Thursday, October 9, 2008

If you think American politics are "dirty" or "mean spirited" or full of non-sequiturs, take a peek at Czech Republic Politics!

My friends, Howard and Yael, are considering a move to I did a little research to assist them with their decision, and found the following gem...good luck my friends, the "silly season" definitely extends to the Czech Republic!

For context, here's a Wiki note:
The Civic Democratic Party (Czech: Občanská demokratická strana - abbreviation: ODS) is the largest right-wing political party in the Czech Republic. In its public statements, it typically mixes eurosceptic and market liberal rhetoric, although it is often viewed as more moderate on both issues in actual policies.

This is the news I found interesting:

An ODS member revealed that he commissioned compromising photographs of himself and gave them to TV Nova, a broadcaster, to ascertain which politicians would be willing to use them for purposes of blackmail.

(There is way more than one punch line here, but it is almost too easy...actually, he's too easy and doesn't care who knows!)

Ostensibly, people are depressed due to the financial situation!

But, they should be grateful they don't have this job!

Defining Marriage - which sex are you?

Here in California we have a terrific chance to protect our civil rights, by voting against Proposition 8. 

My niece, a student at UCal Berkeley, was approached by a Mormon Facebook Friend to vote for this heinous attempt to limit freedom in an obviously coordinated attempt to confuse and lie about this proposition!

Here's a fascinating look at defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. 

The legal issues that could result are far and away worse than anything than having "same-sex" stand as a legal right under current law!


"To sum up, "marriage protection" statutes are already a debacle from the standpoint of their own advocates: Those laws spectacularly fail to advance their objectives — and are in fact a powerful tool for social conservatives' political and social enemies to create same sex marriages that were impossible without them. That effect can only get worse, over time. The only thing they're particularly good for is breaking up real, existing marriages of those unlucky enough to fail an inevitably arbitrary and unrealistic legal test of one's sexual identity: None of those "Which sex are you?" tests proposed, tried, or likely to emerge fixes the problem."

We must thwart all attempts by religious fanatics to destroy our Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights, unless we'd rather live in a theocracy...
