(From a review of her new book...not to be mentioned here!)
Vonette Bright is the widow of Dr. Bill Bright.
The Brights are the co-founders of Campus Crusade for Christ ministries.
Prankz by Boyz by Frish
Milking Animals
"Perhaps more than any other public interest group in America, the radical animal 'rights' organizations have two faces. There's the one they present to the public and (more importantly) to potential donors. Then there's the other face, the true one, which encompasses a philosophy that is more anti-human than pro-animal.
"The two largest and best-funded animal 'rights' groups, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), both rely on financial support that often comes from people who have no idea what their real agendas are. In many cases, that support is based on misunderstanding, or even deception.
"HSUS has long benefited from the use of the term 'humane society." Many erroneously believe HSUS operates animal shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare operations. Well-meaning people give money, thinking they are assisting the operation of these local and regional organizations that do so much to help animals. However, the truth is HSUS has never operated an animal shelter of any kind. Ever. And PETA employees have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted for illegally disposing of animals killed in its 'shelter' operations. [. . .]
"PETA has gone to great lengths to indoctrinate kids and young adults by creating materials, including comic books and videos, that teach its radical agenda, and then [by] getting sympathetic teachers to use those materials in the classroom. One of PETA's comic books proclaims on the cover, 'Your Daddy Kills Animals!' and warns kids to keep the family dog away from him. Why? Because dad is a fisherman.
"PETA's PR machine is relentless. PETA selects a 'vegetarian of the year' from among notable celebrities and presents that person as a rule model for children. Each year it attacks restaurant chains that serve meat, circuses that have animal acts and, of course, any pharmaceutical company that uses animals to develop life-saving medicines."
-- "Two Faces," by Chris W. Cox, America's First Freedom, November 2007, pages 41-42. Address: National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-9400. Phone: 703-267-1000.