Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear KBRT 740AM: I understand you have positions, but why LIE and MISINFORM?

(To those blind carbon copied, this is an open letter to KBRT 740AM - an "evangelical Christian" radio station in Southern California, feel free to send them something I may have forgotten, they ostensibly care about "truth"):
I tune in frequently.  I too believe that the constitution of the USA must be defended from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The Prop 8 court decision was a perfect example of how the constitution defends and protects all US Citizens.

Yet your broadcasters and guests profess umbrage that "the democratic decisions of the people of California were overturned by a single judge".  

Please consider the following....

Marriage in this country provides many "special benefits" to couples who come to that contract (under secular law).
These include rights and protections and benefits in many areas, including and not limited to:
Tax Benefits
Estate Planning Benefits
Government Benefits
Employment benefits (family leave, insurance, etc.)
Medical benefits (visiting rights, decision making power)
Death Benefits
Family benefits
Housing benefits
Consumer Benefits (family rates for many things, tuition discounts, etc.)
Many other legal benefits and protections

The constitution does not discriminate according to sexual orientation.  

Your radio station, or churches, surely can, for example consider that restaurants can reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!

The government of the USA cannot do so however.

How can the constitution do anything but find that homosexuals cannot be discriminated against when it comes to obtaining the benefits that accrue to the married?

Absolutely NOTHING in that decision was "activism" on the part of the Judge.  It was solely a decision that showed that Prop 8 is unconstitutional.

And, I await your further feigned shock when the US Supreme court finds the same thing, should the appeals process propel itself in that direction.

It's a great way to obtain funds from ("moral"/"Homophobic"/"holier than thou") listeners, but it is simply lying on your part.

I heard someone from some "defending marriage organization"  NOT answer the question when asked:
What evidence did you provide to show that marriage is somehow harmed by having homosexuals also benefit from marriage?

There was NO evidence presented, simply some prattle about the judge reading emails sent during the campaign for prop 8.  The judge didn't mention anything about emails in his decision, he simply stated that no harm to "marriage" was shown by the defendants...since there is no evidence to be shown!

Homosexual couples raise offspring just as well adjusted as heterosexual couples.
Homosexuality is no more a "choice" than heterosexuality (when did YOU decide what YOU are?)

Marriage is not only not weakened by this decision, it is actually now more inclusive and stronger than ever, with even more of our fellow citizens able to achieve the benefits of marriage!

If your position was that GOVERNMENT should NOT BE IN THE MARRIAGE BUSINESS AT ALL, and that no one ought to obtain any special rights, privileges benefits or otherwise by being married, then I could understand and even defend your position that homosexuals cannot marry (under religious law).

However, I have not heard that is your view, you simply don't want these contractual benefits to accrue to couples who happen to be of the same sex, with no justification at all!

Since you wear your flags on your sleeves, you MUST find that the constitution prevailed as it should, to protect those who are not being provided equal protection.

You can have all the eccentric and ill informed opinions you wish.

Just stop LYING to your audience.  

Later today I heard how "obamacare" is "clearly unconstitutional" since it includes a mandate for purchasing health care.
So funny that "unconstitutional" is obvious to you when it suits your purposes, and remains obscured when it doesn't.
However, it isn't "clearly unconstitutional" until it is adjudicated as unconstitutional, which it may well be!

Thanks for reading and providing your listeners with the truth, Prop 8 was an ill advised and unconstitutional attempt to discriminate against your fellow constitution loving citizens of the USA.