Sunday, January 16, 2011

Technology Impact: Cheap Cleaned Water

This team uses sunlight and titanium oxide (what surfers wear on their nose to keep from being sunburned, it's white), to clean pollution in industrial waste water.  The world has a lot of titanium oxide and sunlight...

One must wonder how the Earth's carrying capacity of humans is changed through such tech.

It may be just the thing for distributing the sewerage system down to the home or neighborhood or apt. building level.
On the scale discussed in the article, 1000 liters per hour, that would serve the needs of several homes.

Instead of polluting/wasting 100's of gallons per day, now each house/neighborhood could have a reservoir of water that is recycled, and that would only need topping off every year (evaporation, etc.).

A distributed sewer system would have the benefit of allowing riparian landscapes to be restored.

And the need for civil works for water distribution eliminated.

So, this is appealing and potentially "earthshaking" technology.  From a human population perspective.

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