Monday, November 12, 2007

Responding to Fred's weekly newletter

The pointing out of hypocrisy is a familiar and time honored tradition Fred, thanks for sharing a half-hearted attempt at it by the NRA.  I'll simply continue that tradition by pointing out just a few more hypocrisies in the lead article you sent.
Let's consider the following paragraph from your lead article this week...
"HSUS has long benefited from the use of the term 'humane society." Many erroneously believe HSUS operates animal shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare operations. Well-meaning people give money, thinking they are assisting the operation of these local and regional organizations that do so much to help animals. However, the truth is HSUS has never operated an animal shelter of any kind. Ever."
REREAD THOSE SENTENCES AGAIN.  Just because their donors are confused is no reason to fault the Humane Society!  The author doesn't fault the actions of the HSUS, only their donors!  Whose fault is it that the donors are not cognizant of the real work of the HSUS?  Donor Beware is certainly a siren's call regarding charities...
The National Rifle Association benefits from the mistaken belief that it is protecting member's constitutional rights, when actually the NRA is the commercial gun lobby posing as constitutionalists.
Here's the corporate sponsor page of the NRA.
It is to laugh Fred.  Everyone of them a gun and/or bullet manufacturer or retailer.  Do you support the NRA's position that the second amendment applies to armor piercing bullets or assault or automatic weapons which therefore to be legally available without restriction? 
On a tangential note Fred: 
18% of human caused global warming is due to raising domesticated animals and our appetite for meat.  Maybe PETA's onto something with their vegan attitude!  (Except, I forgot, you deny human caused global warming is real...)
That is OUR EMAIL Fred, We The People's!  That's what the "Freedom loving" NRA supports.
Funny line:  "PETA's PR Machine is Relentless", but not the NRA's PR Machine? 
Frish's Funnier line: "PETA doesn't kill people, bullets kill people"
(Fred, I'm a carnivore and don't get PETA at all, but I think the promotion of guns by the NRA is far and away the "anti-human" stance!)
Milking Animals

"Perhaps more than any other public interest group in America, the radical animal 'rights' organizations have two faces. There's the one they present to the public and (more importantly) to potential donors. Then there's the other face, the true one, which encompasses a philosophy that is more anti-human than pro-animal.

"The two largest and best-funded animal 'rights' groups, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), both rely on financial support that often comes from people who have no idea what their real agendas are. In many cases, that support is based on misunderstanding, or even deception.

"HSUS has long benefited from the use of the term 'humane society." Many erroneously believe HSUS operates animal shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare operations. Well-meaning people give money, thinking they are assisting the operation of these local and regional organizations that do so much to help animals. However, the truth is HSUS has never operated an animal shelter of any kind. Ever. And PETA employees have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted for illegally disposing of animals killed in its 'shelter' operations. [. . .]

"PETA has gone to great lengths to indoctrinate kids and young adults by creating materials, including comic books and videos, that teach its radical agenda, and then [by] getting sympathetic teachers to use those materials in the classroom. One of PETA's comic books proclaims on the cover, 'Your Daddy Kills Animals!' and warns kids to keep the family dog away from him. Why? Because dad is a fisherman.

"PETA's PR machine is relentless. PETA selects a 'vegetarian of the year' from among notable celebrities and presents that person as a rule model for children. Each year it attacks restaurant chains that serve meat, circuses that have animal acts and, of course, any pharmaceutical company that uses animals to develop life-saving medicines."

-- "Two Faces," by Chris W. Cox, America's First Freedom, November 2007, pages 41-42. Address: National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-9400. Phone: 703-267-1000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tripper over one of my google alerts:

The National Rifle Association benefits from the mistaken belief that it is protecting member's constitutional rights, when actually the NRA is the commercial gun lobby posing as constitutionalists.

Here's the corporate sponsor page of the NRA.

It is to laugh Fred. Everyone of them a gun and/or bullet manufacturer or retailer.

Let me give you a little education on how the NRA works. The NRA Foundation is a 503c3 non-profit, which means they don't do any political lobbying. NRA Foundation funds go for educational and support of the shooting sports.

The firearms industry has their own organization called the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which is not part of the NRA. They work together sometimes with NSSF when they have common interests, but they don't always.

armor piercing bullets or assault or automatic weapons which therefore to be legally available without restriction?

Do you know what an armor piercing bullet is? Or an assault rifle? It's easy to throw terms around if you don't know what they mean, but here's a little bit:

Any centerfire rifle cartridge is capable of defeating police body armor. In the past there have been attempts to define "armor piercing" as being anything that can go through a police vest, which is virtually all ammunition fired from a rifle. The NRA has fought that, because it would essentially outlaw nearly all ammunition.

Full automatic assault rifles have been banned for decades, and are still banned. The assault weapons ban was not about automatic rifles, but about semi-automatic rifles that looked like them, but function the same as any other self-loading firearm. The assault weapons ban made it illegal to put bayonet lugs and flash suppressors on a gun, along with a few other cosmetic features. It was beyond silly, which is why it was allowed to expire.