Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is the worst of the recession over??? ... people shopping, tourists gawking...

Maybe the recession is lessening, here are two quick, informal and unofficial indicators.
I live in West Hollywood, "Beverly Hills Adjacent" (some Real Estate Marketer's Dream).  
Experienced two similar incidents today...

INCIDENT ONE: Filled up the car with gas at Olympic and Robertson.

(BTW, this is a really cool looking gas station with fairly inexpensive gas. It is all stainless steel sculptural pillars and roof, keeping the Sun shaded over the highest tech pumps imaginable. They even dispense moist towels and "plantable postcards" (for free) next to the pumps!).
Finished gassing up, I pull onto Robertson, and waited at the red light, facing north. A very large foreign model rather new SUV pulls up along side, and a 30 something woman with designer sunglasses, well quaffed hair and make up, lowered her window and asked: "Where are the shops on Robertson?"

I could see a rather intent heavy set and mustachioed husband driving, and a 5-7 year old daughter in the back...the car dwarfed all of them and I had to look up to speak with her.

I asked, since there are shops all along Robertson after all, "You mean the fancy ones?".

She said, "Yes, the fancy ones!", in a heavy Middle Eastern accent.

"Just about a mile or less ahead" redundantly pointing in the appropriate direction.

She thanked me, the window rose to contain the cool air inside, and they proceeded north when the light changed...I watched the two females disembark a few moments later at the appropriate portion of Robertson...Dad obviously assigned the mission to park the Urban Assault Vehicle.

Later in the day, taking my "frisbee walk" (I use Beverly Hills as my Frisbee golf course), I was asked, by two young tourists in a small beat up car, "Where is Rodeo Dr.?"

I let them know it was 5 or so blocks straight ahead, again pointing redundantly in the appropriate direction, and added, "Take a left to get into the craziness".

The male driver laughed out loud, and his female passenger sat back, without a smile.

Got the feeling the visit to Rodeo (that's Row Day Oh, not Row Dee entirely different street about 3 miles away, near a Target not a Tiffany's (LOL)) was more her idea than his, and they gave the appearance that they'd have trouble paying for the parking meter on Rodeo, but hey, I felt just like the Boy Scout (without the "god-fearing homophobia") that I am!

It never ceases to astound that strangers are quite comfortable asking me things...regardless of where I am in the world.

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