happy to share some technique!)

Turns out "frishbait" is rather inexpensive and ubiquitous.  (The closer!)

***For those with strong stomachs...

"Four Years. Go" (if we get started NOW, the world's bad trajectories can be changed in 4 years...

When first informed of this site, I thought it was "so four years ago" but it turns out that isn't quite the case.

There is an associated blog post that is too true not to share as well...

From the blog:
"So why isn't the world tackling global warming, sex slavery, economic disenfranchisement, species extinction, terrorism, environmental collapse, financial sustainability, and other critical problems with an all-hands-on-deck approach? "

They definitely ask the right question, I wish them well...

Their pages of allied and worthy organizations is QUITE an interesting list IMHO.

Almost signed VHEMT up as another of the a "sustainable" ally...  But that would be wrong... VHEMT: Not an Organization!

Sex Ratio and Geography, Marriage and Monogamy!

Well, Monogamy?  Just threw that in to obtain interest...but here's an interesting article for those "on the prowl".

Perhaps we ought to think about moving to a gender appropriate city, and contribute to the childlessness of our new partners!

-- The top five areas where women were scarce, with their gender ratio and median age of marriage for women, were:
Las Vegas: ratio 116, 24.5 years (Median marriage age for women)
San Diego: ratio 115, 25.9 years
Salt Lake City: ratio 113, 23.2 years
Austin, Texas: ratio 112, 26.2 years
Phoenix: ratio 111, 25 years

The top five areas where men were scarce were:
Birmingham, Ala.: ratio 88, 26.7 years (Median marriage age for women)
Memphis, Tenn.: ratio 88, 27.2 years
New Orleans: ratio 89, 27.8 years
Richmond, Va.: ratio 89, 26.3 years
A three-way tie for New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., ratio 92, where median marriage ages were 28.3, 27.9 and 27.8, respectively.
