Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Economist: "The 9 Billion-people question" Special report 16pp 02/26/2011

Feeding The World
The latest numbs.  From a rather influential and highly visible magazine/data source.

The incredible part:  The Feeding (and cleaning up after) 9,000,000,000 people they see as feasible (with a whole LOT of IFs). (See last page)...
(And, they recognize "climate change will add to the strains", amongst several other pithy observations.)

The problem I have with that is if they really think that food will be available, population will go up, with food no longer a consideration.

9Bn humans?  with 6Bn or more from now until 2110???  We'll eat everything on the planet.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Results from bridge play tonight...

Enjoy the attached, we did.  

George is a genius from CT. and a world class player.

THANKS George!

(It looks better than actual, we were 12th pair out of 192 (first in our section).)

POINTS are always good!   


Immigrants, diversity, and our future...

The world is the world.  We cannot change it.  If the USA expects to have a vibrant economy, under capitalism that is, it requires young workers and innovators.  

Since those who have been here for generations are having fewer children the natural outcome is more children by immigrants.

So what?

It's been like that since the early 1600's and the same jingoist, nationalist, isolationist, xenophobic and outright racist slurs are of the same age or older.

Don't you like capitalism Fred?

Don't you want the USA to be successful?

Are Italians and Irish and Jews still as hated and feared as they were 100 and 150 years ago?

Did their assimilation diminish America or strengthen it?

Aren't all those "brown skin nations" growing more than the rest of the world?

Doesn't that just mean they are a burgeoning market, it's ours to lose, the Chinese already get it!  

Being friendly and having those same brown skinned people here can be advantageous and, how their brethren are treated here also is noted by our trading partners.

If there is a demographic shift happening, it is insane to try to thwart it, we should anticipate it and deal with it. 

And, no, dealing with it doesn't include ridiculous things like having English as the official language of the land!

It's really hilarious how conservatives want government out of their lives, and into the lives of the rest of us!

You cannot Control Culture.  

Just Ask Mubarek.
