Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Headstones go interactive...QR TO Web Presence of Deceased...leave messages...

THE 'LIVING HEADSTONE' (You cannot make this stuff up!)
They sell a subscription service...
"...snip...Quiring Monuments can add a link onto the memorial which enables users of smart phones to scan and automatically connect to a personalized website...snip....This link can be applied to new or existing cemetery headstones, mausoleum shutters, cremation urns, garden benches or as an addition to a public memorial.  In situations where cremated remains were previously scattered, a miniature memorial plaque with the digital link is available for display in your home or garden or even on a field stone in a Green Burial Cemetery."

One summer I almost worked as a "pre-need" salesperson at a large mortuary in San Diego.  
Decided against.  
Another opportunity lost!!