Monday, January 2, 2012

Yes, "INJECTION WELLS" caused earthquakes in's some of the oil industry apologists

"He said 177 deep injection wells have operated without incident in Ohio for decades and the Youngstown well was closed within 24 hours of a study detailing how close a Christmas Eve quake was to the well.

The industry-supported Ohio Oil and Gas Association said the rash of quakes was "a rare and isolated event that should not cast doubt about the effectiveness" of injection wells.

Such wells "have been used safely and reliably as a disposal method for wastewater from oil and gas operations in the U.S. since the 1930s," the association's executive vice president, Thomas E. Stewart, said in a statement Monday.

The real and near term issue is FRACKING, which is so obviously destructive without our being able to counteract the damage. 
Why would anyone be nervous? 
Just more of the unassigned costs of petroleum.-- 


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