Dear Laura: So glad you are showing your face to the world, I tried to protect you from this, but hey...your choice.
P.S. Theosodic is not a word. If you meant Theosophism, I can't be that, since it includes mysticism.
Your confusion astounds. Thanks for BRIGHT friends wonder why I bother, but I figure our next step is to create a Theosodic Church, thanks for the word, I'm running for "Pope of Theosodicism"!
(Got to get onto Cafe Press quick and buy the T-Shirt!)
Well, if He doesn't exist as you say, you can't go to heaven since you are not holy enough for the God who created you. But see, I know Him, and have accepted Him and His sacrifice so I, because of His sacrifice have the right to. I am not worthy either.
***He doesn't exist and there is no heaven and we'll both be quietly dead far too soon. Live long and die off.
Wisdom begins with the Word of God, not with what you think, so you may think yourself wise, but you have been made a fool. You might think, but you have no wisdom according to the Word of God.
What I am served is the Word of God, thank you for affirming that.
***No, thank you for letting me know how limited your horizons are.
I only hate Satan and the people who evangelize his teachings.
***As you like (or hate).
You hate God's creation, I don't.
*** Interesting claim, can you substantiate it? God didn't create anything, so it is hard to hate it firstly.
He created PEOPLE to take care of His creation, but you hate that idea.
***We're certainly doing a stellar job.
That is great to call VHEMT a choice. All religions are choices, God doesn't force Himself on anyone. It is always a decision to follow Him or not. You start with a Theosodic belief, and decide what you want to belief. I start with the WISDOM of GOD, and let it end there. What is better, the Wisdom of God, or his created being who wants to decide what to believe. That is no choice to the rest of us
***FREEDOM of belief doesn't mean freedom from making mistakes, and you are a prime example.
You can go on to hell, that is your choice, but your evangelizing to others is a different matter.
***How is it different than you evangelizing?
If you would just keep your theosodic beliefs to yourself, no problem. The problem is when you cause others to be affirmed in their ways.
***Others must defend themselves from my onslaughts as they so choose. You don't give people much credit for having minds of their own or an ability to pick wheat from chaff.
That's a great joke, the $200, will you joke about it forever, I hope I get to look down to you once you die, because you are the root of a lot of evil since you are evangelizing theosodic beliefs.
***theosodic...wonder what you mean? Your self righteousness will certainly give god plenty to think about...glad you got the joke anyway, I'm still laughing.
Just remember, there are different levels of hell, and I am sure that a special level will be for those that helped take others with them. Satan will be laughing at you all the way.
***We will all wake up dead someday. Live long and die off.
It is simple. My objection is that you are espousing beliefs that affirm people's theosodism. If all you did is not have kids that is one thing. But I am sure you fornicate, maybe I am wrong and you are married, but I doubt it.
*** I fornicate at every opportunity, are you looking to hook up? By the way, my sister is a concubine and fornicator too, according to her boyfriend's daughter...Runs in the family!
The definition of religion has nothing to do with money or spiritual guidance. It has to do with who you look to for morality, it can be you, as it is in this case. It doesn't need a place of worship. You do seek to define morality by saying the Bible is wrong about children. Most religions do not have a hierarchy or bureaucracy. You don't need a book, it can just be a set of beliefs. So it covers EVERY CRITERIA for a religion.
***Sorry, vhemt covers NO CRITERIA of religion, and nothing you said here refutes that.
***Morality is built into our very beings. You obviously missed that part of the lecture. That's how people who have never heard of jesus or bibles have morals too! It is part of being human, we're ANIMALS that are SOCIAL. Morality is what governs our social behaviors, and is BUILT IN. You didn't become a moral actor by reading a book.
Lastly, I only speak to have you not go to hell, not for any reason of my own.
***Oh, now you tell me!
OK, apologies to those who cringe at the thought of another round of this, I'll desist.
THEOSODIC PARABLE # 1 - from the Pope of Theosodicism...