Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wild weather puts richest bio-systems at greater risk

This study is a simulation, which doesn't mean it's right, but maybe it's close enough.

"Human impact means that flora and fauna become extinct at a rate 100–1000 times higher than normal. 
Climate change has been deemed as one of the main causes of species depletion." 

Here's a test for all those who don't "believe in" human caused climate chaos:  
Name all the ways the mass extinction event we've initiated will benefit humanity. 

Here's what bugs me most:
The short term obsession with results means commercial interests find the eventual destruction of customers a good strategy.

That cannot last, yet corporations have more influence then they have ever had politically.

And, it's going to get a lot worse, they can control local races all over the place, 
to "reduce regulation", while confusing an ever distracted populous with "entertainment" and misinformation.

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