Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Moon and some Haiku

I didn't start talking until many months after what was deemed "normal" at the time.

I was also being raised by my six-years older sister.  I'm sure she did her share of translating my oral and physical communication, so I had less motivation to have my vocalizations be generally recognizable.

At around age 3, when I did start talking, I spoke in complete sentences, and, I started with:

"I want to be the first boy on the moon"  (Circa early 1958)

Any vocal deficiencies I appeared to suffer from have given way to my capability to share a truly  exquisite aural experience.

People have told me
My voice is enchanting...
Hope I satisfy.

On My Alternate Life

Exists only in
grey matter between my ears....
flows out my fingers...

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