!! - they always accused me of doing it wrong.
The bullets.
The capitalization was what killed Leo. He couldn't stand my caps on each word on the slide
But, I maintain it is for emphasis, to ensure the reader is reading and not seeing boring typography.
When it comes to this !! diacritic or whatever, double exclaimation marks, I seldom use two.
I use 1 ! far too often!!!
So, whether in a note or a more formal presentation, I use ellipsis a lot ... as you can see... here... and here...
Also, the aforementioned exclamation point.
Don't use the question mark as much as I should, keeps the reader in suspense to have to consider questions.
For example, aren't you curious as to how I'll finish the question?
Were you surprised I only used one ? ?
Just sayin'...
It can certainly develop a dialog between writer and reader, to engage the reader in this rather quiet yet intense partnership established over these funny marks and squiggles known as letter...
Those funny symbols used to differentiate thoughts when writing, !@#$% etc., are now even more important than ever, since the chat rooms need #hashtags and {{;--} and the like.
So, be kind to the end of the sentence, even the short period is ever so important.
And, let them know when to be excited, right now, 10 minutes later !!