Monday, June 11, 2007

The "Out-of-Wedlock" problem

What should be done about all the children being born "out-of-wedlock"?

Make it illegal to have children out of wedlock.

Don't let homosexual couples have children, adopted, surrogate, or via sperm donors.

Make it illegal to live together without benefit of marriage.

The U.S. teen birth rate is still the highest among industrialized countries. So make sure that they don't learn about sex in school, since this is obviously where they learn about how to have babies.

Make condoms a prescription only item, so that teens and others will have to see a doctor if they want to have sex.

And, anyone under 18 must have their parents permission to have sex.

Well, if you really think children being born without benefit of marriage is a "problem", here are some other suggestions:
How about more and earlier sex ed.,
easy access to free birth control,
a constant barrage of ads and internet pop ups that speak to the hazards of unprotected sex or having children when one is not ready,
a video game and some pop songs that speak to having children, etc.

Of course, my most sincere suggestion is to promote the Voluntary Extinction of Humans, which, if properly marketed and given the appropriate tax considerations, could greatly reduce the out of wedlock child "problem" if you think it is a problem that is!

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