Monday, October 22, 2007

Hi, how's the fire?

Glad they are safe and away from the smoke (I hope).  I haven't left my condo and live in an apartment canyon, but the air seems awfully orange at the moment (from where I sit).
Yeah, the hose thingy is an classic TV photo op. 
Valient home-owner vs. Mother Nature...
She's only has 100 foot tall non-native, invasive and water-table-robbing-Eucalyptus that burn off near the ground (thanks to the unmanaged "engineered-to-burn" chapparel), and become airborne when their leaves catch the fire generated plus Santa Ana wind turning into flaming arrows in the neighborhood.  
Keep watching TV, you'll see some very likely!
Homeowner only has that little hose. 
oh well...My uncle's house went down to the ground in a fire in 1963 I think - the LA Brentwood Fire, right up a canyon.  His car was melted in the driveway and the chimney was still standing.  They managed to salvage the silver service, it was melted into a glob, so they stuck it on a board and called it art.
Across the street, the house was untouched, except for a 2 inch burn hole about 6 foot up on one of the garage doors!

I'll go on the roof and take a peek later.  We're in the middle of the city, if we get evacuated there is no where to go!
Good Luck, stay cool and don't be outside playing tennis or jogging...I know WAY too much about what is on that chapparel, I used to cruise through it for hours and hours as an archaeologist.
The smoke from a natural chapparel fire is plenty toxic.
The smoke from a current chapperel fire is doubly or trebly so, thanks to the smog that has been deposited upon the vegetation.  Think of years of heavy soot hydrocarbons now coating the already waxy leaves of chapparel.  They can tolerate that stuff great!  But now, it is burning, so it is like YEARS of car exhaust all in one your lungs.
Wonder why I don't have kids?  I'd make a great
Enjoy your sister's kid(s) and don't have any, trust me, they, (your non-kids) will thank you!  So, live long and die off! 
On that note, here's a story for your parents!
When I was with IBM Rochester, (in Minnesota - 1983!) my parents came down from Minneapolis to visit (about 80 miles).  They returned home just in front of a huge storm, and came back to our house 15 minutes later.
We ended up in a downstairs (basement split level, but up against the soil wall) bathroom as the tornadoes and hail and sleet and snow and torrential rain and shit went through town.
You can bet that made Martha's day!
On 10/22/07, Ryan <> wrote:
It was a mandatory evacuation.  She is here too.  He was on the roof earlier LOL.  You called that!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael (Frish) Frishberg" <>
To: "Ryan <>
Sent: 10/22/07 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Hi, how's the weather

Wholly shit batman.

What, did he dump your mother somewhere?

He's not on the roof with his hose?  Hmmm

> Hey dads here..he just got mandatory evacuated. Its bad!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Michael (Frish) Frishberg" <>
> To: "To: "Ryan <>
 Subject: Hi, how's the weather
> I see Arnold on the TV sniffing smoke in San Diego...
> Are you downwind, upwind or winding down?!
> --
> Cheers,
> Frish

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