Let's see, GUNS KILL PEOPLE. Oh, yeah, I mean, bullets, bullets kill people.
So, control the bullets.
Or, control the rabid nationalists, racists, fascists, ethnocentric, and mostly all the lunatics...
"And kill, kill all the uglies; But I'm, I'm not ugly!" (lyrics from a Mariachi song...)
Here's something to think about, far closer to home so to speak.
The Tea Party Representatives are refusing to allow the government to borrow funds needed to enact the laws voted on by their predecessors.
That's simply underhanded and Undemocratic to its core.
They are stymieing the democratic process and rule of law.
Breivek and a few deluded skinheads don't get it either.
But, the impact of the teabaggers will kill far more than "The Breivek Distraction".
Much like our own Arizona example (I won't mention his name, this is exactly the kind of stuff that terrorizes people, for NO reason at all, and, it's why they can't stock enough guns or ammo to satisfy demand ever since Obama won the nomination, let alone the election.)
The European Declaration of Independence
by Anders Behring Breivek
in PDF (Acrobat) format.