It is totally made up, both old and new testaments, even when there are actual historical events enshrined in the mythology as well...what would one expect of a documentation of neolithic origin myth that is WRITTEN not just chanted for hours on end by rote memory, like all the "heathen" were still doing...that's part of it's staying power, the old testament has been in continuous publication from it's sea scroll days...
The functionality of the mythology may be different in the two books, Old more about morality and how to act, and New all about what to believe and trying to establish the bona fides for Jesus (see below on how they accomplished this).
I always start with the FACT...there is absolutely NO historical evidence for Jesus.
I find your "refutation" premise TRITE. That's the only reaction I have, to whatever illumination you may bring.
I would recommend you should study, WHY Christianity is the world's biggest religion.
That's a whole lot more important than trying to blow holes in their "beliefs"...
They have already won the war on that battleground, rational people can never argue with faithful.
"Why Christianity is insidious". That ought to be the name of your next book, happy to collaborate.
I'm the "Fearless Leader of the LA Brights".
I've converted my share of believers. Not that difficult if they are in any way doubtful, which they all are secretly anyway!
Here's the deal (and you must know of some thinker/writer on these topics that has already thought of this, I just don't know of any...I'm making up this stuff today, as I write it, simply by hearing the name of your book, and finding your emailID. Sharing some of this with friends, and on the's all good, will drive you traffic!)
The INSIDIOUSNESS of Christianity: Take the most important local religion/beliefs tenants and change the reference from local to Jesus...and claim these attributes as a part of Christianity.
Hence, FROM THE VERY COMMENCEMENT OF THEIR VARIOUS CULTS THAT EVENTUALLY WERE ENSHRINED in the New Testament (the books therein only a smattering of all the "gospels" written between 100AD (or so and 325AD) as you know far better than I): (
Jewish Tradition influence on the new testament - The messiah will be a descendant of David thereby fulfilling prophesy. Even the use of a written word as the guide, the Old testament had already been around several hundred years by the ostensible time of Christ.
We apologize at this time to reflect on this Newsflash:
One huge reason for Christianity's success is having basically a lock on literacy for 1700 years or least in the west (not Peru or China etc., they will capitulate to Christianity later)...
It would be a tough sell, one would think, in today's information overloaded life, however, my anthro background and life experience point to the fact that social evolution is a long and unsteady process.
My point about the triteness of the book, while it may be a scholarly masterpiece, is that you are fighting them on their turf.
That's not a good strategy (I Ching).
"Fighting" them at all is a bad strategy. Ever see the TV show, Kung Fu? Okay Grasshopper, be the pliant yet powerful foe.
The worldwide religious meme is well embedded as an ubiquitous institution in all cultures. Can't touch that with reason, believe it.
DO YOU 'BELIEVE' IN EVOLUTION? Here's a natural lesson: Don't fight with Mother Nature. So far, "she's" seen fit to allow this irrational set of thoughts become so compelling that people self sacrifice as a homicide bomber for martyrdom (I mean, what could be further from any "normal" society's use for a young man, or woman, as these bombers are frequently young people, not grandmothers).
IT'S EFFIN' Amazing what FAITH can do...ask any drill sergeant.
This is the ultimate goal of political power, as without control of this key portion of the population, no regime can last.Therefore the following question, Frish maintains is the most important question looking at current trends and going forward...
How will the 17-30 year old males in a society deal with high levels of testosterone?
Sex? Military Service? Sports? Gangs? Career? Religious calling/missionary work (as tough as military, sometimes with bullets!), HARD WORK?
Here's an atheist Haiku
Immaculate Birth?
NOT HOLY - wholly holey!
Now back to our earlier scheduled argument...
Roman tradition - (Mithras)
born on 12/25 underground or in a cave
of virgin mother
crucified, or killed
And, eventually
Nordic Tradition Cinter Clas (Santa)
Trees with candles
So from the very inception of this "religion" it garnered all of the attributes that made the local religion special, and proclaimed it's all jesus' plan.
That's what your next book ought to conquer, it is trivial and obvious that Christianity or any other god belief is hokum.
Cheers, hope you are up to the true task, discovering all the "christian additions" that have occurred since the New Testament was put together in Nicea.
I lived in Brasil for a semester during my college career (1974 August-December in an apartment facing the beach at Ipanema) and discovered how Christianity works there!
Brasil is both the largest Christian Country, it is also the largest Voodoo Country.
(I have been to voodoo ceremonies in the Favella (slums) of Rio!)
What did the Christians do to counteract AND co-opt the voodoo-ers?
The Voodoo panoply of gods and demons are now identified as Christian Saints!
The goddess Yemanja is Mother Mary, etc.
Take the challenge, what you have done so far may make money (or not) and may get you shot, but it is, in my considerably informed opinion, trite.
Nuff Said.
I may be getting older and wiser, or maybe just tired...but confronting the insane with facts isn't a winning strategy.
"Never teach a pig to whistle, it's impossible, therefore frustrating for you, but far worse, it annoys the pig"
Those who prefer to "believe" rather than just live our singular time of living is tragic. But I am no longer going to "testify" to use an evangelical reference about atheism, BEING RIGHT ISN'T NECESSARILY POPULAR OR SMART TO SHARE!
Here's a couple of articles from my blog. You might find them "fascinating" or not.
I am sure you are proud to refute the old and new testaments. I have refuted god(s)!
Enjoy my Cybernetic Refutation of god, etc.
This is my reaction to a Washington Post Religion article...sent to the head of the National Association of Evangelicals.
Finally, since being armed is always better, here is a great article on how life likely began on Earth, "The decent of the Electron"
Happy to explore, interact, any or all concepts relating to anything not natural...
Or, ignore me altogether.
I have been tagged to assist The Brights in establishing the natural basis of morality. Unclear when our task force will begin it's work but it ought to be fun regardless.
Best of luck with your book, site, and everything.
Actually, it would be SO easy to earn an Religion PhD doing just an analysis of the hundreds of bible translations.
Perhaps you are familiar with:
I just googled bible translations, these guys have the list!
So, hundreds of languages, hundreds of translations, with references in each about how the local (and largely pre-literate!) population already held dear is now in their bible, easily tranferred from parent to child with the help of the priestly class, which they already had in whatever fashion their local religion operated.
Then we can send anti-missionaries into the hills of Papua New Guinea (sure.) to undo the xtian hordes!
Sorry, this got long, hope it offered you absolutely nothing, since if you know what I do, I've already succeeded!
See my graphic resume for fun, happy to hear from you if you care (dare!).
I AM A FORCE OF NATURE ( as are we all ).