Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pre- and Post- Choral IBMers: A recent ethnographic observation

BS <>
To: Frish Yeah - nuff said. 

I'd bet a large number of real IBMers wouldn't even know there was/is such a song.
Guess that means there are pre- and post-choral IBMers.

From: "Frish
Subject: Further to Urban Dictionary - IBMer was published

Replies to last night's missive included several pithy observations, thanks to all. 
However, one comment emerged with both gravitas and vintage perspective! 

From: Lloyd 
To: Frish

Blue suits and white shirts in a bar--OK, but the authentic experience was singing three choruses of "Ever Onward" at the start of each sales meeting.

(Lloyd was the IBM Manager who hired my father in 1957...'nuff said!  Frish)

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