Tuesday, June 17, 2014

140617 17of18 (almost done!?!?!?)

it was enough

The Law of Diminishing Returns, often described as eating a rich chocolate cake.
A slaughtering mouthful
creamy icing, rambunctious
sugary, cocoa

Not to mention the
between layers, outrageous
chocolate whipped cream 

Then, the second bite
lickety lips, damp napkin...
still satisfying 

bite seven or eight?
It's beginning to lose it's 
Gusto left the room

That's an economic Theorem, the last, marginal bite, can't convey as much "utility" as the first mouthful, or even the fifth.

So,"it was enough" is seen everyday, it was enough coffee in the pot, it was enough soymilk to make cereal, it was enough apples for the week...

we can only hope
weekly, it was (just) enough
to last 'forever'

Late here, all is well, played some bridge.  

Need to walk more, tomorrow for sure, knees seem mended.

HOpe you are havingfun, I'll read what you wrote and then crash!

140616 16of18 Have at it!

Growing up, I bought comic books.  When I first started buying them (can't say I 'collected' them, it was much too haphazard for that!) they cost 10 cents.  Then, they cost 25 cents soon thereafter.

I know I had the first Fantastic Four, the first Spider Man, and other magazines that would be worth their weight in gold today.

However, surprising I mentioned two Marvel brands, since I was DC all the way.

Superman, Batman, The Justice League, The Flash, The Atom, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman (even), were all titles I obtained.

There can only be one supreme superhero however, and in my mind now and then, SUPERMAN wins.

First, lets put Superman into the class of heros that Don't Require Technology to be effective.

Having been born on another world, with a different type of light, he arrives to Earth and now is massively strong (lighter Gravity), has impenetrable SKIN, has X-Ray vision and other EYEBALL Powers, CAN FLY!!!! (I'd trade all his other powers to fly),even his breath is special, and can blow like a hurricane, or even blow so cold as to freeze anything...

No other hero/heroine could possible overcome Superman, he's the best, by a long shot.

Invulnerability, Super Fast (running, swimming FLYING, Super Stong (unlimited strength) are just some of the best things...besides flying in space without any suit or oxygen!

Also, he's only susceptible to one substance (remains of his home world, Krypton, which are called Kryptonite, and there are several colors with different effects) and also to MAGIC.

He only really has one worthy Enemy, Mister Mxyzptlk, who Superman must trick into saying his name backwards to drive him back to his 5th dimensional home for 90 days...

So, the winner and still Champion SUPERMAN!