Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She's pregnant, and got pregnant!

For those concerned with reproduction, at the margins! 

It doesn't look like there is much of this happening, (no surprise, no kidding).

On an related search, I discovered "types of twins".  (I thought there were more!)
Conjoined - a single initial embryo splits but doesn't fully separate...
Superfetation - twins conceived separately
Heteropaternal Superfecundation - twins from different fathers
Polar Body Twins: "Half Identical" possibly one egg splits and each half meets a sperm. Weird! 
Monozygotic - two identical same gender copies
Mirror Image Twins - also Monozygotic (one initial egg) these twins aren't identical in fun ways.
Parasitic - this is too gross.
Semi-Identical - only one known pair!  One egg, two sperm, one is a hermaphrodite.
Twins with different birthdays - "twins have been born days, even weeks apart! "
Twins of different races - a special case of HeteroSuper above. Also possible with bi-racial parents!

Twins happen ("naturally") with more frequency in older mothers, (over 35) of which there are an abundance.

Fertility treatments are (now) a major source.  Octo-Mom lives way too close to me!

Our bodies are wonderful, let's fully enjoy them as we live long and die out!

Vehemently Yours, 