Sunday, July 8, 2007

Here's my YAHOO Answers! response to "Why do people who believe in Satan never see him? Why do people who believe in God only imagine they see him?"

There is no reason to believe that god or satan actually exist. Faith is the absence of reason. So faith is literally NO REASON to believe in god.

So, if you like to live your life without reason, be faithful. (see below)

Consider the following:
Kids, when they learn to speak, ask hard questions (like, where did the sun come from, or how old is the earth, or where does the moon go every month, etc.). It is important to have ready answers for such curiousity, and fairy tales fit the bill nicely. God is just another fairy tale to assist in child rearing (for one thing).

However, people do report on near death experiences (bright lights, hooded figures, tunnel) etc.

People also dream about how dead grandma spoke to them and gave them some advice. (Perhaps on a fast horse at tomorrow's race!)

People hallucinate during fever and see all sorts of things they try to relate to us later.

People imagine all kinds of things that go bump in the night.

Therefore, people speak to each other about all these things, and we tend to give them a name. God is a name for all things we have yet to describe! Or, perhaps, the expression "God Knows" says a lot!

People see things, (or imagine they see things), other people give them a name for what they saw, and they accept it as "god" or "satan".

Now, if you'd care to live your life with reason, instead of by faith, you might turn to science and history, and anthropology and other disciplines that describe the world in which we live.

The world I live in looks like this:
It is a world of geology.
It is a world that supports life, self replicating molecules.
Each species of living thing occupies an energy niche, and, when a species "discovers" an untapped energy niche, it evolves over time to take advantage of it.
Human beings are no different from any other living thing on the planet.
We have no spirit, nor anything "extra", beyond the chemical processes that keep us alive.

We do have our culture, language, technology. These items have removed us from the natural order. Our population is no longer in check, we are way out of control.

However, our technology is only an extension of our being living beings. That is, our biological imperative as a species is to efficiently occupy an energy niche. Technology and culture and language are simply means whereby humans can occupy energy niches we wouldn't "naturally" be able to exploit.

That's why we've taken over the entire planet.

That's why we're doomed, since we cannot live sustainably.

My recommendation:

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