Friday, March 28, 2014

I like answering questions on Yahoo...

  • ...especially when I give the favorite answer.  The world wide web appears to have a LOT of "by-catch".

  • Society & Culture >
  • Cultures & Groups >
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bise... >
  • Reference Question

Should I feel bad for doing this to him?

The man who lied to me and led me on. I took his picture and made a facebook profile and I said "you're handsome" and other sexual stuff in the messages and sent it to the guys at the gym that we both go too. He has not been to the gym all week because his friend told him what happened because I over heard the conversation he had with a guy. Now people think he is you know.... 

was that too much?
Update 1: AM I a psycho??
Update 2: I deleted right after I did it

Best AnswerAsker's Choice

  • Frishy answered 24 hrs ago
Well here we are in the court of Culture, circa 2014. 

If that's even legal, I'd take the facebooking down, before getting busted for using his image for whatever purposes without permission, lawyers love crap like that. 

Yes that was too much. 

Yes you are psycho. 

No, you cant apologize enough, if no one knows what you did, keep it that way and pray he doesn't get stomped or something.

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