Wednesday, April 22, 2015

To a young salesperson

To a former print buyer, now life insurance agent:

I feel like "mentoring" you today, since I totally know where you are...I'm sharing the following, you are more than welcome to ignore me, or call when something's in the way.

I've been on the phone, either in sales or real new product marketing (IBM, HP, SUN, My own software firm, and more) since 1979. (Current job, 10 years, and we're doing packaging (retail boxes) far more than commercial printing...)

Let me share some observations, they are worth what you paid for them and may be obvious trivial or otherwise.  They are occurring to me as I type, so they are not in any particular order.

When on the phone HANG UP LAST (what if they had "oh, and one more thing..." but you were gone already!)  This isn't hard to do, make it a habit.

On the phone, and face to face, say everything while smiling.

ALWAYS LEAVE PHONEMAIL... I've called people for MONTHS before reaching them, and, when I do, they think they know me already...since they've heard me so often

     Making clients happy, solving a problem, get's you to the next one.  I'm really bad at asking for referrals.

Send on-topic emails to your list once a month, minimum.

Know your products, but don't be quick to share!  Find out what they need for a long time before letting them know how to fulfill that need.

Sales is not about pitching, it's about listening.  You can't solve a problem until you know "What's the problem?"  If a prospect has a problem you can't fix, you can always help them by suggesting someone who can.  Sales is about helping people, period.("You learn nothing while speaking"  is the other way to say this!)

THEY NEED YOU MORE THAN YOU NEED THEM. Consider from my business' view point - When someone purchases printing from me, they are dependent on me 100%, yet they only represent 4% of my business.  The perspective that works is you realizing they are dependent on you to get them the right solution, 100%.

ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS = How does that sound to you? demands an answer beyond yes/no but, 'wouldn't you agree'  shuts off the conversation 

You are establishing a channel for your products currently, but, your best customers are those who bought before, so, you should be considering other services/products you can offer your audience, now and later... 

There's more, but hey, gotta run and all the best!
