Eco you wrote:
"This year in several Latinamerican countries we are celebrating our Independence Bicentennial. Happily we remember VIOLENT periods and BATTLES, which casted away oppression and slavery (..well just partially we have become independent, ..., but in fact conditions for slaves or native people, "indios", were worst two hundred years ago).
Of course pacific solutions are always much preferable, but even in India with M. Gandhi, independence took also lots of lives, suffering, TIME and very special people and circumstances, that are not always available."
First, in response to your post, perhaps Martyrs become Heroes depending on who "wins" the war, eh what? (He who controls Wikipedia controls the future!)
Secondly, and far more importantly, I believe the two paragraphs I resend above capture a terrific thought.
As a species, we seem to be "progressing" to some "higher" moral stand on the way we treat each other. Stumbling, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, but we seem to be ruled by laws, that, if enforced, makes life peaceful for many.
I have an Archaeology Degree, I know a little about what we were like coming out of the trees.
Tool making omnivore soon to have speech and fire.
We fan out, and, through our material culture, we've used that technology to "genetically engineered" ourselves as a specie to EAT EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET. Our tools make plants/animals into mincemeat. Literally.
The question your prose has me pose...
Is our Social Evolution fast enough to save us from our Human Nature (that which we've lived with for .25 to .5 million years or whatever)?
Live Long and Die Off