Thursday, April 28, 2011

Has there ever been a society that used less energy as they "progressed"???

So, here's what passes for "good news".  

China won't be a runaway greenhouse emissions and ecologic disaster, 
since their demand for energy will flatten over the next 4 decades...

Wonder if those economists determined what 1.4Bn people will consume (just eating) 
and what to do with their exhaust (shit by another name) forget about appliances...

Will there be ANY wilderness left in China?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She's pregnant, and got pregnant!

For those concerned with reproduction, at the margins! 

It doesn't look like there is much of this happening, (no surprise, no kidding).

On an related search, I discovered "types of twins".  (I thought there were more!)
Conjoined - a single initial embryo splits but doesn't fully separate...
Superfetation - twins conceived separately
Heteropaternal Superfecundation - twins from different fathers
Polar Body Twins: "Half Identical" possibly one egg splits and each half meets a sperm. Weird! 
Monozygotic - two identical same gender copies
Mirror Image Twins - also Monozygotic (one initial egg) these twins aren't identical in fun ways.
Parasitic - this is too gross.
Semi-Identical - only one known pair!  One egg, two sperm, one is a hermaphrodite.
Twins with different birthdays - "twins have been born days, even weeks apart! "
Twins of different races - a special case of HeteroSuper above. Also possible with bi-racial parents!

Twins happen ("naturally") with more frequency in older mothers, (over 35) of which there are an abundance.

Fertility treatments are (now) a major source.  Octo-Mom lives way too close to me!

Our bodies are wonderful, let's fully enjoy them as we live long and die out!

Vehemently Yours, 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

As the Near East opens a democratic political environment...perhaps we ought to adopt some of what they do...;_ylt=Aj2weC_D45f_xWlFPk2lzn_tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTMyNzhhbGZsBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwNDIxL291a29lX3VrX2t5cmd5enN0YW5fc2FjcmlmaWNlBHBvcwM3BHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDa3lyZ3l6bXBzc2Fj
"We decided to resort to popular customs, in order for this building not to see bloodshed anymore,"
member of parliament Myktybek* Abdyldayev told Reuters 
after the rams were sacrificed on a green lawn in front of the government headquarters.

* Not to be confused with Superman's enemy from  the 5th dimension, Mister Mxyzptlk!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Smart Carbon Calculator ... it provides appropriate suggestions!

Here is an article about it.

Here is the calculator:

This is a much smarter carbon footprint calculator, 
as it gives you suggestions on how to reduce it, 
depending on the costs of things as a percentage of your expenses
where you live...(USA only I believe, sorry about that, but if we're more aware and act, that's the best possible result!)

In Southern California, where I live, we have zero heating oil expense for example, 
so changing our heating oil habit won't change my footprint.

But if I could quit driving and eating so much meat, better results would occur.
I was at about 70% of the US average for a two person household.

Which made us about 3X the world average...


Friday, April 8, 2011

Wonder how many other "philanthropists" are funding similar ventures...

Templeton Foundation is to spirituality what the Koch Brothers are to global warming denials.

Wonder what other big money is trying to influence an outcome of science?

Nah, they're all ethical scientists.