Sunday, May 18, 2014

From a blog re: Loss of Biodiversity could mean end of human race.

Frish F.         4:29pm PDT on Oct 19, 2010

Saying we're going to do a better than the species-cide we're currently committing is interesting. 

Actually doing anything is highly unlikely. 

Why wait to 2020?

It isn't the species large enough to see that I'm worried about, here's a scenario:
it's the bacteria that fixes some nutrient to the food chain, and we don't even know about it, or what we did to destroy it...

Even this site, so committed to sustainability, has, as a goal, the sustainable use of biodiversity.

Think about just one instance: Fisheries and what could/should be the human cull?

Before we had big boats and nylon nets/lines our total consumption of seafood was minimal.
So, how can any human consumption be justified, since we're the invader specie, not the cod/whales/salmon/tuna/sardines/anchovies/shrimp we're scouring out of their ecosystems.

We're an invader specie in every ecosystem we are in, basically.

Without a huge throttle down of fecundity, that is, people having zero to no more than Zero children, the earth will continue to lose species at 1000 times the background rate, we'll continue to poison the atmosphere with CO2, and, increasingly, methane from long frozen sources.

Our modus operandi - From the beginning:

Spoil Our Nest and Move On.

Well, we're spoiling our nest (into near earth orbit, with enough trash to make sending astronauts there is too risky!) but there is no where to move on to.

Don't Have Children.

That's the best way to save the species.