Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Cryokid" Book Signing on Sunday Next in West LA

My early life was as an Archaeologist/Anthropologist, so I enjoy family in all it's definitions...even tho' I have no children of my own...(and recommend against!).
Janet Spiegel is a business associate and the subject of the book is Janet's daughter, who is a "Cryokid" (product of sperm bank).
The author is the "Cryokid"'s grandmother, Corrine!
That makes it pretty cool, except the sperm donor himself is also quoted which is what makes it unusual...see you there!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janet Spiegel info@mail.evite.com
Book Launch for "Cryo Kid: Drawing a New Map" by Corinne Heather Copnick
Dear family and friends,
Please celebrate the LA launch of my mom's book "Cryo Kid" with us. If you can't attend, please support her accomplishment and buy a copy online (autographed through cryokid.com).
Guests welcome so spread the word!

Host:  Janet Spiegel

Location:   Dutton's Brentwood Books -- 310.476.6263

11975 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049 US

When:  Sunday, March 9, 2:00PM

Phone:  818-345-1531

In support of "How Many Non-Believers" - an LA Brights letter to the LA Times.

Dear LA Brights:
Writing letters.
It's one of "our things" (*Cosas Nostra!)

Here's the template for an effective Letter to the Times (or anywhere else):

Took their piece and showed I had read it (we concur).
Made my own point altogether (morality vs. religion) and I'll hope
that's enough to catch their eye and get us into the paper.

I've introduced another whole topic, therefore a newsworthy subject
unto itself and fun speculation for them.

Pick your own "twist" and scribe away...the LA Times editors may be
reached at letters@latimes.com.

Here's the story:

Here's my letter (I did use the BRIGHTS tag this time. Seemed appropriate.)

Dear Editor, LA TIMES:
Members of The Los Angeles BRIGHTS ("Reality Now!") were raised in all
manner of households: Hindu, Catholic, Jewish, Evangelical,
others...even Atheist).

We concur that those who don't believe are significantly undercounted.

The general population is beginning to realize that morality stems
from being human, not from being religious.

Religion cannot impose morality upon one's personality, you either
were born with a conscience or you weren't!

There are many ways to live a good life, be a good person, and a
positive social contributor and not be affiliated with religion

Frish - Fearless Leader, LA Brights
Hope to see many of you next Sunday. Thanks for being Bright.

Treadmill Headstand!

Another good reason not to do exercise...