Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Funky Fukushima

As of today, 130918, the plant is reported to be:  "generating 800 tons of contaminated water per day".

This one said 300
This one said on the order of 400

Perhaps the "truth will out" since it's so much worse than Chernobyl, they aren't even on the same scale. 

Thanks G.E. for the design...
"The storage pools are packed with radioactive uranium, rise several stories above ground and are always close to the reactor, thus facilitating easy transfer of the fuel rods. " from...

Storage pools of intense radioactivity several stories UP (They Are Really HEAVY).

Tsunami AND earthquake country.  

Way to go General Electric and TEPCO, even Godzilla's warning didn't help!

100's of years...won't be enough to erase this stain...

To those pronatalists who think we can bend the environment to support any number of people

Recent editorials let us all know that HISTORICALLY technology saved our (collective) asses and so, the writers expect that will occur again, "we can shape the environment to suit our needs" I read somewhere...

Here's a little news:

My point is, we don't even know how the planet operates so, how can we possibly apply technology in a nuanced way, to do no more damage, and second, third, and fourth provide for our future on an ecologically "stable" planet?

The chaotic forces humans have unleashed will have their way with us.