Sunday, November 28, 2010

Man exposes himself in Pickrell Tavern ("Who else would he expose?", asks Frish)

Found this in my gmail drafts folder, which doesn't necessarily mean that I didn't already send it.  

As I learned in the UK, "better twice than not at all".

Beatrice Daily Sun Online Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 6:00 am

Gage County Sheriff's Deputies responded to an incident in Pickrell early Sunday morning in which a male subject exposed himself to two females.

According to a press release from the sheriff's office, the subject was wearing a Zoot suit costume at the Pickrell Tavern and exposed his genitals to the females. He also made crude sexual comments and sexual advances towards them.

The investigation revealed that the subject was part of a group of Halloween revelers from Lancaster County.

The Sheriff's office is asking anyone with information on the incident to call the sheriff's office at 223-5222 or Gage County Crime Stoppers at 228-4343.


How cell replication proceeds - implications for nano machinery

"Asbury said, "Intact, functional kinetochores had not previously been isolated from any organism." The purification of the kinetochores allowed the research team to make the first direct measurements of coupling strength between individual kinetechore particles and dynamic microtubules."

"Asbury likened the stabilizing tension on the filament to a Chinese finger trap toy -- the harder you try to pull away, the stronger your knuckles are gripped."

The world's demographics...When will those over 50 outnumber those under 50?

This is a letter to several groups, including CASS - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Had an opportunity to enjoy the following article:

Plenty of notable quotable facts and observations.
Low mortality and low fertility results in a steadily aging population in almost all parts of the world, outside of Africa.

Women outlive men the most in Russia.  What are the implications for Russian children to only have older role models that are exclusively female? 

I find this telling however..

"In August the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) presented a surprising report, in which the researchers urged the authorities to quickly bring the one-child policy to an end. The Chinese social scientists argued instead that people should be encouraged to have more children.

Researchers at CASS have found that it may be difficult to get Chinese people to have more children in the years to come, even if the authorities abandon their current stringent policy. In important areas of China, Chinese women will on average have fewer than 1.5 children in any case, the researchers warn. In order to maintain the current population level women need to have an average of 2.1 children each."

Warn (my emphasis)?  

Consider: A shrinking population doesn't fit into current growth plans.
And:        Those plans don't take into account the public harms that unlimited growth produces.

Having fewer humans has got to be a good thing...from the perspective of the future of the planet's ability to sustain human life, and from the perspective of those future humans!

Therefore, since the "natural" tendency according to CASS Research is for fewer children per family than replacement, why not encourage it, or at least have public/private management plans match the facts, instead of "warning" plan managers of too few people?

Their encouragement of lifting the one child rule may also be motivated by more "democratic" reasons, as the involuntary restriction on human fertility/fecundity are distressing on many of the millions affected.  It is a fascinating social experiment however, and shows how quickly human behavior can change.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2007 Fire Way Up North worst in 5000 years!

(We are born childfree, glad I managed to keep it that way!  Here's another example of why no one should have children!)

In September, 2007, the Anaktuvuk River Fire burned more than 1,000 square kilometers of tundra on Alaska's North Slope, doubling the area burned in that region since record keeping began in 1950. A new analysis of sediment cores from the burned area revealed that this was the most destructive tundra fire at that site for at least 5,000 years.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's in Spanish, but the image is universal

Seems she just doesn't quite appreciate the user interface!

A loose translation: " When we come to this, it's time to retire.  HaHaHaHaHa"

Cuando lleguemos a esto , hay que jubilarse…….jajajajaja

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bicycle Monorail plus Bjorn Lomberg

This note is convoluted, enjoy, eventually it all ties together.

First a little missive from my friend, Thinkenstein...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thinkenstein

Aerodynamic bicycle pods that hang under a monorail track.  I want these in the termite nest city!  
-----------            ----------------

P.S. Thinkenstein is living in a set of nested geodesic domes of his own invention, and manufacture, as for 35 years he's been living on top of a rain forested mountain in Puerto Rico, contemplating how to save the world.  Hence the "termite nest city" concept, as a way to have loads of people taking up far less space, resources, and, being concentrated, far less damaging to the general environment, but not noticing so much!

Topic Two:
Danish economist Bjorn Lomberg brings out the documentary "Cool It."
As I heard him interviewed regarding his perspective on Human Caused Climate Chaos. (HCCC - A Frishbergism).

Paraphrasing: "We need to be innovative and find an energy source that is cheaper than petroleum, and not so polluting.  Then we'd use far less petroleum."
(To quote Homer Simpson, "Doh! Why didn't I think of that.")

He simply is urging "innovation".  The child of necessity.  Necessity we already have, but few acknowledge that fact.

At least he attempted to name a solution to the situation, which I think Gore's Inconvenient Truth lacked.  

Yet he also made the most amazing statement, that it isn't too late already.  

How the heck would he know that?  I disagree, and point to so many factors it is difficult to know where to start.

I guess I'll have to see the movie now, perhaps there is more to it, but so far I'm unimpressed.   

Seems to me, there are plenty of VERY well funded organizations who know exactly when the petrol will run out and have "everything to lose" so if they aren't already committing billions to an alternative energy source or three, then who would?

If any of those governmental or industrial concern had such tech, the competitive advantage would far outweigh taking down their brethren petrol-cos or governments for that matter... 

There is no "low hanging fruit" when it comes to easy, cheap, nonpolluting, (non-nuclear), energy.  Or someone would have figured it out already.  Talk about a big market!

Sure, solar panels may improve x% per year for many years, and eventually enable a distributed power grid or whatever, but we're talking decades minimum.

And, until then, China is opening x number of NEW COAL POWERED ELECTRICAL PLANTS per  WEEK.

Here's some good news:  Seems the Chinese have a chance to build cleaner coal plants than the US.

Oops, here's the other news and the more you read the more depressing:
"If China's carbon usage keeps pace with its economic growth, the country's carbon dioxide emissions will reach 8 gigatons a year by 2030, which is equal to the entire world's CO2 production today."
"China built at least 78 gigawatts of energy capacity in 2007 alone, which brought the country over 700 gigawatts of total capacity. The vast majority of that increase, of course, came from coal fired power plants. (US capacity is around 900 gigawatts.)"  

Oh, and don't forget how the agricultural degradation due to Human Caused Climate Chaos will severely impact harvests in China by 2030, or, how there is a coming of age creche of boys that massively outnumber girls in their cohort.  Both resource shortages and testosterone point to a military solution.  

That's all reason to get real nervous about China...they aren't going to slow their dependence on coal/petrol anytime soon.

Interesting science news on the social order of ants and how the act with "wisdom".  

So, from Thinkensteins determination that his termite city would be a great way to go, to the scientific conclusion that ants act with "wisdom" (obviously they act in a way that provides for the next generation of ants to survive, we put the label of wisdom on their behavior!).

Too bad termite cities and crowds of humans acting with wisdom are both so unlikely.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New word (to me anyway)...Hustler Channel coming soon...

Help me obiwankenobi...or whatever...

A hogel (short for holographic pixel) is the three-dimensional version of a pixel, the basic units that make up the picture

lower population and prosperity...


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I sent the White House tonight...

Obama's abreaction.

Obama will be tarred and feathered for being a bleeding heart liberal.

It feels bad?  What kind of a commander in chief says: It feels bad?

To quote Governor The-Quitter Palin: "Man up."

Here's what I would suggest to the White House strategists:

We are all in-born with a sense of justice.  Even poor people.

BushCo, Wall Street, Haliburton, BP, and any and all types of "renditions", and on and etc....

All need to come to justice.  Watergate was necessary, this is far more necessary.

Until we resolve a whole lot of injustice, the American people won't want to participate much.  

Yet, our enemies will be ever more motivated.

Justice Haiku:

I say: "Bring it on"!
Justice: It's the real thing!
By Rule Of Law


For those who wonder if life is only on Earth


Some weasel stole my MSEL...
