Friday, April 2, 2010

This is from a fun article about "alien" plants and animals in North America

quote below from :;_ylt=AmTYh8XhWlvWaV46FFWZ3OkPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJuYWhsOWg2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDAyL3VzX3BsYW50X2ludmFkZXJzBHBvcwMxNgRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA255Y3N0dWR5NTBuYQ--

In the West, sagebrush has been giving way to cheatgrass, which found its way to the U.S. in packing materials and ship ballast in the late 1800s.

Nature lovers strolling through wooded glades, thinking they are among trees that have stood since theRevolution, are actually looking at Norway Maple native to Europe.

Kudzu, which hails from Japan and China, infested the South after farmers in the 1930s through the 1950s were encouraged to use it to stop soil erosion.

Even the pristine open spaces of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming are now populated with Houndstongue and Yellow Toadflax, both from Europe.

Bit by bit, scientists say, the American landscape is becoming less American.

"We are going to our national parks now and seeing Europe," said Tom Stohlgren, a research ecologist for theU.S. Geological Survey. "We are homogenizing the globe at a very fast rate."

Experts say the trend has many causes, but the biggest one may turn out to be globalization.

Headline for the non-profit HEAT who would attempt to stop such outrage:  Homogeneous Ecologies Are Threats - HEAT

Frish's definition of globalization:  Too Many People, Too Little Nature

How Happy are we about Obama?;_ylt=ApmJ4tK4U9B.FPJ3BmYODrkPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJscG82cnIxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDAyL3VzX21pbmluZ19yZWZvcm0EcG9zAzMEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNlbnZpcm9ubWVudGE-

Metallic Touch Plate Treatment, a quick essay from frish...This is a neutered to protect whomever, customer letter emailed today

Dear Kyle and Roberto:

The customer is always first with me, so I'm sharing some worthwhile instructions I found on the web about this technique.

Happy to provide choices, they are all yours!

1.       Kyle could do the work to make the touch plate as-is,

a.       We are happy to have one of our pre-press techs visit Kyle to assure success

i.      No Charge.  Your offices, our seminar in touch plate technique or any other ink on paper questions you may have!


2.       Supreme does the work

                                                               i.      $1200 but that's an estimate (could exceed!) of how much pre-press we have to do

3.       Do a Press proof

a.       Doing a press proof helps us both

                                                               i.      Saves money as we'll waste less paper at press time

                                                             ii.      When finished It will more likely look the way you expect

Taking a perspective founded on 30 years of Marketing and Sales Experience, my recommendation:

It isn't always "ONLY" about cost, it's a business decision as well. 

I ask you and wonder what is the value of a signature piece of printing for the image of the brand?

This type of job has to go to a shop that can do it.  It would look very dramatic, and architectural and I know the CEO likes that!

Therefore, do it right, or don't do it.  Happy to discuss at your convenience.


 I mean, c'mon, it's a photo of burnished aluminum with a metallic silver ink called out as the fifth color...doing this job correctly will require some human activity on the file of about 10 hours or more, depending on how good they are with the tools they have.

Someone has to draw, or create an object, that points out every scratch, and thereby defines what is to be printed in the metallic silver ink...

Basically it is a load of liability that could jeopardize  a long term relationship...but we also know we can deliver the goods, so it's a nice place to be, perhaps he who speaks first loses?

I know he has it down to 2 contenders so, the die is cast...LOL

Evolution of evolution

About Zapffe´s quotes:
"The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by over-evolving one ability is not confined to humankind.

In my opinion, first expressed in the 1970's during my Anthro B.A. studies, the universe selects against "intelligence" and consciousness.
For example, given the massive size the Universe and potential for Earth-like life, there are no blips on SETI.

If only we could go with the "natural" flow, thinking of environment first instead of our own convenience, may we remain as the leftovers of evolution
(i.e. we aren't any "pinnacle" we're the leftovers same as the rest of life on the planet!)