Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Overpopulation is a myth (dot com!)


Brought to you by:

Oy vey.  "people are the most valuable resource on the planet, the one resource we cannot do without."

Thought it sounded like a religious based organization, and, I believe it is!

From an article...regarding eating locally...


"Clearly the food industry has just changed enormously in the last several decades," Olson said. "It would be virtually impossible to sit down and eat a meal and eat food that hasn't come from all over the world."

1. No one is regulating the food industry, worldwide
2. The supply chain, and energy used, to produce and distribute and cook food is long, torturous, tenuous and poisonous. 
3. Mostly living in urban settings, humanity doesn't have enough land area to feed itself locally!
4. As the article surmises, the greatly reduced number of suppliers (as corporate farming carves up the countryside)
and the length of the chain from supply to demand causes food borne illness to be more and more common
5. Few if any trends in food production can be considered sustainable

Enjoy whatever ripe fruit from Chile soon.
