Friday, June 15, 2007

Management 101 - The Cliffside Story

The problem is how do you get decision makers to make a decision based on the management plan.

If you cannot get them to do this, you cannot modify the plan to make any needed course corrections.

So, Cliffside Software, Inc. was formed and it created PlanAHEAD(tm) All Hazard Exercise Administration and Development, a software tool used to develop simulation scripts to test management plans.

PlanAHEAD has been sold to:

VA Hospitals
Gov't of Tonga
Strategic Petroleum Reserve
43 state offices of emergency management
amongst many other agencies and industry organizations, worldwide.

Using this tool the following exercises have been performed:

Bomb Threat - Shelter in Place or Proceed to Collection points?
Power Grid outage due to weather
County wide disaster
Airport Disaster
Network Outage due to bug in recent update (tough to back out!)

Furthermore, PlanAHEAD can assist in:

Formulation of plans - (Table top exercise)
training people in their tasks (functional exercise)
improving plans (table top, functional, full scale, actual incident reporting)

Any management plan can be improved using the methodology supported by PlanAHEAD, essentially a report generator to script the players activities, evaulate their actual response versus what the plan calls for, determine where the failure occured, or, if no failure occurred, what needs to be tested next!

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