Cheers and enjoy these questions about rodents as pets…my answers are included beneath the unedited question…whoa, the standards for English as she are wrote ain't real high!
I breed mice becuz i feed there babys to my bearded dragon an i was wondering my female will not stop breeding i have had over 6 litters of babys in the last 2 weeks? should i take the males out and the female are fight alot
Too many prey? Get more Predators! I'd say 2 more dragons should do it...
My hamster has an odor coming from his rear end. Is that normal?
Why do my hamsters bite their cage??
Because they can? In actuality, hamsters continuously sharpen their fangs (that's how they think of them) and they have continuous delusions of slicing your throat, thinking themselves mad wild boars 100 times their actual size, because of the purina crap you feed them...
Has anyone ever been to a rat show?
Yes, but they called it the Republican National Convention.
What do I need for my new gerbil??
It all depends…anything from a cardboard tube to meat tenderizer are popular!
Why does my guinea pig losing hair in clumps when i pet her?
Probably a failed experiment from a radiation lab…what do you expect, its a guinea pig for crap's sake...
How do you give a Guinea Pig exercise if you live in an apartment?
A: Place Guinea Pig in Palm of hand. Bend elbow until pig is near shoulder, extend hand, bend elbow and repeat for several thousand times.
B: Get a large low cage for the guinea pig…Get a cat and let it loose in the apartment. The pig will run like hell…
Do gerbils recognize people?
They do, but they won't admit it…DO NOT attempt communication, it shames them and they get really depressed.
How do you tell a gerbil is sick, and how to make it get along with its little gerbil friend?
Ask it if it is sick, if it answers see a doctor. Have him try giving Chocolates, they work for me...
Will my guinea pig be lonely?
Not as long as you sleep with it and carry it with you at all times.
Do dwarf hamsters poo a ton???
One reason they are popular with gardeners, the dwarf hampster poops more than it eats, fixing nitrogen from gut bacteria introduced in genetic experiments in United Korea, 2050. They were the first pets sent back in time (2075).
Cavy info on care?
Sorry, recipes yes, info no…
Is it normal for a rat to itch ?
No, but it is common for them to scratch…what makes you think that it itches?
What's a good idea for a unique hamster cage?
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