Friday, December 28, 2007

Telepathy's newest song!

This is from a friend who plays bridge with me online.  It is music from her niece, Willow Lama...
I'm copying you, musical friends, who may appreciate it, and even more so, the vehicle upon which she shares her art...
telepathy has posted a new rockin mix of the song "10th Mile from the Sun" on

It is free to listen!!! :-)

If you want to be a member of this interactive real music community that unites artists with listeners it only costs $10!!! The fun you can have is priceless!!!

If you want to be removed from this list please just let me know! :-)

Rock Steady,

Willow ~ Telepathy
Telepathy comes from very far... she watches the stars and her thoughts fly across the Universe.
Take your time to listen to her music... a wonderful surprise awaits you....

A disturbing family video - breaking the news to mom...

Please enjoy this video sent to me by my sister, Dr. Nancy Frishberg a world renown guru of Sign Language, who wrote her dissertation about how American Sign Language is every bit as much a language as spoken English.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Is humor tied to male aggression?

Dec. 21, 2007
Courtesy British Medical Journal and World Science staff

Hu­mor seems to de­vel­op from ag­gres­sion caused by male hor­mones, ac­cord­ing to a study pub­lished in this week's is­sue of the Brit­ish Med­i­cal Jour­nal.

A dermatologist-researcher in­ves­t­i­gated how peo­ple re­acted to him as he rode a uni­cy­cle—the com­i­cal, one-wheeled bi­cy­cle va­ri­ant long fa­vored by clowns and other whim­si­cal per­son­al­i­ties.

For the doc­tor, Sam Shus­ter of New­cas­tle Un­ivers­ity, U.K., uni­cy­cling be­gan as a hob­by. But it be­came a study of hu­man na­ture as he wheeled about lo­cal streets and no­ticed the mul­ti­tudes of jokes he sparked—of­ten lame and pre­dict­a­ble, he said, and usu­ally from men. Guess­ing this might re­flect a bi­o­log­i­cal phe­nom­e­non, he pro­ceeded in a year-long in­ves­ti­ga­t­ion to doc­u­ment over 400 peo­ple's re­ac­tions to his one-wheeled jaunts.

Over 90 per­cent re­sponded phys­ic­ally, he found, such as with ex­ag­ger­at­ed stares or waves. Al­most half re­sponded ver­bal­ly—more men than wom­en. He­re, said Shus­ter, sex dif­fer­ences emerged in force: 95 per­cent of adult wom­en praised, en­cour­aged or showed con­cern, while men in­stead un­leashed of­ten-snide jokes 75 per­cent of the time. Equally strik­ing, he said, was the jokes' re­pet­i­tive­ness. Two thirds re­ferred to the num­ber of wheels, such as "lost your wheel?" 

One of the most con­spic­u­ous find­ings, to Shus­ter, was the way the male re­sponse changed with age.

It started with cu­ri­os­ity in child­hood, years 5 through 12—the same re­ac­tion as young girls. But around the ages of 11 to 13, boys' re­sponses de­gen­er­ated in­to phys­ical and ver­bal ag­gres­sion, Shus­ter found; these scamps in fact of­ten tried to get him to fall. Re­sponses be­came more ver­bal dur­ing the lat­er teens, turn­ing in­to mock­ing jests or songs, Shus­ter re­ported. This lat­er evolved in­to adult male hu­mor, char­ac­ter­ized by put-downs that Shus­ter as­cribed to la­tent ag­gres­sion. Par­tic­u­larly pug­na­cious re­marks, he said, came from young male mo­torists at the ages of peak viril­ity.

But the com­bat­ive­ness waned as life wore on, Shus­ter found: old­er men gave more neu­tral or friendly re­marks.

Female re­ac­tions, by con­trast, were sub­dued dur­ing pu­ber­ty and late teens—nor­mally evincing indif­fer­ence or min­i­mal ap­prov­al, he said. The re­sponses then evolved in­to the laud­a­to­ry or con­cerned adult female re­sponses.

Uni­cy­cling may be in­trin­sic­ally fun­ny, but that does­n't ex­plain the find­ings, said Shus­ter—par­tic­u­larly the re­pet­i­tive­ness and dif­fer­ences by sex and age. The wax­ing and wan­ing male re­sponse in par­tic­u­lar, he ar­gued, points to an ex­plana­t­ion in male viril­ity hor­mones such as tes­tos­ter­one, known col­lec­tively as an­dro­gens. The find­ings may al­so shed light on the ev­o­lu­tion of hu­mor, Shus­ter pro­posed: some ag­gres­sion might have been chan­neled in­to ver­bal re­sponses that trans­formed it in­to com­e­dy, which even­tu­ally be­came a sep­a­rate phe­nom­e­non with a life of its own.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty  
of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend  
your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long  
as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day,  
you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.  
After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks. Then try 50-
lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can  
lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight  
for more than a full minute (I' m at this level). After you feel  
confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Please note: Buggy Email Alert!

I found a bug in the last e-mail you sent

Here - you can have it back

From an E-Bay Ad for a musical instrument...

welcome to my store
Hello! Welcome to my shop.
I am a musical instrument dealer, the management GuZhen, Saxophone, violin, ErHu, the bottle gourd silk, guitar, lute, Mandolin, flute, tuba, about several 100 species can provide you choice! Please first look the photos, Its texture is very well. Look at the pictures you can see the shape is very well . So wonderful item . please don't miss it ! It is most valued. It will bring good luck for you, I believe you are a very standout buyer. If you know the value of my item. Please bid my item. I have many other wonderful collect item on me store. Please view my other items . If you need please send E-mail to me.If you be music fancier, the chance to of the so better of the not miss of the please do get it. Enjoying your bidding!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

this is what we missed

Have to organize
Star gaze opportunity
This is what we missed!!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

$0.49 cent short story!

Katie Gates is my mother's "girl Friday who comes in Thursday".
20 years ago, she wrote a Seussian poem, which was a bit ahead of its time.  20 years ahead maybe?  It is now available for the world to see, and you can download it from Amazon Shorts for a mere 49 cents.  That's right, just 49 cents.

 I encourage you to do so, as supporting creative endeavors has never been so affordable.

 Besides... it's a great read!

 The "short" is called Too Many Machines, and you can try this link:

 If that doesn't result in seeing David Ray Preston, Jr.'s wonderful cover art and the link to the story itself, just go to Amazon Books and find Amazon Shorts by clicking on the Digital Downloads link.  Then do a search either for "Too Many Machines" or for "Katie Gates"

 Please feel free to write a review as well.  The more buzz the better!

As she relates:

"Thank you so much for your support!  And -- spread the word!!! 

Happy Holidays!"

Katie (tenacity's poster child)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Reply to my Friend Fred, on the Mexicanization of The United States

"The only rational explanation of Bush's stubborn determination to override the wishes of the American people by opening up all our roads to Mexican trucks is that this is an essential part or his plan for the economic integration of the United States into a North American Community. The only rational explanation of Bush's refusal to build the fence is that he has no intention of stopping the flow of illegal aliens across our Southern border."
When did Bush have a rational explanation for anything he has ever done?  When was that a requirement for him?  Or, is she saying Bush must be insane?  Well, on that we might agree.
Do you really believe we can build a fence to control the border?
Is Phyllis Schafly in favor of a national ID card to ensure only US Citizens have employment here, for example?
How about Radio Frequency Chips that are tuned to our individual DNA so they can't be counterfeited...and, you can be plugged right into society, a walking, working debit card...
We need immigrants here Fred.  Without them our economy would stagnate and self implode.  More LEGAL immigrants ought to be brought into the US than is currently the case.
However, the economic forces that support illegal employees are not to be scoffed at, and plenty of them are Bush supporters.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Controlling Insect Mating/Dating key to success (if what you want are fewer insects!)

Another so called "smart and green" technology to disrupt the interdependence of all organisms in favor of humanity's need to control  "mother nature".  It's not nice to fool with Mother about a birth control chemical that could affect insects across the board. 
While that may or may not seem a good thing, to point out the obvious:  Humans would benefit from the treatment...
Fewer insects = More Crops = More People = no need to change anything about how we live or do business, we can feed billions more people! = Problem solved, Malthus was wrong.
Or, so the entrenched economic interests (those based on growth) would have us believe.
Sex "switch" points way to smarter pest control

By Ben Hirschler Sun Dec 9, 1:30 PM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Turning off a sex "switch" triggered when female insects mate may be a smart and green way of controlling pests in future.

Scientists said on Sunday they had found a molecular receptor, or switch, common to all insects that sets off post-mating behaviors like egg-laying.

Developing a chemical to artificially block its action could stop insect populations in their tracks and help fight the spread of many human and animal diseases.

"If you had an inhibitor of this receptor then you could interfere with its function and it would, in effect, be a birth control pill for insects," said Barry Dickson from the Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, Austria.

Many female insects undergo profound changes in behavior after mating. Some species start laying multiple eggs. Female mosquitoes, for example, seek out a meal of blood -- often spreading malaria in the process.

Scientists have known for some time that such behavior is triggered by a so-called sex peptide molecule in the male's seminal fluid, but it has been unclear how it exerts its impact on the female.

Now Dickson and his colleagues have identified the receptor for the molecule in fruit flies and shown it is key to post-mating behavior. Females lacking the receptor continue to behave as virgins, even after mating, they reported in the journal Nature.

Crucially, the same receptor has been found in all insects studied so far, suggesting it may be possible to develop a widely applicable chemical blocker that would be far more effective and environmentally friendly than insecticides.

Modern insecticides are good at killing bugs, but because insects breed so prolifically, those that die are quickly replaced.

By contrast, females dosed with a sex peptide receptor blocker would remain alive and continue to compete in the breeding pool, producing a bigger impact on the wider population.

Developing the concept will require a lot more research but Dickson said it was possible such a blocker might be introduced into breeding ponds where larvae grow or else planted in pheromone traps designed to attract insects.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Resume facts we we'd be better off not knowing...

From a personal website of no one I know!

"...I also APPEARED recently in 3 films... THE VIRGIN MURDERS, DEATH FACTORY: BLOODLETTING, and GENITAL GENOCIDE...all to be seen in 2008!!!! "
"Genital Genocide" does sound mildly intriguing, I must say!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Here's another example of "Technology" that cannot help!

Scientists tout success with drought-resistant plants: study  Mon Nov 26, 5:34 PM ET  
WASHINGTON (AFP) - With arid zones expanding worldwide, scientists have created transgenic plants able to survive extreme drought and thrive on far less water in an encouraging potential boon to food production, new research shows Monday.
The discovery could have important implications for food production and maintaining yields amid adverse conditions.

"We hypothesized that it is possible to enhance the tolerance of plants of drought stress by delaying the drought-induced senescence of leaves during the drought episode," wrote Rosa Rivero, one of the co-authors of the study.

Senescence is the growth phase of a plant or its parts from maturity to death.

The study by Rivero, of the University of California, Davis , and Mikiko Kojima, of the RIKEN Plant Science Center in Yokohama, appears in the December 4 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Our hypothesis is that senescence is due to a type of cell death program that could be inappropriately activated in different plants during drought," they wrote.

"Suppressing it could therefore enable plants to mount a vigorous acclimation response that would result in enhanced drought tolerance with reduced yield losses," they explained.

The scientists carried out their studies by engineering transgenic tobacco plants.

"Production of drought-tolerant crops able to grow under restricted-water regimes without dimunition of yield would minimize drought-related losses and ensure food production in water-limited lands," they said.

Note:  They said "trans-genic" which of course means genetically modified (GM).  This is a "nano-technology" in the truest sense.  It is also untested, and will have unpredictable results if spread throughout the biosphere.  Sure, some of the very few plants we find commercially useful can then thrive with less water, and, guess what, they'll all be suseptible to some virus or other too, or, they'll crowd out the "native" species so the ground won't recover after an infrequent rain, or they'll not find the insects around they need to reproduce (since insects still need water), etc.
Why do "scientists" insist on "enhancing" nature, instead of finding ways to limit population?
Why do reporters seem to "promote" technologies that will continue our profligate waste and overpopulated ways?
Economics is the answer in both cases.  It doesn't pay to be a scientist who isn't working on a commercially viable solution.  It doesn't pay to be a reporter who writes bad news...our economic structures all assume, assure, and demand GROWTH of population.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wedgies and Atomic Wedgies - now obsolete!

Whomsoever claims
Kids don't have things on their minds...
"Generation Ought"
I remember camp's
Wedgies...Atomic Wedgies...
Oh, those were the days!
One's Cotton-STUFFED crack
Was no way comfortable.
(Gave as good as got)
Twins, 8, invent 'wedgie-proof' underpants
Ohio boys gain fame for anti-bully design that just rips away
updated 11:33 a.m. PT, Fri., Nov. 2, 2007

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Bully-proof underwear earned 8-year-old twin Ohio boys a spot Friday on daytime TV talk show, "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

Using rigged boxers and fabric fasteners to hold together some seams, Jared and Justin Serovich came up with the "Rip Away 1000," a pair of underwear that cannot be jerked up to give its wearer a painful "wedgie."

"When the person tries to grab you — like the bully or the person tries to give you a wedgie — they just rip away," Justin explained Thursday by phone from Los Angeles, where the TV segment was taped Wednesday.

The brothers began brainstorming one day after they were playing around, giving each other the treatment. Their mother's partner sarcastically said someone ought to invent wedgie-proof underwear, the family said.

The project got the boys to the finals of a central Ohio invention competition earlier this year, followed by the television appearance.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Nature of Right and Wrong - we're hardwired to recognize "goodness from badness"

There is a lot of talk these days about how can people be moral actors without religious leanings?
My contention is that conscience, morality, and our personalities (how about "tolerance for embarrassment" as a governor on behavior) EVOLVED to take on the roles they play.
We must consider how they helped the GROUP survive, since evolution doesn't act on individuals, it acts on populations...
See the article below and draw your own conclusions, however, they found no difference between sexes, ability to distinguish not only the end points (good and bad) but they also placed the neutral objects into the correct order as well, pre-verbal children, to me points to a "natural" and "congenital" ability to distinguish right from wrong...regardless of the dissenting viewpoint presented.  (ALL OF THE KIDS RESPONDED IN A SIMILAR FASHION, WHAT OTHER MEASURES HAVE SUCH A UNIVERSAL OUTCOME AT THIS AGE?)
I claim we're hardwired with the "Golden Rule".  That's why all religions claim the golden rule as their basic teaching, since they can point to something that already exists!  (Sleeves from Vest negotiation stance!)  Without that genetic predilection, to expect good treatment by giving good treatment, humans couldn't live in groups to evolve in the first place...
Babies can tell helpers from hurters

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer 1 hour, 15 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Even infants can tell the difference between naughty and nice playmates, and know which to choose, a new study finds.

Babies as young as 6 to 10 months old showed crucial social judging skills before they could talk, according to a study by researchers at Yale University's Infant Cognition Center published in Thursday's journal Nature.

The infants watched a googly-eyed wooden toy trying to climb roller-coaster hills and then another googly-eyed toy come by and either help it over the mountain or push it backward. They then were presented with the toys to see which they would play with.

Nearly every baby picked the helpful toy over the bad one.

The babies also chose neutral toys — ones that didn't help or hinder — over the naughty ones. And the babies chose the helping toys over the neutral ones.

"It's incredibly impressive that babies can do this," said study lead author Kiley Hamlin, a Yale psychology researcher. "It shows that we have these essential social skills occurring without much explicit teaching."

There was no difference in reaction between the boys and girls, but when the researchers took away the large eyes that made the toys somewhat lifelike, the babies didn't show the same social judging skills, Hamlin said.

The choice of nice over naughty follows a school of thought that humans have some innate social abilities, not just those learned from their parents.

"We know that they're very, very social beings from very, very early on," Hamlin said.

A study last year out of Germany showed that babies as young as 18 months old overwhelmingly helped out when they could, such as by picking up toys that researchers dropped.

David Lewkowicz, a psychology professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton who wasn't part of the study, said the Yale research was intriguing. But he doesn't buy into the natural ability part. He said the behavior was learned, and that the new research doesn't prove otherwise.

"Infants acquire a great deal of social experience between birth and 6 months of age and thus the assumption that this kind of capacity does not require experience is simply unwarranted," Lewkowicz told The Associated Press in an e-mail.

But the Yale team has other preliminary research that shows similar responses even in 3-month-olds, Hamlin said.

Researchers also want to know if the behavior is limited to human infants. The Yale team is starting tests with monkeys, but has no results yet, Hamlin said.



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why chipmunks won't cross roads, and how to solve that problem!

Don't ask how I came across this article.
Regardless, it has the following line in it...
"This is a strong signal that aside from ripping out roads completely, we do not yet have a single solution that is going to work for all species," says Fahrig.
We know the solution!  VHEMT!!!  It will work its magic, for all species!

Why GOOGLE ads may not be the future of advertising...

I receive VHEMT missives on my GMAIL account, which also shows google ads (being free and all).
I ignore these "religiously" (being a Bright, not sure that's literally true, but you "get it").
However, today I was more than mildly amused by the list of ads alongside my VHEMT email digest...
Sponsored Links

Baby Cord Blood Banking

Learn the Benefits of Banking Your Baby's Cord Blood


The Tucker Sling

Could your baby have acid reflux? Find relief with the Tucker Sling.


2007 CuteKid Contest

Submit Your Kids Photos & Win Cash! Judged by Professional Agents


Amby Baby Motion Bed

Baby will sleep peaceful all night Endorsed by Dr. Sears


GumDrop Pacifiers

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BubSnug baby slings

Baby slings for newborns & toddlers Simple to use - Comfortable - Safe


Cheap Baby Clothes

Name Brand Children's Clothing Up To 70% Since 1966! Order Online Now


Fix baby's sleep patterns

Step-by-step program teaches any infant to sleep through the night!


More about...

Baby »

Baby Bites Me »

Baby Biting Others »

Babies Bite »

About these links

It appears to me, the only one that was contexturally correct may be the final topic:
"Babies Bite!"  (Perhaps, "Babies Suck!" is the bumper sticker moment?)


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pranks By Boys: “Howard and John Play Squash”

John and Howard decided to play squash.  This happened in the UK, where John was a native and Howard was an American ex-pat on corporate assignment in England.


Howard was an A-rated racquetball player from the U.S.  Low to the ground, extremely good lateral speed and a command of the court were his keys to success.  He had heard that John was a competitive player, and was curious, due to John's appearance of slovenly slothfulness.


For example, John looked like a lot like "Father Christmas", a jolly fat man, his face, livid from years of drink, was framed with pure white unkempt whiskers and eyebrows.


Howard had been a minor league baseball shortstop for a summer during college.


John huffed even when he was sitting, due to his wicked cigarette habit and his preference for great quantities of Indian food washed down in beer.


Howard was type-A competitive, regardless of the playing field, he needed to be number one in everything he did.


John, with his forehead and thinning hair showing off a perpetual sweat sheen, always had his eyes at half mast.   His mouth could have been opened or closed while John breathed, but his moustache and beard hid his teeth and lips.  Yet, John's mouth was not well camouflaged due to the tobacco and curry stains.


Howard, fastidious about his body, showered at least twice a day.


John soaked in the bath once a week, for a long long time, same as most Brits his age.


A note about squash:  The court is very similar to a racquetball court, but a little smaller.   The squash racket is longer than a racket ball racket.  The racket is very light and can be swung quite readily even from the wrist.  The ball gets faster during play, as heating from compression expands the gas within the ball, making it hit racket and wall with greater force.  So, the longer the rally the more difficult the task.


Howard lost the first game 9-1, got his one point because John slipped.  But, after adjusting the wing tip shoes he was wearing, John proceeded to win the next two games 9-0 and 9-0 which decided the best of 5 match.


John spotted Howard 6 points and then beat him 9-6, 9-7, 9-6 to decide the best of 3 matches.


Afterwards, at the squash club's pub, I'd never seen Howard quite so upset. 


"Howard", I asked, "How did you like John's play?"


"I've never been so out-matched in my entire life.  He didn't even change his office work clothes, and beat me in dress shoes.   He just stood in the middle of the court, reached everything I sent his way, and put it where I couldn't reach it.  It was amazing and awesome but I'm not happy having been beaten this badly", shared Howard.


"John, how did you enjoy playing with Howard?", I prompted.


Never one to utter an extra syllable, "Fine", was all John said, wiping the beer foam from his moustache on the sleeve of his button down white oxford cloth shirt, with the distinct ring around the collar, and sweat stained pits.


"Howard was impressed with your play, do you have anything to say about his game?"


John hesitated for quite some time, gathering his thoughts.  Soft spoken, but always diplomatic, John was obviously considering his answer with great care.  Finally, his generous cheeks grinning even more fully now, he made the longest speech he ever uttered in the 8 years I worked closely with him:


"Howard hits the ball very hard."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Notes we've loved to see...

I have deleted the references to any particular company herein, but this is in the spirit of Cliffside Software!  (See
Obviously this was written in a more northern clime than my present location...
The moral of the story is:  If you can't exercise your plan, at least educate plan participants!
(((If only there were a Global Health and Safety Coordinator!  I mean...for the globe!)))

Subject:         Autumn Safety Reminder
From:            Global Health and Safety Coordinator

Autumn is here and presents new challenges to us on the campus. The shorter days and inclement weather present a visibility hazard as we arrive and depart from work. As a driver, please be cautious while driving and obey maximum speed limit of 25 mph on all roads. Use extra caution in and around parking lots by adhering to the 10 mph maximum speed limit and look out for walking coworkers. As a walker, be proactive and assume drivers cannot see you. Wear reflective or light-colored clothing and carry a flashlight to increase your visibility.

Slipping and tripping hazards have also returned in the form of fallen leaves, mossy walkways, ice, and the ubiquitous Canadian geese calling cards. In the last two weeks there have been two serious falls on campus. Please watch where you are walking and avoid areas that look especially slippery. Finally, be patient with the geese as they cross the roads. They will eventually get to the other side.
(Having lived with the many THOUSANDS of Canadian Geese that OVERWINTER near a power plant in Rochester, Minnesota (lake remains ice free, thanks to the effluent from the power plant, and there are official zones where they can forage and eat corn planted for them, but if they stray over the fence they are picked off by hunters during the season!), I can assure you that their "calling cards" are slippery.
When it is warm enough, geese occupy every puddle that ever aspired to be a pond in Rochester, including near the IBM Lab (low spots with a little standing water in the spring or fall all have geese!)
Here's a quick Canadian Goose Story:  
We picked up our friend Gina's mom at the airport.  She had immigrated from Hong Kong to   Boise, ID and never learnt English, since she was a cook in her own restaurant.  At the time (1983) she must have been close to 70 years old...wirey and a little twitchy...
So, it was the middle of winter in Rochester.  Snow and COLD.  As we passed the lake by the power plant, Gina's mom started getting REALLY excited and was shouting in Chinese...she wanted Brian to stop the car so she could catch a goose for dinner...she even tried to climb over Gina to get out while the car was moving...
Gina had to explain, after locking the door, that those were for looking, not for eating...)
(Everyone in my department in Rochester was a hunter.  There was a terrific amount of folklore about geese, for example, whether or not they sometimes flipped upsidedown when they were landing, to shed speed...I saw the photos, and believe they actually do this!)
(Here's another Corporate Safety Message I recall...When IBM first opened Somer's NY (a headquarters building for several lines of business (divisions)) there were dozens of deer that seemed to jump in front of there were a series of notes about looking out for the deer.  I believe the cars have won, subsequent, but perhaps a few deer remain!)

Re: Responding to Fred's weekly newletter

I was surprised.  I was surprised it wasn't 99.99 percent!  I am more surprised at your response.  How can you defend Republicans after what they are doing to our liberties?
It is too funny that the NRA ridiculous gun stance (that won't hold up in court, once a case is finally brought) is what has your attention Fred, while domestic spying and a new bill that will allow the military and police to work together in a common command structure during "times of extreme emergency" is going through Congress. 
Isn't that what you are REALLY worried about?  If it isn't it ought to be. 
That should be the topic for you next newsletter, the REAL erosion of our liberties, not the hypothetical loss of a 2nd amendment "right" to which no one actually has priviledge.
Either you don't deny the NRA is a corporate driven scheme to keep guns from being controlled, or you actually believe they are looking out for your (supposed) 2nd amendment rights (which don't include not having guns controlled by the way!).
Who wants to ban guns?  I want them controlled, just like cars.  Registered licensed INSURED owners just like a car...keep track of them, just like a car.  They are dangerous, just like a car. 
They ought to be under control.  And TAXED more than cigarettes.  And when used in a crime the registered owner ought to be brought up on charges too.  Bullets too.  Traceable after they are shot.
Guns kept at community shooting ranges makes a lot of sense. 
Guns in people's houses...not so much.
I am also surprised that something so anti-human as a gun would be something you, a supposed pro-life proponent, would want anywhere near his neighborhood.
On 11/13/07, Fred wrote:
You sound surprised that 83% of NRA money for politicians goes to Republicans.  Why would they wish to support Democrats who are determined to ban guns?  Does it make sense to give money to one's enemies?

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Different Shade of Bright!

(From a review of her new book...not to be mentioned here!)
Vonette Bright is the widow of Dr. Bill Bright.
The Brights are the co-founders of Campus Crusade for Christ ministries.

Responding to Fred's weekly newletter

The pointing out of hypocrisy is a familiar and time honored tradition Fred, thanks for sharing a half-hearted attempt at it by the NRA.  I'll simply continue that tradition by pointing out just a few more hypocrisies in the lead article you sent.
Let's consider the following paragraph from your lead article this week...
"HSUS has long benefited from the use of the term 'humane society." Many erroneously believe HSUS operates animal shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare operations. Well-meaning people give money, thinking they are assisting the operation of these local and regional organizations that do so much to help animals. However, the truth is HSUS has never operated an animal shelter of any kind. Ever."
REREAD THOSE SENTENCES AGAIN.  Just because their donors are confused is no reason to fault the Humane Society!  The author doesn't fault the actions of the HSUS, only their donors!  Whose fault is it that the donors are not cognizant of the real work of the HSUS?  Donor Beware is certainly a siren's call regarding charities...
The National Rifle Association benefits from the mistaken belief that it is protecting member's constitutional rights, when actually the NRA is the commercial gun lobby posing as constitutionalists.
Here's the corporate sponsor page of the NRA.
It is to laugh Fred.  Everyone of them a gun and/or bullet manufacturer or retailer.  Do you support the NRA's position that the second amendment applies to armor piercing bullets or assault or automatic weapons which therefore to be legally available without restriction? 
On a tangential note Fred: 
18% of human caused global warming is due to raising domesticated animals and our appetite for meat.  Maybe PETA's onto something with their vegan attitude!  (Except, I forgot, you deny human caused global warming is real...)
That is OUR EMAIL Fred, We The People's!  That's what the "Freedom loving" NRA supports.
Funny line:  "PETA's PR Machine is Relentless", but not the NRA's PR Machine? 
Frish's Funnier line: "PETA doesn't kill people, bullets kill people"
(Fred, I'm a carnivore and don't get PETA at all, but I think the promotion of guns by the NRA is far and away the "anti-human" stance!)
Milking Animals

"Perhaps more than any other public interest group in America, the radical animal 'rights' organizations have two faces. There's the one they present to the public and (more importantly) to potential donors. Then there's the other face, the true one, which encompasses a philosophy that is more anti-human than pro-animal.

"The two largest and best-funded animal 'rights' groups, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), both rely on financial support that often comes from people who have no idea what their real agendas are. In many cases, that support is based on misunderstanding, or even deception.

"HSUS has long benefited from the use of the term 'humane society." Many erroneously believe HSUS operates animal shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare operations. Well-meaning people give money, thinking they are assisting the operation of these local and regional organizations that do so much to help animals. However, the truth is HSUS has never operated an animal shelter of any kind. Ever. And PETA employees have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted for illegally disposing of animals killed in its 'shelter' operations. [. . .]

"PETA has gone to great lengths to indoctrinate kids and young adults by creating materials, including comic books and videos, that teach its radical agenda, and then [by] getting sympathetic teachers to use those materials in the classroom. One of PETA's comic books proclaims on the cover, 'Your Daddy Kills Animals!' and warns kids to keep the family dog away from him. Why? Because dad is a fisherman.

"PETA's PR machine is relentless. PETA selects a 'vegetarian of the year' from among notable celebrities and presents that person as a rule model for children. Each year it attacks restaurant chains that serve meat, circuses that have animal acts and, of course, any pharmaceutical company that uses animals to develop life-saving medicines."

-- "Two Faces," by Chris W. Cox, America's First Freedom, November 2007, pages 41-42. Address: National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-9400. Phone: 703-267-1000.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Human Cloning. Oh Baby Oh Baby!

UN report: Human cloning ban needed Sat Nov 10, 2:52 PM ET

LONDON - The international community faces a stark choice: outlaw human cloning or prepare for the creation of cloned humans, U.N. researchers said Saturday.

Previous attempts to reach a binding worldwide treaty foundered over divisions on whether to outlaw all cloning or permit cloning of cells for research.

The best solution may be to ban human cloning, but to allow countries to conduct strictly controlled therapeutic research, including stem cell research, according to the report from the Japan-based United Nations University Institute for Advanced Studies.

Almost all countries oppose human cloning and more than 50 nations have introduced laws banning it. But lack of binding global legislation gives scientists an opening to create human clones in countries where bans do not exist.

"Failure to outlaw reproductive cloning means it is just a matter of time until cloned individuals share the planet," said Brendan Tobin, a human rights lawyer who co-authored the report.

"If failure to compromise continues, the world community must accept responsibility and ensure that any cloned individual receives full human rights protection," he said.

Cloning research proponents argue it offers great hope for producing replacement tissue and the potential for a cure for diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes.

The report recommends permitting cloning cells for research — but not cloning aimed at duplicating a person or animal . It also calls for strict controls to prevent the uncontrolled production and destruction of embryos.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Alien Species Secretes "Yellow Stuff"

These UK "Ladybirds" (aka Ladybugs - a colorful flying beetle) are another example of what our inadvertent geographic re-distribution of creatures (ballast mussels, killer bees) and plants (how about kudzu or water hyacinth) go beyond the natural system's capability of quickly or easily containing the invaders.
The human "experiment" on the biosphere has been undertaken without understanding of base conditions and variables.
The human "experiment" on the biosphere injects new chemistry into the food chain (pharma drugs in the water supply, worldwide, estrogen-like insecticides, etc.).
The human "experiment" on the biosphere increases the surface temperature of the planet (via greenhouse gases and paving over the ground for example).
The human "experiment" on the biosphere provides more plastic than plankton in many thousands (millions?) of square miles of ocean water.  Just the shadow and reflection of light caused by that plastic has unknown (and not good) affects on plants and animals.
The human "experiment" continues, unabated by any social or legal construct, as humans overpopulate, deforest, overfish, pollute, introduce new chemicals, etc. etc. etc.
So, the "yellow stuff" flies...

Per Brian A's post...

"Human civilization is so much built on the idea of growth and expansion."
Human "culture" has always been growth oriented.
Culture does everything to "foster life" (human life) and to thwart any natural governors on our behavior.
Human nature cannot trump mother nature, in the long run.
A few twitches of Gaia's tail and we'll be dusted right off the planet.
The irony is that our meddling (thanks to our culture, gotta have light and heat and cars and . . .) with the chemistry of the planet's climate is the impetus for our demise.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

"you have to have good skin and be blond"

Beauty pageant titleholder and sometime "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" reporter Maria Menounos can sum up sexy in three words: "Victoria's Secret lingerie."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Missing the Kids!

"We feel joy for what's happening, but we're crying and missing the kids."
We're crying and missing the kids, and we're crying FOR the next round of kids.
Poor couple, they will be blamed...

WE MUST BE INFORMED (or, what a great stocking stuffer!)

Dear LA Brights and others copied:
Two topics tonight:
First...I was interviewed by an LA Times reporter today discussing what it means to me to identify as a Jew and a Bright, why I "joined" The Brights, why I believe or don't believe what I believe, etc., so I shared loads of fun stuff (including that I, Fearless Leader of the LA Brights, was speaking as an individual...hope she heard that part!). 
For example:
There is NO REASON for god or anything supernatural to explain life, the universe or anything else.
I don't know how life started, no one does, but once it did only natural laws controlled it.
I don't understand how the universe could start from nothing, but I maintain that some scientists either did already or would someday.
We're nothing more than mobile minerals, a natural result of the conditions that were local to our part of the universe, and cannot affect the universe via thought alone. 
What the "intelligent design" crowd have exactly backwards is they see everything seemingly purpose built for our existence!  However, we evolved in this milieu, that's why we're fit to survive altogether, evolution allowed us to survive in whatever environment presented itself.
Everything we are is contained within our chemistry, there is nothing else. There is no "soul".
Grandma doesn't come back to us in a dream to share stories of the afterlife.
Faith and belief are fine, as long as those in positions of power aren't basing their decisions on Revelations, that would be a clear and present danger.
Brights ought to organize for social (fun) and political (protecting our freedom of thought) reasons.
"Atheists have NOTHING in common" (Copyright Frish!)
Why answering to a "higher power" is due to evolution, not existence of god.
Why morality is built into our primate behavior, and is necessarily built in or we'd kill each
other and eat the children.
From a logical perspective the whole concept of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being is fascinating.  God's thoughts have to travel far faster than the speed of light.  So, on what particle reside the thoughts of god?
How Nazi concentration camp films shown to us interminably during Jewish weekend religious school, had a lot to do with me being god free.  If people could treat each other like that, not only is there no "just" or other kind of god, but I promised myself to never have kids, so that wouldn't/couldn't happen to them.  
Not bad...on the road between sales calls!
Some article will be published sometime (next three weeks?) so we shall see.
Looks like a great way to spend 12/25/07, for the matinee! 
This was from some Christian Group's email intercepted by a friendly.


THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a new movie targeted at children,
will be released December 7, 2007. This movie is based on a the
first book of a trilogy by atheist Philip Pullman. In the final book
a boy and girl kill God so they can do as they please.
Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a
2003 interview that "My books are about killing God."

The movie is a watered down version of the first book and is
designed to be very attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents
will take their children to see the movie and that the children
will want the books for Christmas.

The movie has a well known cast, including Nicole Kidman,
Kevin Bacon, and Sam Elliott. It will probably be advertised
extensively, so it is crucial that we get the word out to warn
parents to avoid this movie.

You can research this for yourself:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A JDate Pick Up Haiku Line

Funny?  Yes, I am.
Charismatic Pheromones
And I write haiku
(Only Copied YOU...What do you think of the above? )
(Pick your stanza and let me know since YOU know who YOU are...this is a multi-purpose note and blog entry!  Being an environMENTAList (and more than a bit mental as well YOU know) I think it is time to conserve bits and have multi-purpose emails and other electronic delivery mechanisms.))
Only Copied YOU                                
Homer is where the heart is!                  
Just getting warmed up...
Only Copied YOU
Tell me about job prospects  ---
Dying of suspense!
Only Copied YOU
Since JDate is your hobby
And, you do get it.
Only Copied YOU
There is a brand new comet
It mean anything?
Only Copied YOU
Real nice website, sticky!
Kept simple stupid!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

New day, new date, better result.

Last night's experiences with JDate got even uglier, but that's another story.
Today, getting back on the horse that threw me, I again visited JDate to attempt to find a friend.
Read an interesting profile, and she happened to be online.  We chatted amicably, and even decided to meet, but she suddenly remembered she had a hair cut appointment at 4PM.
Not "brushed off" easily, I suddenly remembered I wanted to watch her get her hair cut.
She said (to my utter astonishment) "Sure!"
I mean, how many women will let you see their "Sunday Morning Face" BEFORE their "Saturday Night Face"?  Wow, what confidence eh?!
So we met at a Starbucks, went to her salon (her first time with this hair dresser, so she was on a double first date) then went out to dinner, picked up my dad at the nursing home, came back to our condo to meet mom, and then I drove her back to her car.
Even after all that, she wrote:
"Thank you again for dinner and an amazing first date. Loved every moment."
Phew, I haven't lost "the touch" after all!  And, she saw my living arrangements and is still talking to me.  That's definitely points ahead...
(P.S. She actually liked the duct tape wallet, now I'm getting nervous...)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael (Frish) Frishberg <
Date: Nov 3, 2007 8:37 PM
Subject: What she said after our JDate...

We had a nice breakfast together. 
She asked if I owned the print shop, or if I held any patents.  And, wanted to know if my father held any patents. 
Then she had to run to the gym (so to speak).  
I sent her a thank you note.
I received this response.
"I'm really too shallow and mean to date you. Even though you will probably think this is the kiss of death, I would want to be friends with you. You're a cute guy, but I have issues. I'm sure I'm already dissappointing you. Gotta run now. Late for dinner."
I gotta admit - I'm dissappointed (sic) with her subtlety but impressed with her honesty! 
(P.S.  She did comment about my duct tape wallet...the true litmus test of potential compatibility (or, the outer boundary of tolerance!))



Saturday, November 3, 2007

What she said after our JDate...

We had a nice breakfast together. 
She asked if I owned the print shop, or if I held any patents.  And, wanted to know if my father held any patents. 
Then she had to run to the gym (so to speak).  
I sent her a thank you note.
I received this response.
"I'm really too shallow and mean to date you. Even though you will probably think this is the kiss of death, I would want to be friends with you. You're a cute guy, but I have issues. I'm sure I'm already dissappointing you. Gotta run now. Late for dinner."
I gotta admit - I'm dissappointed (sic) with her subtlety but impressed with her honesty! 
(P.S.  She did comment about my duct tape wallet...the true litmus test of potential compatibility (or, the outer boundary of tolerance!))

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Psycho Songs: Look out, There's a Monster Coming

Scientists have bred "super mice" with some amazing amount of some chemical that allows them to breed longer and run forever basically.  They eat a lot more than normal mice, but they don't gain weight.
Reminds me of a warning, in the form of a song from 1968 or so...

Vivian Stanshall

Lonely, unmarried, looking for love,
Life was passing me by.
So I sent off my photo, hobbies and age;
Magazine marriage I tried.
They say for centuries lovely Japanese girls
Have been trained in the art of pleasing men.
Be lonely no more, open destiny's door.
For one dollar they arrange a meeting.

My image was wrong, I didn't like me,
So I changed my personality.
I bought a delux Merseybeat wig
But it was a size too big.
What confidence in my new built-up shoes,
So smart for winter or summer.
Undetectable in normal everyday use.

Look out there's a monster coming!

Bye-bye binoculars and macintosh,
Everything is just great.
I take elocution, learn to speak posh
But still I can't find a mate.
Be popular, learn to play the guitar,
In seven days you could be strumming.
Be sociable, learn kissing technique.

Look out there's a monster coming!

Carnaby clothes, I reshaped my nose,
Plastic surgery's best.
To cut down my weight off comes my left leg.
I pass a swimming costume test.
Are my sideboards too long,
Don't my aftershave pong?
I know my new nose ain't runnin'.
What's wrong with my tie?
Am I getting too high?

Look out there's a monster coming!

Disfiguring and ugly, my facial hair
I had removed electrically.
I rejuvenated my energy cells
And regained my virility (grunt grunt).
(He put my hand on my heart?),
(I am changing the part?).
He had a machine for a mummy.
Please be gentle with me:
I come to pieces literally.

Look out there's a monster coming!
Look out there's a monster coming!
Look out there's a monster coming!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

L.A. Times Article on Bakersfield, Sullivan, and "In God We Trust"

LA Brights and camp followers - a message from Fearless Leader Frish:
Stuart found an article we can react to a Bright fashion (thanks Stu, yes the activity we have identified to fulfill our mission is writing letters to editors!).  (On a very tangential note, it suggests to me that we ought to concentrate on local media outlets for our letters/action...let's talk about that at our next meeting (John, thanks)!) 
Each of us is perfectly capable of writing in reaction to the article, or any other you happen to notice.  No one in this org will tell you (before hand) what to say or not!  (We may have discussions and construtive critiqueing later, but hey, that's how we get better!)
I am certainly available via phone or email should you care for consultation.  I have a fairly good record of getting letters published considering how few I've written (I've written about 10 to the LA Times in the last 4 years and 3 have been published so far...)
I responded to the author, and to  I didn't mention Brights or LA Brights or atheists, but did use the "non-religious" (a rather neutral term I think!)  Probably increases the publishing chances, but I was published within the last 90 days I think, so they won't take mine anyway.
Here are other topics I didn't cover that are possible letter themes:
Idolatry - isn't worshipping in public and display of this type of thing idol worship?  Thought that went out with the Old Testament.
Is it simply idle worship, since the faithful seem to need reminding wherever they go?
"In God we trust" is simply a strange sign to display in any case.  What does it really mean?  If it is meaning free, as I suspect, then why display it?
Remain positive in your ultimate presentation, our mission remains to promote the naturalistic worldview.
Write a letter and don't send it...that's a great first step!
So, there is a lot to read, and speed is always of the essence, so respond if you wish to, but do it soon!
Also, I'm very serious about continuous improvement.  If you see something that I wrote to the LA Times that could be improved, let's talk!
Finally, if you find something that LA Brights ought to respond to, please share!
My letter follows, then the article that spawned my spew! 
Subject: mention the article you are writing to them about...
"'In God We Trust' is the perfect expression of what it takes to be a good American," she says, "because from my perspective as a believer, patriotism means love of God and love of country."

Dear Editor and Steve:
The essence of being American is TOLERANCE, therefore recognition that the "other" is also an American...and not excluded or included by some religious or jingoistic yardstick, or any other criteria.
Many patriotic and moral Americans believe that protecting the rights of minorities, in this case the non-religious amongst us, is more important than an expression of religion within the public commons.
"In God we trust" is an inappropriate expression by government of spirituality/religion. It should be removed from our public vocabulary, in the pledge, architecturally, on currency, or wherever it occurs.

(full name and address and phone number follows)
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stuart
Did you say that the LA Brights were looking for letter-writing opportunities?

From the Los Angeles Times

She wants a higher power at City Hall

Five years after getting Bakersfield to place 'In God We Trust' in its council chambers, activist takes her motto campaign national.

By Steve Chawkins
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

October 28, 2007

BAKERSFIELD -- Next time you see God in City Hall, you might have Jacquie Sullivan to thank -- or blame, depending on your point of view.

Five years ago, the Bakersfield City Council member lobbied hard to get "In God We Trust" displayed over the city's seal in the council's meeting room.

In the years since, she has persuaded 25 other California cities, from Kerman to Compton, to do the same, sometimes over strenuous protests from residents who see the mounting of the motto as a backdoor effort to foist a religious agenda on local governments.

At 67, Sullivan is undaunted by people she describes as "wanting to remove God from everything." Through her nonprofit, In God We Trust -- America, she aims to have the phrase prominently featured in all 478 of California's city halls and every other city hall in America.

That's just the beginning.

Not long ago, Sullivan suggested to an evangelical pastor named Chad Vegas that posters saying "In God We Trust" be placed in every classroom in the sprawling Kern County High School District. Vegas, a member of the district board, agreed -- opening a contentious debate that is to be settled by the board Nov. 5.

Board President Bob Hampton, a former teacher in the district, said he'll vote against the posters because they reflect a "spiritual agenda."

"The spiritual side of students belongs at home and at church, not in the educational system," said Hampton, who now runs a garbage disposal company.

But some Bakersfield residents see no harm in a tribute to God on classroom walls.

"Most kids in Bakersfield already have that seed planted, but for the others, it couldn't hurt," said 23-year-old Malia Casarez as she headed toward her shift at a haircutting salon. "My daughter is just 9 months old and I'm already scared of sending her to school, with all the things you hear about."

In a family room dotted with figurines of angels and flag-draped eagles, the diminutive, genteel Sullivan says she's always surprised by the hostility over a phrase that Congress chose as the nation's motto in 1956. To arguments that it was a product of the McCarthy-era "Red scare," she replies that it was a comfort for a troubled country then and should, more than ever, be one now.

When Sullivan learned that the new $1 presidential coin has "In God We Trust" inscribed on its rim instead of its face, she was shocked and fired off an op-ed piece to the Bakersfield Californian.

"That just doesn't reflect the will of the people," she said in an interview. "I'm amazed that this could have happened, especially on the president's watch."

Though her nonprofit's board includes well-known Republican political consultant Mark Abernathy and local Christian broadcaster Dan Schaffer, Sullivan casts her effort as neither political nor religious: " 'In God We Trust' is the perfect expression of what it takes to be a good American," she says, "because from my perspective as a believer, patriotism means love of God and love of country."

Vegas agrees completely. The 34-year-old minister said the classroom posters would "send a huge message to students: We'd tell them the schools in this district are not afraid of the word 'God' or the concept of God, and that they don't have to be either."

Shortly after he became a board member last year, Vegas succeeded in renaming the district's winter and spring breaks as Christmas recess and Easter recess. Hampton cast the only dissenting vote.

Vegas said he has received overwhelmingly positive reaction to his current proposal. In a radio interview, he described opponents, who include a couple of fellow board members and the local newspaper's editorial board, as "a group of liberal secular atheists who hate God, who are not patriotic."

He has since backed away from that description, but contends that the newspaper, which ran an editorial headlined "In Chad We Doubt," and other elements of Bakersfield's "aristocracy" do not understand the area's conservatism.

"A lot of people move here because it's a more conservative, family-oriented, faith-oriented place, and the aristocracy doesn't get it," he said.

If Vegas' proposal passes, Sullivan's organization will buy the posters from the American Family Assn., an influential conservative group that offers a step-by-step online guide to "getting the National Motto of the United States of America in local public school classrooms."

Vegas and Sullivan say that, beyond purchasing posters, they have no connection with the group.

In many city halls, the "In God We Trust" effort has proceeded smoothly. Some have mounted the motto on plaques, while others have placed the words over the council dais or even made the phrase a part of their city seal.

In a promotional packet sent to every city clerk in California, Sullivan includes a letter from attorney Brad Dacus of the conservative Pacific Justice Institute, offering free legal counsel in the unlikely event of a lawsuit.

No lawsuit has been filed. Numerous courts have held that "In God We Trust," a fixture on U.S. currency and in many public buildings, carries no unconstitutional religious baggage. A number of states have allowed or required its posting in schools.

In Oklahoma, Americans United for Separation of Church and State distributed "E Pluribus Unum" posters rather than "bring another acrimonious lawsuit into the courts that may not have much chance of winning," said spokesman Rob Boston.

In most of what Sullivan calls her "Yes! Cities," the decision was made swiftly -- although in Oceanside, it was an on-again, off-again campaign that took two years.

More typical was Hawthorne, where City Council member Ginny Lambert said there wasn't a single objection from the council or the community on spending donated funds for an "In God We Trust" plaque.

"I believe all of us have a god except those who may be atheists, so it shouldn't offend anyone," she said.

Sullivan drove down to Hawthorne, which calls itself the home of the Beach Boys, for the unveiling.

"She paved the way for all of us," Lambert said.

A Bakersfield native, Sullivan followed an unusual path into politics.

A divorced mother of four, she was forced to rely on welfare when she returned to Bakersfield after her marriage ended in the Lake Tahoe area. Over the years, she became a successful real estate broker and gained public attention for her activism after her 21-year-old daughter, Joyce, died of AIDS in 1993.

Even now, she visits student groups to show a moving 12-minute video on her daughter's struggle and urge young people to abstain from premarital sex.

"At the end of the presentation, I tell them to get themselves checked out if they think they've done some risky behavior," she said. "And if it turns out they're not infected, I tell them to get down on their knees and thank God."

As a council member, Sullivan is known for expressing consistently conservative views in sometimes rambling presentations.

Sue Benham, the lone council member to vote against "In God We Trust" in 2002, said Sullivan "truly believes in what she's doing" -- although, in Benham's view, the motto is "inappropriate for City Hall and even more so in the classroom. It's a forced expression of faith, not patriotism."

Sullivan has heard that before and is unfazed. There are more city halls out there to adorn with the motto, she said.

When asked whether she'd tried such liberal hotbeds as Berkeley or Santa Cruz, she paused.

"Well . . . " she said. "You're joking, right?"

Here is what we are up against!

READ IT AND WEEP.  Or giggle uncontrollably.  Just keep breathing evenly as you consume the following screed...
Malthus' Minions Ibd Fri Oct 26, 6:53 PM ET

Environment: Not content with its dubious fight over global warming, the United Nations now says humanity itself is causing irreversible environmental damage. Haven't we heard this kind of thing before?

Indeed, we have. In 1798, a country parson named Thomas Malthus published a book in which he calculated that human populations were growing faster than the world's ability to feed them. It wouldn't be long, he reasoned, before the world would be afflicted with " sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague." In short: mass death.

He was, of course, spectacularly wrong.

True, population did increase, geometrically even. But it didn't lead to misery. Far from it. Today, we are wealthier, healthier, better-housed, better educated than ever -- thanks not to U.N. bureaucrats, but to our ability as free men and women to think clearly about problems, and solve them.

Yet, according to the U.N.'s new "Geo-4 Report," our environmental problems, a result of unchecked population growth and wealth, are so extensive that, as the London Times put it, "they must be treated as a top priority if they are to be solved."

Check your wallets and your freedom at the door. For this is the old line used by environmental extremists of all types: Things are so bad we can no longer put off what must be done. Of course, you'll have to give up some income and freedom -- and maybe even your right to bear children -- but, hey, the environment's at stake.

Excuse us, but this seems like another attempt to foist centralized, global control over the prosperous, dynamic and fast-growing economies of the world -- an attempt to shake us down and radically alter Western lifestyles, to get us out of our deluxe cars and designer clothes and onto bicycles and into bearskins.

It's a bad idea that just won't go away. In the 1960s, biology professor Paul Ehrlich revived Malthus with his best-selling "The Population Bomb." "In the 1970s," he warned, "the world will undergo famines -- hundreds of million of people are going to starve." His solution: Immediate population control, mandated by law.

Ehrlich was followed by the Club of Rome's "Limits To Growth," and by President Carter's equally alarmist "Global 2000" report. They, too, were utterly wrong. Yet, they influenced a whole generation of green activists who came to think of humanity as a disease -- a "cancer," in Ehrlich's word -- that had to be cut out.

Unfortunately for them, far from despoiling the world and leading lives that are "nasty, brutish and short," we're thriving. As the late economist Julian Simon noted, people are the ultimate resource. More people means more brains -- more problem-solvers for humanity's ills. Population isn't a curse; it's an opportunity.

This is why the Malthusian view of the world is so wrong. And why Simon and his followers are right to say not only is the world not getting worse, but by virtually any measure it's getting better.

In "The Improving State of the World," for instance, scientist Indur Goklany notes that worldwide life expectancies have more than doubled -- from 31 years to 67 -- in just the past century. In poor countries, the share suffering from chronic hunger plunged from 37% in 1970 to 17% in 2001, even as population soared 83%.

Even the definition of "poor" has changed, because average annual incomes in poor countries have more than tripled in real terms since 1950. Just since 1981, the share of the world's population living in poverty has been halved, from 40% to 20%.

Yes, we have social and environmental problems. But the alarmists would have us don straitjackets and then force-feed us solutions under the rubric of "sustainable growth" -- a kind of friendly fascism that leads to greater poverty and loss of liberty.

We prefer what's worked before: free markets, free minds and free people, working democratically under the rule of law.

Yes, let's keep doing what we've done, because we are rich and have no conception of what misery is actually created in the world due to our insanely unsustainable economy (don't ask about tin miners), as we lie to ourselves with statistics (since many people are poor and hungry, perhaps more than ever before!) and what we measure as progress and success (like a bigger house or car or meat on the table every night) is actually a siren call that draws us ever toward the rocks of disaster, and we remain especially and intentionally ignorant about what will happen in the not distant future, because of the profligate population, wanton waste, and myopic mindset of people like the author, who happen to also control the very causes of the catastrophe, and every fibre of their being and their huge (and GROWING) financial clout will deny any slow down or change in course, since their ox will be gored.  Al Gored.
The author doesn't understand the lesson of the casino.  He only plays No Limit Poker.  The table has been busted except one other player.  The cards are dealt.  Everything was going great.  He won every bet he made.  Then, his 4 aces puts his fortune "all-in"... only to get beat by Mother Nature's Straight Flush (flushing him right out of the biosphere!)
I'll leave it to others to dissect the insanity above, each sentence of which I could discuss and dispute but I'll take one swing at the fact that our liberties are being threatened (and not by environmentalists).
MY FAVORITE LINE:  "Of course, you'll have to give up ... your right to bear children -- hey, the environment's at stake.



Monday, October 29, 2007

Woman escapes from German detention centre in a suitcase

HANOVER, Germany (AFP) - A 19-year-old woman appears to have escaped from a juvenile detention centre in northwest Germany by hiding in the suitcase of a fellow inmate who was released, police said on Monday.

Guards at the facility in Neustadt remarked that the suitcase of the 18-year-old who walked free on Friday was particularly heavy but failed to search it, the police said.

The fact that the other woman was missing was only noticed several hours later during the routine evening check of cells at the centre.

The police are still looking for the two young women.

This was a quick note from a volunteer, she's VEHEMENT!

(My friend Karin decided not to have children, and didn't.  Considering Karin knows nothing about, I thought you all would find her observations interesting...there are a LOT of (anonymous) VOLUNTEERS out there (some more "out there" than others!!!))
Karin writes:
Samuel & I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Crete.
From there we went to Athens, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, and Paris.  It was an unusually good trip.  I wouldn't go back to Spain but I always wanted to see it and we had a good time there.
Now I'm back at the office and feeling like I could use a good laugh.  Fortunately, Bush doesn't disappoint.  And if we don't laugh we will have to cry.
By the way, the Europeans now hate us.  This is the first time ever that they actually said it's not your president, it's you.  You voted for this idiot.
Everyone was very nice to me but they made it very clear that they hold Americans personally responsible for the situation.
Another interesting thing that was very clear from the minute we arrived in London:
In 25 years the world will be 50% Muslim.  This is a fact.  I don't think Americans understand this.  If you spend a day anywhere in Europe it is plain to see that they are overtaking the local populations.
Also in 25 years we won't have to worry about this because we will be under water!  Global warming will keep us so busy we won't have time to fight about religion.  We will be selling our real estate to buy clean drinking water.
There is good news in all this.  due to the increased diseases from bugs that fly here due to the climate change we may die sooner.  – But I'm not bitter.
Hope you have a great week.
("May we live long and die out"  Frish)