(I'm off for a 10 day vacation in San Diego, enjoy this and please do write/call if you feel the inclination!)
Les Knight is the originator of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (We're VeHEMenT about population reduction!)
He gets interviewed fairly regularly, and recently was on the radio with some twit in Texas named Alex something (I don't want to give Alex any advertising)...
Here's Les' response to one of Alex's fans, in reaction to hearing he ought not procreate!
He begins this post by warning we Volunteers (those of us who have chosen not to have children) that some of us post pretty depressing stuff, like the story last week about a family with 18 children (who happen to be part of a Christian Sect that is going to repopulate the white world or some such)...So, here's Les' means of cheering us up!
Posted by: "Les U. Knight" les@vhemt.org lesuknight
Sun May 18, 2008 4:26 pm (PDT)
Some here have mentioned that they get depressed by some postings,
and especially links to extreme natalist sites. So, I thought I'd
give warning on this one. I think messages like this are very funny:
"Just listened to you on Alex's show...what a fucking inarticulate
fuck are you!!! "
Maybe he could coach me on how to become articulate.
and especially links to extreme natalist sites. So, I thought I'd
give warning on this one. I think messages like this are very funny:
"Just listened to you on Alex's show...what a fucking inarticulate
fuck are you!!! "
Maybe he could coach me on how to become articulate.