Tuesday, January 29, 2008

LABRIGHTFLASH 2 - "Pressing Business 101"

Fearless Leader, your kind assistance please:
I met you at the November meet-up. During that meeting you mentioned that you had written an article in response to another pro-faith article appearing in the same publication. I had asked you at the time if I would be able to see the article you wrote and the one you responded to so that I could get an idea of what sort of things should be actively addressed and how to go about doing so. I'd like to take you up on your offer to show me these articles if you can and it is not too much trouble. Thanks. Hope to see you at February meeting.
News Hound
Dear News Hound:
The particulars of my foray in November are related on my blog:
That's a rather long post, but I think it tells the story.
Let me make one thing extraordinarily crystal clear:  I would NEVER suggest what should be "actively addressed".  We all have a moral compass, what ticks you off or turns you on is your own thing, so react to whatever you find yourself reacting to in whatever sincerely appropriate way you deem necessary!
You have, however, given me the opportunity to wax poetic about the press, how to approach, and how to get published, that I will share with the group.
1.  Finding articles to react to -  I've come to the deliberation that we ought to try to find local press outlets, as we're the LA Brights. 
LA Times - I read it daily
LA Business Journal - not sure there's much call for our message here.
Orange County Whatever - Do It!
Valencia Village Voice - local published stuff (every city has one, Venice Mag is quite popular)
However, it is easier to react to things without worry about geography. 
Here's a strategy to find things to react to:  Google Alerts!
Set up a news finder alert that has one the following keywords:  "The Brights", "Atheist", "theocracy" "church state separation", "Secular Humanism", "or whatever phrase you wish to react to".
Then, everyday, you can review whatever you choose to respond to!
2.a  How to respond:  Find, in the online resource, the means to respond.  Sometimes that's simply contributing another comment on the forum where you found the interesting article. 
Sometimes you can write to the editor and the author. 
I like that better, it means the source is (perhaps) legitimate and not just some random blog.
2.b.  How to respond:  Being Bright means being POSITIVE, friendly, diplomatic, assured, NEVER cocky, argumentative nor hostile. 
So, think about the tone of your response, especially after you write it! 
Be cautious of responding in the heat of the moment, a well edited note, like revenge, is best served cold.  Sleep on it, send Friar Frish a copy to review, send it to your mom, or other person whose opinion you respect, then, read it again.
If you stop changing anything in it after reading it, read it again until you stop making changes.
2c.  How to respond:  Be direct, be CONCISE, show you've understood their issues and that you take issue with it, (or, that you wholeheartedly agree) and here's some evidence to prove it.
So, like every treatise:
I> Short intro - to what are you reacting
II> Your Premise
III> Support for your premise and sign off
Here's another real life example...a letter I wrote to the NY Times in response to the following:
(Please note, along with being Fearless Leader of the LA Brights, I'm also a Volunteer in the WWW.VHEMT.ORG!)
Dear Editors: 
Cultural changes cannot be "managed", however much Dr. Dobson yearns for some supposedly "better" tradition.  Families are far more diverse than ever before, and our economy and society seem to be coping.
His single issue vehemence only serves to isolate him, and his support for a third party candidate would seal the deal.  That's why Giuliani doesn't care about Dr. Dobson, he knows he'll get those votes anyway...
To further educate Dr. Dobson, there are those who feel that having children is immoral altogether, but that is a different discussion.
I hope any political activities including fundraising and "calls-to-action" via sermon by churches are taxed appropriately.
(I write as I speak.  It works for me.  Pick a style you are comfortable with and develop it!)
3.  If you get published, you may end up being asked for an interview. 
If this should occur, you'll need Frish's Pressing Business 301...for future spokespeople.
Thanks all, Friar Frish says: "REALITY NOW!"  (followed by the hand sign, see below)
Every "gang" needs a "hand sign". 
Here's my suggestion:
The right hand is vertical, the left palm is placed on the right middle finger.  A Referee's TIME OUT symbol (REALITY NOW!).