Sunday, July 8, 2007

Freshman Dorm Life: Vending Machines

Once upon a time, in a freshman all-male dorm, there were several vending machines in the lobby.

Most of the time, just across the foyer, there was someone at the front desk (actually a counter behind glass, with a window like a bank).

Well, one night, Belk was on duty, and sleeping like a newborn.

I can't say I was there, but no one is asking are they?

In the morning, all hell broke loose in the lobby.

"Mrs. B" (the hag that was our "Dorm Mother") all the Resident Assistants and their Assistants, and the regular preppy defenders of righteousness, the Campus Police, and even the San Diego Police were all mumbling and grumbling in front of the vending machines, and by the trophy cases, and behind and in front of the front desk...

It was fairly easy for them to figure out:

1. Belk had slept through the whole thing.

2. The vending machines had their contents delivered a spiral coil "untwisting" system. Each unwind of the spiral allowed another bag of snack food to drop into the tray. All it took was to flip the machines around and around and they would have their contents available. (How Belk could have slept through the flipping was a much debated item, considering the noise made by that many loose coins.)

3. The more disturbing thing was the fact that the trophy cases in the dorm’s ground floor “living room” were all empty. The 3 trophy cases each had sliding glass doors, embedded with chicken wire mesh, helping to confirm and remind and enforce that the dorms were modeled on a woman’s prison. Normally there were cylindrical locks with keyholes on metal tongues, that moved off the tongues to allow the sliding glass doors to move.

However, the trophies were no longer inside the cases. And, the locks were placed on BACKWARDS so the key hole was INSIDE the the doors could not be opened at all.

Now, if you knew what got them in that condition and could resolve it without breaking the glass (can't say I do, won't say I don't) would you offer your assistance?

As far as the trophies, poorly hidden in-between couch seats, in trash cans, and other noteworthy locations; none had gone missing.

No money was lost, none escaped from inside the guts of the vending machines.

The vending machines' contents were never recovered.

Tell me does prayer really help is god listening to us?

Once upon at time there were hundreds of gods. Every creek, brook, stream, river, lake, inlet, ocean had a god. Every tree and rock had a god.

Then, there were only a few gods, like the Greeks or Egyptians had.

Abraham brought the idea of a single god.

As you can see, the whole idea of god is approaching it's true nature, zero. That is, there is no god at all.

Now, can prayer help you?

It is imperative that one "believes" in the "doctor" and the "medicine".

Mind over matter. That is, it is all in your mind. If you decide you'd get better after you pray, maybe you will.

Isn't that the "secret" after all, the power of positive thinking.

It is WITHIN YOU to accomplish what you seek. Trust in yourself, that is the source of everything.

However, some find relying on an outside entity such as "god" helpful too.

So, believe in whatever voodoo works for you.

For me, I lean on myself.

Here's my YAHOO Answers! response to "Why do people who believe in Satan never see him? Why do people who believe in God only imagine they see him?"

There is no reason to believe that god or satan actually exist. Faith is the absence of reason. So faith is literally NO REASON to believe in god.

So, if you like to live your life without reason, be faithful. (see below)

Consider the following:
Kids, when they learn to speak, ask hard questions (like, where did the sun come from, or how old is the earth, or where does the moon go every month, etc.). It is important to have ready answers for such curiousity, and fairy tales fit the bill nicely. God is just another fairy tale to assist in child rearing (for one thing).

However, people do report on near death experiences (bright lights, hooded figures, tunnel) etc.

People also dream about how dead grandma spoke to them and gave them some advice. (Perhaps on a fast horse at tomorrow's race!)

People hallucinate during fever and see all sorts of things they try to relate to us later.

People imagine all kinds of things that go bump in the night.

Therefore, people speak to each other about all these things, and we tend to give them a name. God is a name for all things we have yet to describe! Or, perhaps, the expression "God Knows" says a lot!

People see things, (or imagine they see things), other people give them a name for what they saw, and they accept it as "god" or "satan".

Now, if you'd care to live your life with reason, instead of by faith, you might turn to science and history, and anthropology and other disciplines that describe the world in which we live.

The world I live in looks like this:
It is a world of geology.
It is a world that supports life, self replicating molecules.
Each species of living thing occupies an energy niche, and, when a species "discovers" an untapped energy niche, it evolves over time to take advantage of it.
Human beings are no different from any other living thing on the planet.
We have no spirit, nor anything "extra", beyond the chemical processes that keep us alive.

We do have our culture, language, technology. These items have removed us from the natural order. Our population is no longer in check, we are way out of control.

However, our technology is only an extension of our being living beings. That is, our biological imperative as a species is to efficiently occupy an energy niche. Technology and culture and language are simply means whereby humans can occupy energy niches we wouldn't "naturally" be able to exploit.

That's why we've taken over the entire planet.

That's why we're doomed, since we cannot live sustainably.

My recommendation:

Rocky and the seatbelt

Going to IBM's 100 Percent Club (the event for sales people who made quota) was a pretty big deal. Salesmen all measured each other by how many “Clubs” they had been to, as this indicated that you were successful over time. Being in San Diego, we had several folk who had 15, 20 or even 25 clubs under their belts!

After our second year on quota, both Jamie and I made the club. Being the rookie reps from the office, and with neither of us succeeding in making the club the first year, we were pretty pleased. So, we decided to take a red-eye to Miami from San Diego, since then we could have first class seats at the same price as coach.

We boarded the plane at about 11:30 PM San Diego time, and stopped in Phoenix. We didn’t have to change planes there, which was good, since we were already making a dent in the liquor in the first class compartment. By the time we landed in Atlanta we were so schnockered that we almost missed the connection to Miami. I don’t remember how we got to the Fountainbleu hotel, but when we arrived we actually were barking in the lobby, awaiting registration.

I think Rocky was either with us, or somehow met up with us soon after we deposited our bags in the room. We knew we’d be in for a treat since Rocky was an old hand at 100 Percent Clubs, and knew Miami like the bottom of his beer glass. We followed him, and a bunch of his cronies, to a bar not far from the hotel.

Rocky was greeted by the bartender, who immediately set up tall draft beers all around.

The bartender came from behind the bar, and wrestled a stool down from a bracket on the ceiling.

This was slightly weird as there were plenty of stools and chairs around.

This particular stool had a seatbelt attached to it. He plonked it down at the end of the bar, Rocky took his seat, and buckled himself in.

Another round of drinks, all around.

Jamie and I picked Rocky up three days later...he was still buckled in when we brought the cab around for him...