Monday, June 23, 2008

Resetting Earth's thermostat

Samuel Thernstrom wrote:
"There are two concerns about geo-engineering".  How about 1000 concerns?  "Global Warming" is one symptom of Human Caused Climate Chaos.  Treating "warming" alone ignores the chemistry of the systems that we continue to disrupt.
He proposes another "disruptive technology", a very human response.  Technology evolved alongside our biological selves to overwhelm nature since there have been humans on the planet.  For example, Innuit people didn't evolve in the Arctic, they used their culture and technology to thrive there!
As he suggests, technology is ruining nature, but Mr. Thernstrom seems to believe that we can RUN nature, if we just use a little more technology...The "elephant in the room" is too many people.  I have none, neither should you.

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